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Posts posted by OverWind

  1. The same thing happened to me actually, and I was Light IV for some months. And SUDDENLY it started working again. So you CAN somehow unbug yourself. Doing HM FPs did nothing for me, I have a theory that it was my diplomacy missions who helped me unbug myself, but I'm not sure.
  2. I've re-worked the build slightly.


    I replaced the gear with +Aim and replaced it. MK-1 implants/ear are actually an improvement from the MK-3 as suggested.

    I replaced the absorb/shield relic with the defense relic as suggested.

    I took a look at the slotted bracers and belt. When compared to the Black Hole MK-1 bracers and belt, the slotted pair is, in fact, better. I did replace "Advanced Robust Mod 26" with "Advanced Robust Mod 26B" in the bracers. This may have been the cause of confusion regarding slotted bracers vs. Black Hole MK-1.


    Defense is down to 335. What are the suggested levels for Defense, Shield, and Absorb?


    I'm not sure if I'm seeing this correct, but if I am why haven't you replaced your armoring/mods/enhancements in your lightsaber/rakata gear with black hole ones?

  3. ok mate, all valid points..


    now tell me, do you think its okay for any 4 Man Mission to be SOLO'ed by any class?


    if you do, im sorry, its just not supposed to be that way.


    Everyone cry about this being PvP related all you want, ITS NOT. Tank Shadows in PvP arent that good to be "nerfed". Sorry about it :p


    Of course they can be soloed. They're meant for 4 fresh level 50ies. If a person has full rakata and black hole, then of course he can solo it with his companion which is also rakata geared. Otherwise gear would mean nothing.

  4. Greetings,


    I'm the guildmaster of a quite large guild, and we've built up a nice webpage[1] for the guild.

    It would be such a huge improvement if we could somehow fetch data from the servers, for example peoples level, their gear, etc.


    Another thing that would be really nice is access (doesn't have to be through web, could be downloadeable xml files) to quest text, items, item stats, item descriptions, etc. - Right now it seems like BioWare wants to keep this as some kind of secret information, but a lot of sites on the web have already reverse enginereed the files and are extracting the information anyway, so why not make it available, so more people can do cool stuff with it?


    It's like wow and it's addons, if BioWare just made the data available, then a lot of people could pickup from there and make extraordinary content without BioWare having to use additional manpower for it.


    That's all. See you in the game guys :)


    [1] http://www.nanoguild.com if anyone is interested.

  5. does the game have problems.... yea a few,


    being able to throw my saber across a room, and hear the classic *electric grind* sound as it rips a player down.




    thank you for making a game i can actually do that. it was on my bucket list.


    Amen. I like this game a lot. Been playing since day of release, and I'm still having lots of fun :)


    The game has problems, the maintenance is silly for europeans, and it has the current Guiness Book of Record for "loudest group of forum-whiners", but all in all, this game is great, it has huge potential and it will be fun to see where this leads :)


    (Now give me my force jump!) :D

  6. Not sure if its been discussed yet, but Land Speeder races? Would probably be a cool mini-game like space battles but against other people (race for credits/items etc)




    We did that as a guild event in the Dune Sea on Tatooine. Was a great success :)

  7. As you will note, the fact that I have spent X credits on modding shows that I know how to CTRL-Right Click.


    Mod Stations let you mod for free as opposed to spending 10-15k per gear item to remove mods. At least thats what happened on the starter planet where the Mod Stations were introduced.


    That's simply not true mate. Unless they changed something recently. I performed several tests, and it costs exactly the same to pull mods from gear no matter if you do it with CTRL + Right click or on a table. Putting mods in gear is always free.

  8. I've definately seen this too. Very very annoying, because it happens in PvE too, on Ilum. The problem doesn't seem to be anywhere else (I can go around on Belsavis stealthed as usual).


    I really hope my experiences yesterday were some sort of bug, but I could reproduce it 100%, and I even tried relogging. - What happened was that I could stand un-stealthed like 30 meters from mobs, and if I stealthed, and stood in the same spot, then the mobs would see me and attack me - So being stealthed was actually worse than being un-stealthed. I can't imagine that this is expected behaviour.

  9. The eye test tells me there is something wrong with their engine. I know nothing of programming, but my comp which is not great, but not terrible played RIFT, DCUO, WoW, and FFXIV much more smoothly than this game. ~35-45fps under chaotic circumstances (raids, mass pvp). I get roughly 15-20fps now and that is with a faster connection (had to upgrade because hell it was free for 6months [originally 15Mbs now 20Mbs]). Seems like the game, because everything on my end is the same or better than it used to be.

    My 2cents.


    It must be their engine. No doubt about it. I have a monster of a PC, and I experience these issues.


