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Posts posted by Nurien

  1. I really enjoyed the "surprise" nature of the event, and how the understanding of what was going on unfolded gradually.


    One reason that worked well, though, was the fact that from very early on we had clear communication on how long the event would last. MUCH more fun to go exploring and seeking new experiences if one isn't feeling rushed. As a corollary, I observed that early on in the event, it was great fun for the community, but in the last day or so there was much more complaints from people missing out due to starting late.


    Which leads to...try to avoid having the sort of daily chains where things unlock only a day after the PLAYER has done them. Having new stuff unlock on the servers for everyone would seem to accomplish the same goal of getting people to come back multiple times to the event. And you could still have it be a chain, in the sense of having to complete each quest in order. Not sure what advantage was supposed to be had from the way it was implemented.


    Minor complaint, though. On the balance this seemed to be great fun for most everyone involved.

  2. You know this is something I wanted to know too.. started abit late on my reb toon and like to get the set done before the event is over...


    Is it really after 4hrs the dailies reset and you can start again and get access to the next rak daily?


    Sorry, no. He meant 4 hours from the time he posted that, as all dailies in the game reset at 8AM eastern (US) time.

  3. Yep, had this happen to me once too. Eventually learned that if the game was within 30sec or so if ending, do NOT release. Stay dead till the scoreboard pops and the timer runs down.


    So, easy workaround, but most people have to lose credit for a match to discover this. It really ought to be corrected.

  4. just an FYI to the devs... many people are a day behind with the new quests... so like today (tues) I can't get the new hybrid strain and yesterday I couldn't get the passenger list quest... so there will be a point where you wont be able get a complete set of gear for some latecomers. >(


    I have no inside info, but since an armor set is usually 5 pieces, and the event runs another 7 days, I'd expect there will be time to get caught up.


    I'd hope so, at any rate.

  5. Two possibilities. There's a second area quest over in the east - Outbreak, near where blood sample ends up. There's also a second quest in the wreck zone - security keys from infected officers, that lead to a few other clickies, and eventually an infected captain to summon and kill.
  6. No, I'm an idiot.


    Of course I was waiting for them to respawn. The hatch would be closed, and there would be nothing for me to click on. Then other players would come over and open them with no issues. So CLEARLY something's bugged.


    Just in case it's one of those obvious-but-overlooked things...you are aware that the coordinates are different, depending on whether you are Republic or Imperial?


    Perhaps you're looking at the wrong team's escape pods?

  7. My favorite is from the Republic-side Taral V.


    My consular had just smashed her way through sufficient military defenses to penetrate to the core of an Imperial lab facility. The Imperial fleet was waging war with the Republic overhead, and bombs were raining down.


    The Imperial scientist starts to righteously protest the incursion into his lab and interference with his "mission of peace."


    The Consular reply:


    "You have warships in orbit and battalions all over the ground. If this is supposed to be a "peace" mission, you're doing it wrong."

  8. So on Hoth, the Republic is after the fragments of a prototype superweapon, and is ready to swoop in and whisk said device off-world, just as soon as you pry it away from the pesky pirates who've stolen it. (Sound familiar?)


    Of course when you get there, *spoiler warning*


    ...the pirates have made copies of the thing already, so there are too many for the Republic to easily transport out. Cool, right? The weapon is so easy to reverse engineer, even a handful of techies with primitive facilities can build the things!


    Nope...this turns out to be, naturally, a VERY BAD THING ®. According to Mr. NPC, because the Republic only has the means to transport one off planet, we have these choices:


    1) take the one, and risk the rest falling into the hands of pirates, (dark side choice)




    2) blow them all up RIGHT NOW to prevent such disaster (light side choice).


    Um...excuse me? Is there some reason why we have the capacity now to blow them all up, but couldn't do exactly this, right AFTER shipping out the one we're able to carry?


    Do these people wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and express shock and amazement at the fact that they have a nose?


    I was really liking the Hoth storyline up till this...apparently the Empire has finally perfected the planetary-scale Idiot Ray. The Republic is doomed. (But they may be too dumb to recognize it.)

  9. So, I completed Chapter 1 on my Agent, despite some odd bugs (like the fact that there's no explanatory dialogue for why the quest sends me to fleet to see a quartermaster, and that once I get to him, he hands me a reward, but offers no dialogue before updating the quest to send me right back where I came from).


    I must say, though, I was expecting a title to be awarded, as happened with my two other characters of different profession. The dialogue certainly implied one was coming (Hand of Jadus).


    Did I trip over yet another bug and miss something significant, or is there really no title reward for this chapter?

  10. Thats exactly what it is, apparently you must go an speak to Darth Zhorrid(sp?) back on Dromuund Kass after you finish the Nar Shaddaa quest chain.


    Then you'll be able to go back an do the quest "What to do for a partner" mission.


    Thx for the input guys.


    I tried numerous ways to figure out how to get the quest log to update.


    The way that worked for me was to travel to another planet (I flew to Hutta and stayed on my ship), abandon the quest, retook the quest (by chatting with Kaliyo on the ship), flew back to Nar Shaddaa, and presto!


    I hope this helps anyone who has the same trouble later on.


    Seems like there are more random factors than these, as I've tried both these with no success. Some things that work for some aren't working for others.

  11. See, my problem was I took this quest the first time while already on nar shaddaa in the cantina. Now it won't update for anything, even after retaking it repeatedly. Nor did completing the bonus series update it at all.


    Anyone else stuck at this stage? I've had an open ticket for about 4 days on it, with no response, and havent seen it on any 'known issues' lists.

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