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Posts posted by Erosith

  1. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe the reason behind recycled lvl 30 gear on raid items might have been because they were placeholders. But sadly that doesnt seem to be the case. No acknowledgement that its recycled or that it generally looks terrible(IE sage) with the only real answer given is "Well some people like it"


    That attitude wont get you far, and getting lazy with the aesthetics of your end game gear will just kill your hardcore raiding community.


    People like to look pretty, they dont like to look like they just rolled out of the circus, or have the only difference between two sub classes being baby blue armor or black armor.


    you will be able to swap out the mods into other armors in an up coming patch

    don't ask for proof because i am to lazy to look for it

  2. i agree that there is missing stuff

    but macro's i don't mind not having right away

    to be able to customize the UI would be nice also


    keep in mind it was EA's idea to launch dec 20 not biowares

    and the fact that people think that bioware don't care pisses me off because they understand nothing about making a game

    even if it is a single player game like BF3 or a mmo like wow and other


    i use to work for a game company as a tester and there are endless things that can go wrong with 1 error in a line of coding

    on top of that they got to find that 1 error and that takes time also


    so to all them people that think they know but don't

    make a game i dare you no i challenge you to make a game

    see how long it takes you and see how many bugs and how long it takes you to fix those bugs

    i will even sub (if needed) to your game and try it out then go to your forums and bash or praise your game

  3. -nods-


    It's irrelevant if any other game was buggy at launch, we're playing SW:TOR.



    Bioware had everything going for it in developing this game. Lots of money, lots of existing to base games out there to model themselves after, and the product they delivered is far far from something I would equate to the quality products Bioware generally produces. It's really sad.


    i agree but if they would have modeled after wow (exemple)

    people would be crying its a wow clone

    so bioware are doing there own thing

    its new and needs to get the bugs worked out

  4. Why does everybody say this?! Nobody gives a flying rat's behind about what WoW did or did not launch with. What I care about is THIS GAME - Star Wars: The Old Republic. It did NOT come anywhere near my already low expectations (not being a fan of Star Wars and not being impressed by the tidbits released by BioWare to pump up the hype) and they aren't doing much of anything to try to improve.


    i guess you cant read

    fixing code is somewhat like a puzzle (to keep it simple)

    they need to go threw pages and pages of lined text just to find the code causing the bug

    then to make it worst they need to find the right formula to fix it

    its not as easy as fixing 2+2=3 to 2+2=4

    if you have ever modded a game of even created a map for a game you will realise that its alot more work then it looks

  5. On the other hand, I am happy not getting spammed by gold farmers.


    Edit :


    It would be great if they open trial severs and limits trial accounts on it.


    or just like other games that have trials


    that account usualy cannot send mail recieve mail or trade


    so what ever they make on that 7 day trial they cant really use other then to buy off the AH or tgn put cant post items


    so gold farmers wont be able to abuse this

  6. Which is different from standing on fleet and contiously shouting how?



    Why should we expect some sort of modern tool in a modern game, say it aint so.



    The system is outdated, archaic and useless in its current implementation. The person who 'signed' off on it must have been high at the time.


    i use the LFG tool they have now and i dont really wait long for an invite to pop up on my screen


    so people that say they go in chat and spam for hours sounds like a myth to me


    now on planets for heroics yes i have seen many people go on for long periods of time to try and get a group togeter but i skip those heroics all togeter since i seem to be above lvl with or without running them

  7. but its counter productive, it leaks subs left right and centre - any any half experienced mmo player with a bit of foresight could have told the devs as much before the game was even released


    wow is also leaking subs all over because of the panda crysis and before that even cata lost alot of subs


    there is not way to make everyone happy


    it all comes down to if you like the game then sub if you dont like it then go play something else


    every company that has ever made an mmo have this issue

    other then the ones that closed there servers down lol


    fact remains BW dont want to copy wow

    they want to learn on there own

  8. This is why the community is so bad. We have diehard RPG people mixing with WoW-kiddies.


    Glad you liek the story. Just wait til you get to Hoth on the trooper. You'll love the voiced-over "collect ten bear asses" quest you get as a main plot thread.


    hahaha think ill role a trooper just to catch that voice over lol

  9. get orange gear to you think looks good


    take the mods etc and move them to that piece of gear the stats will be the same only the look will change


    why do you think orange items sometimes have no mods in them

    all stats comes from the mods

    so they can be switched over at any given time

  10. IKR.


    SO Where is the official annoucement or post? Oh right I forgot there isnt one.


    i know there are more then 1000000 posts in the forums but ya

    people seem to re post the same boring stuff over and over again


    are they working on a LFG took

    most likely because the one we have now people are to stupid to use


    are they going to fix pvp

    yes eventualy another patch will come out with more fixes


    when ?


    when its *********** ready

  11. I just noticed something horrible! HORRIBLE... its making this game UNPLAYABLE!

    im forcing myself to not look, but i cant help it, its sooo distracting.


    my twi'lek does NOT have eyebrows!

    what kind of madness is this?! I demand answers!


    i can not show emotion with out eyebrows! i just have a blank stare as if my face is full of the botox!


    BIOware, fix this NnnnAAAAoooo!!!


    erm not sure but i think some of them never had them to start with

    take the ugly *** twilek in jabba's domain

    he aint got any :p

  12. not sure i understand ?


    but sounds to me that yuo cant put up more then 50 items in tgn per server ?


    if that is the case then i think its awsome


    it regulates my income at a slower pace and at the rate i gather and find good loot im not finished on recieving mail hahahaha

  13. i found that most of the bad posts on here come from people that have 2-3 toons at lvl 50

    with a few odd ones that have a point

    and then you got the ( i want it now generation) that QQ because they didnt learn patience in pre school but then dont have the smallest idea of what it takes to fix a game and make a patch


    a game such as this is always changing and with endless posibilities for expansion

    but that expansion will not happen over night


    it took the sith over 1000 years after the defeat of the brotherhood of darkness to finaly take control of the republic


    so you would think people would be patient enough to wait a few months and a few patches down the line

  14. if you are an IT like you say you are you would have given us a straight answer other then i put my hand on my case and it gets warm

    well duh if i leave my hand on my case that part will get warm also



    take to some temp readings and get back to us mister IT

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