    At first I kept thinking "It must be because of peoples machines" because I never experienced the problems everyone talked about, and I leveled from 1-50, played lots of pvp, flashpoints, raids, etc.


    Then I changed servers, because my old server kinda died out. Suddenly, in this high population heaven, I had massive stuttering on fleet, and in PvP matches I had ability delay, and chat message sending delays.


    So my guess is that this might not be (only) problems with their graphics code, but a problem with their networking code.

  10. TO THE OP....so what you're saying is this game is too new to be worth playing and I should wait until they make it more like WOW...then it will be good?


    Ya no thanks.


    What's up with people like this, who says they do not want to play the game. Yet wants to rant about it on the forum. Do you think this will help in any way? Do you think people will think you're cool? Do you think people will flock to whatever game it is you find better? I'm baffled.


    SW:TOR has great contents. They focused on the levelling up process at first. This is EXCELLENT compated to WoW. Now they're focusing on adding more end-game content. This is great too.


    I've been 50 for quite some time now. I'm almost fully geared, and yes I'd love some new content. But I had that same feeling in WoW. You just reach the end, and then there just ain't that many options.


    I hope SW:TOR will create a lot of options for endgame fun. But I also see them already doing it, so I don't see why whining helps.

  11. Been 50 for a long time now. - Would (of course) enjoy more contents.

    Done all HM's lots of times. - Would like more HM's (even if it's just old ones like hammer station).

    Got some alts too. - Looking forward to whatever the legacy system will be.

    Haven't really explored the republic side - Waiting for the legacy system, as that will somehow benefit trying to change sides (or so the developer says).

    I enjoy pvp too - but more warzones would sure be nice.



    After reading the last Q&A, I have a feeling that the developers really takes the game serious and wants to make it great.


    All in all, I think this game has such huge potential that I'm seriously considering changing my subscription to 6 months instead of 1 month.

  12. It's not a separate category. Re-using content is involved in creating of nearly everything new to the game.


    Of course. But there's a huge difference in needing writers and voice actors or not.


    Not true. Bug fixes tend to be most difficult part of development. Especially once you have game done and only expand upon it as it's with TOR. Bug fixing is what takes most time and is hardest thing to do (unless we talk here about fixing things like typos in dialog boxes).


    That's simply not true. Yes, some bugs can be very hard to fix, but it simply doesn't drain your manpower the same way that new content does.


    Not true. It's not easy. Especially with flashpoints like Colicoid War Games which would require bit different mechanics to make them more difficult but still fun.


    I'm not saying there won't be difficulties, and of course some flashpoints (hammer station, athiss, red reaper, etc.) will be better suited than others.


    Not true. It's not easy. Making good PvP maps is one of most difficult tasks in multiplayer game development. Many games have failed solely because someone thought that making maps is easy.


    Great. Let's never make anything new in the game then. Because it's so hard.

    As I said, I'm not arguing that it's stuff that you can just create from one hour to the next, I'm simply arguing that some things will be easier to put in the game than other things. And alternative hutball maps is certainly one of the easier things.


    Also, I challenge you to come up with some suggestions yourself, instead of just putting yourself in a negative role. - Use your imagination. It's a game :)

  13. Easy put back all the titles that for some reason worked in beta but don't in live game.

    yes people want to be the emperor's wrath ot of the bane brigade or friendy and so on. it's easy because all the code is already there and it would help everyone not all have the same title.


    I agree, that would be very nice.

    Also. Since I'm a completionist. I'd also like some kind of achievement system (yes, like in wow). That would be an extra thing to do, and I love those kind of (game in the game) things. :)

  14. I know that orange gear does make it obsolete somewhat but I would love to see a "Wardrobe" feature like in Aion, Warhammer Online and Rift. My Sentinel looks like a Cardinal on highly illegal substances in endgame PvE armour.


    I agree. Maybe even an idea for crafting? What if for example a character who has synthweaving could take any green/purple item that fits his crafting profession and turn it orange? - That way it would both be a game mechanic (you could earn money on it) and turn cool stuff, into usable stuff.

  15. Its quite aparant that you have never worked in game developing :)


    Bugs can be a very hard thing to get rid of, you need top of the line programmers usually which are hard to come bye even for a large company like BioWare. The mere cost to have one of those mayby 200 in the world that can do this effectivly is about the cost of 5 other regular programmers. Its not cost effecient, which is also why you see so many bugs in so many games nowadays. The coding is just so much more complex then it was in the 90's.


    True. I've never worked professionally in game developing. I program more boring stuff professionally, and have only done small games in my spare time.


    I've never disputed that bugs can be very hard to fix. However this does not change the fact that most of the time bugs mostly are easier to fix than creating a whole range of new content.

  16. As so many of you, I've hit level 50 a while ago. I don't consider myself a "content locust" and I still love the game.

