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Posts posted by ---AlterEgo---

  1. I had the same problem. All was working perfectly well until some days ago then it became unplayable. I first removed my old video card and replaced it with a backup one I keep in case of emergencies, formatted my pc but couldn't play because that backup card is way too old and couldn't handle the game at full settings and I'm not about to play on low settings. I was about to give up and I figured I might as well put the old card back in and I formatted yet again and for some reason all works perfectly again.


    Not exactly sure if it's helpful at all, but that's how I went from getting huge fps drops to having a steady 60fps back again.

  2. After grinding 4 different characters to full 248s I'm honestly beat. They really gotta raise the cap and make UCs legacy wide. I'd love to be able to play some alts again, but I'm not gonna do it unless I can use my UCs to buy full 248s to them right off the bat as I sure as hell not gonna grind any more alts to Tier 4.
  3. They said they would address server mergers after 5.1 and still no word at all.


    Today's downtime on all east coast servers gives me hope. Maybe they're getting ready to merge all east coast servers into 1 mega server. I really hope this merger happens soon because there's no need for low population servers. We only need 1 super busy server to make this game enjoyable again.

  4. If you want instant PvP pops Harb is your best bet. Even ranked pops all the time.


    For a mix of PvE and PvP, although you won't get ranked pops ever, I'd go with Ebon Hawk and JC.

  5. The way I've always done it was using whatever dropped for me all the way to level cap. Since the DvL event any new character I level up uses that XP gear from lvl 1 to lvl max lvl. I don't even bother putting any enhancements or mods into the gear.


    Once I'm max level I use Legacy gear so that way any upgrade can easily be shared between similar classes (shadow/sin, jugg/guardian, etc).

  6. I just updated to the new version of Windows 10, the Creative Update, and SWTOR is crashing at character select now.


    The only way I found for the game to work now is if I run the game as administrator. If it's not run as admin it will crash every single time.

  7. What might seem cheating on your side might not be cheating on their side. As an operative running the ball on Huttball we get called hackers often because the game can't process rolls very well, same with leap nowadays.


    Maybe they're not getting back to you because there's no cheating happening. Just because it looks like cheating doesn't mean it is. Lag and horrible game engine come into play.

  8. I have 3 rank 300 toons and I honestly have no energy to level any other character.


    The CXP event will end once 5.2 drops and it'll be a nightmare to lvl up command ranks once again. Even if they make the Unassembled Components legacy wide, those 3 toons I have at 300 will be the ones I'll be playing the most since it is absolutely disheartening to play the grind game. Not to mention, new characters will be stuck with T1 crates when the "beginning" gear from the vendor will be bumped up to Tier 2 so a new character will be stuck using gear even below the gear that'll be available for initial purchase.


    The game went from incredibly alt-friendly, with the 4.0 DvL event, to this grind fest which stops you from enjoying playing alts. I don't understand how they could've come up this this after encouraging us to make so many alts with 4.0.

  9. I'm in JC and this week alone I've done that 2 times on my shadow and 1 on my assassin.


    First of all, as someone else said it, Stride works exactly like traverse in that regard. If you are being an idiot and standing on the edge I will stride to you in stealth and plant, simple as that.


    All the morons that stand on the edge asking for a sage/sorc pull or the jugs/guards asking teammates to come close so they can leap to them are the ones responsible for me to be able to Stride back to the other side. Blame the idiots on your team, not the players that know how their class work.

  10. If you're looking for a healer companion, none beats Z0-0M. I'm not sure if it's an unintended bug or if it's meant to be the most powerful healer, but Z0-0M's healing ability (the long one) ticks for 6 times when EVERY other companion only ticks 4 times. Same cast time as the other companions but since every other companion ticks for 4 and Z0-0M ticks for 6, it makes it the best healing comp.


    DPS they're basically all the same.


    For tanking, Treek is pretty good.


    That's my 2 cents.

  11. Most of my experiences have been good, except for a recent one.


    I made a mistake and I bought the wrong item with the Tier 3 token and I submitted a ticket about it. The CS agent told me it was my fault for buying the wrong thing and that he wouldn't refund me. I didn't like his answer and I submitted another ticket and luckily the next agent wasn't an a-hole and he refunded me and I could buy the correct item using the Unassembled Components.


