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Posts posted by Liquidsnack

  1. I am bumping this because this is something that needs to be addressed. My ideas are, If your deadly saber dots are cleansed reset the cd of deadly saber or, If any dots are cleansed then reset the cd of annihilate so we can attempt to get another rupture and so we can replace the dot damage lost with physical hard damage.
  2. Lul, what rage.


    All I did was point out that our event organizer should show more control and not act like a typical imp to continue to encourage peeps to participate.


    Then all you imps had to post about your hurt feelings.


    Try again butter cup.


    Pubs had more ppl at the start of the event but after about 2 hours u lost a lot of ppl and the only person that got spawn camped was you because your stubborn *** would not leave. You could have stopped it but you wanted to have a reason to complain about something

  3. Hi Cilas,


    Not on PTS yet (crap internet) i read something about a "weekly" commendation cap. Can u confirm this or is this a lie. Only really concerned about PvP comms but know about PvE ones would be nice to know too thanks. Would be nice to know if u have the time.

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