    This is not supposed to be a negative post. Rather a place where people can come up with easy-to-implement content for the developers, that would really make the game better.


    I'm a programmer myself, so I know how hard it is to "just make content". The way I see it, content is divided up in several types.


    Hard to implement: Raids and Flashpoints, etc.

    Why?: Because of the many people needing to be involved. Writers, Programmers, 3-D models, artists, voice actors, etc.


    Hard: Storyline stuff.

    Why?: Needs writers, voice actors, etc.


    Medium: Re-using of existing content.

    Why?: Needs programmers.


    Easy: Small fixes, bugs, etc.

    Why?: Only requires developers.


    Now I know that not ALL content can be fitted in these tiny boxes, and that there's also several other people involved, eg. project leaders to community guys. This is just to simplify it all, and to come up with ideas for content marked by how easy we think it'll be to put it in the game.


    My ideas for content that would make the game a lot better in my opinion:


    Make all Flashpoints available in Hard Mode at level 50. Easy

    Why: We need more content. Pure and simple. This will give the 50ies more stuff to do. It doesn't have to offer unique rewards, it just have to mostly be an alternative to everyone doing Black Talon HM for daily quest.

    Why do I think this is easy: Because it mostly involves content that's already in the game. The enemies "just" need to be tweaked to level 50.

    Also I'd really appreciate to play some of the other flashpoints again.


    Different hutball maps. Easy

    Why: Everyone who PvP's have played hutball over and over again. I like Hutball, but after 5 games of it in a row, I'd like diversion. I think if developers just made 3 kinds of hutball maps it would be more fun.

    Why do I think this is easy: Because it mostly involves content that's already in the game. And as long as the map is mirrored, it will be fair for both teams, so even if an intern makes the map it will not be imbalanced (at least not for teams, maybe you have to take classes into consideration) - But even SMALL map changes would be very welcome for the sake of diversion.


    Exemplar system as in City of Heroes. Medium

    Why: I love my level 50. And I love my guild. And I love to be able to help guildies when they have trouble. However, I'd love to be able to either match their level (so I can quest normally with them, and not just destroy everything in my path), or that they match mine (so I can bring people on flashpoints. They don't even have to have special rewards, I think most people would just love the idea of going on flashpoints with the guild - but it's very hard to have people at the same level in the guild to do flashpoints with, except all the 50ies).

    Why do I think this is medium: This will not be easy to implement. And perhaps quite a bit harder than medium. However it will not require artists or voice actors. So maybe Bioware can put a programmer to work on it.


    Holocron duels. Hard

    Why: This is just a content filler. But I'd like to have a list of maybe 50 characters from the game, available to duel with. Ranked from easy to impossible. That way you can practice your skills and maybe could even have a title for the accomplishment of defeating 10, 20, 30, 40 and all of the listed possibilities.

    Why do I think this is hard: Depending on how this is implemented, this will require both voice actors and 3-D artists to set up a pretty environment. However when it's first created, it will be very easy to add characters to the list. So while it's a large investment at the start. It will pay off by being a system easy to add more content to.

    Extra Idea: Maybe we could even make it so several people can join. And can fight flashpoint bosses, or waves of enemies in there. (It would be fun to have a mode where endless enemies attacked you, and you could see how long you could survive. You could even have a daily/weekly/monthly high-score board to see which group survived the longest).



    That's my humble suggestions. Do you have any brilliant suggestions? Maybe even stuff that will be "easy" for the developers to put in the game?

  17. They say this game cost 80-200 million to make. Where did all that money go? Of course it went mostly to the voiceover actors and the development team salaries but almost none of it went to the actual game itself.


    The engine was FREE. I don't understand how can they peg this as the most expensive entertainment project in history when most of the funds were funnelled towards the categories I mentioned above and there is NOTHING in the game (art wise or graphics wise) to suggest that it took all that long to reskin every planet since it doesn't look all that good to begin with.


    Perhaps if they wrote the engine themselves from scratch none of this ******** would be happening...


    But anyways, after reaching lvl44, enduring countless lags and glitches, I gave up and cancelled the sub because it was just starting to be a GRIND and I'm wondering if they could just go ahead and reinvent the wheel a bit like Guild Wars 2 is doing instead of reskinning WOW?


    - Voice actors

    - Advertising

    - Website(s)

    - Language translations

    - Developers

    - Support team

    - Team leaders and all the administrative personel (and yes it is needed, even if you don't hear about them).

    - Paying for rent

    etc. etc. etc. etc.


    Also, I'm wondering if you're doing it right. I have a level 50, which I couldn't stop playing, not to get to level 50, but to see the story. And now that I'm level 50, I thought I was going to play with my alts to see other stories (which I will at some time), but I can't stop playing my 50, because I find it fun :)

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