    Basically, if you don't like the response of a CS agent you can try again until you find one who isn't an a-hole since they have no general guidelines to follow and they can decide what to do as they please.

  12. Does anyone know of a site, or if there is one, that shows the current Dark vs Light status of a server?


    I like to take full advantage of the xp bonus from light side while using a cxp bonus token, but I don't want to waste my time with the token if the light side bonus isn't active.


    The website http://swtordata.com keeps a track of many things, which include server population, DvL status, etc. The specific page you're looking for can be found at http://swtordata.com/darkvslights. Click on the server of your choosing and it'll show how many times light/dark has won since launch and how many times light/dark has won since 5.0.1.

  13. The current system COULD work with some changes:


    1) Instead of giving us a piece of gear that we might or might not need, give us a UNIVERSAL token in the Command crate which we can trade in for an item of OUR CHOOSING. That way it prevents us from getting the same item over and over again.


    2) Increase the amount of Unassembled Components we get. Right now I can't bring myself to buy an item because I always think "what if I get this item on the next command crate?" Buying an item using Unassembled Components to only have the same item drop in a crate would seriously make me punch my monitor considering how long it takes to get enough Components to buy a single piece. The drop for Unassembled Components need to be doubled or tripled across the board.


    3) Add Unassembled Components to daily/weekly PvP boxes, as well as adding them to Uprisings and Flashpoints (the harder the difficulty the more components it drops from bosses).


    4) Dramatically increase the CXP gain for completing weekly quests.


    5) Make Unassembled Components LEGACY wide just as the tokens currently are. This change would make the game alt-friendly again.

  14. I save up my Components because I'm always hopeful the next T2 crate will have something I could use and that way I can easily upgrade it to a T3 using Components, but it never happens. I'm averaging 100 Components/day, along with 6-8 Command Ranks, and as soon as I hit 1,000 I'll just spend on ear/implants because I have never ever gotten those from crates so chances are I'll never get them anyway so might as well use the Components for them.


    Even averaging 100 Components/day it'll take me over 2 months to get enough Components to get the full T3 set (assuming I get some T2 pieces I can upgrade to T3).


    The current system KILLED alts. I have 10 alts and I can only play with 1 character now. I have friends with 30+ max lvl characters and they too are stuck playing 1 character and it's bringing them to the point where this game isn't enjoyable anymore. During the 4.0 patch they encouraged us to level up plenty of alts for DvL achievements, and now with 5.0 they effectively killed alts.


    I really hope they make Component legacy wide and they also desperately need to increase the amount of Components drops. Only then someone with multiple alts, and who doesn't PvE at all and only PvPs, will be able to enjoy this game again.

  15. I'm all for increasing CXP gain and adding Unassembled Components to Uprisings & FPs, but as long as neither CXP nor Components are Legacy wide it's always going to be a nightmare for alts.


    The only way this game can possibly be alt friendly again is if the Unassembled Components gained increased so much that you could buy the gear for your alts and rip off the mods and place them into legacy gear to transfer them. But at the same time, if they increased it too much then the people with 1 or 2 toons would benefit in such a way that there wouldn't be a carrot at the end of that stick anymore for a long time for them.

  16. Maybe a reward for those who reported instead of exploited?


    The reward is knowing you did the right thing.


    If you see a crime happening and you call the cops you expect to get money for reporting it? It's your civic duty to do right, otherwise you'd be no better than the criminals. Being better human beings than the criminals, that's the reward.

  17. Flashpoints and uprisings (especially Veteran/Master) should drop unassembled components. Dailies and GSF shouldn't as you don't need set bonuses to do either.


    They gotta increase the drop of all unassembled component drops across the board. Getting 90-100 components each day is dreadful considering u need nearly 2k of them just for the T1 gear. Right now, it's still as unfriendly towards alts as it was with 5.0.

  18. Hey guys,


    I am currently leveling a Mercenery, I am at level 12.

    I received the ability Electro Dart, am i to be correct that it is the equivalent of electro net on commando? Then why is it a 10 m range but not 30?


    Dart is the Cryo grenade equivalent.

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