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Posts posted by Callly

  1. The point isn't Skill VS Gear... Yeah yeah some guys can be really good with stock ship but...there arent new player.


    The point is when you have a team with Experienced+Geared player VS new player with stock one. And sometimes the experienced player are "Friendly" enough to form a wall of gunship...Thats totally discouraging for new player. They dont understand the game dont recognize the threats and etc. And maybe they have the abreged tooltip so they dont know the range of their guns(seriously what is the point with these tooltip?)


    I think this game really need a better tutorial or pve mission with crappy reward but can be a first training to understand the range to recognize enemy ship. just giving them the time to learn something before the explosion? How many player did we lose in these so balanced 50/2 deathmatch?

  2. Well in lowbies PvP snipers are OP. THey can't take out half you HP in two hits while having stunned you. Will you nerf them?? No because they suck once the others class catches up at lvl 30. In PvE, Guardian tank can't generate aggro as easily as the other tanks cause they lack their ranged abilities. Will you nerf the other tanks to make up for it? No, Guardian get good AoE threat genration when they hit lvl cap. So nothing wrong here.


    You CANNOT balance something around the leveling process. Worst you cannot balance something around the skill gap. A bad gunship won't be any better than a bad scout or a bad strike.




    a bad scout will finish the game with 0/0/15 and 1% I saw that kind of thing everyday. a bad gunship it will be more like 7 6 7 50%(agains a normal team against a bad team it will bil 10/12/2 50% the scout... well the same...


    i'am not talking about leveling progress i'am talking about the entire comunity. and i'am sorry you will see far more bad and average player then ace. so.... Maybe its my server that sucks but generaly every game you have 3/4 guy who just fly and die.


    so yeah in a deathmatch generaly your goal as a scout or striker is to maximise the kill of your GS teamate or minimise the kills of the GS in front.


    that dosent feel star wars. that's not seem balanced to me. But yeah nerfing them is not the solution. but i can really understand people who wish to see GS disapear even if it will never happen.

  3. I know. If it takes four gunships to keep me at bay on a bomber and eight on my scout, while my team is basicly free to kill them... I guess it is gunships that are OP.... Surprisingly I can count the GS pilots on TEH, Jung'Ma and Jedi Cov able to keep me at bay solo on two hands with a few fingers left. Guess the Gunships really are OP..


    Balancing dosen't work like that...its like saying Hey i'am driving my bike without any helmet the past ten year and i'am not dead. so Helmet are useless.

  4. PVE mission with really low requistion gain. Just to test some build? or simply understand the game and the range of you weapon when you start the game.


    Rebuild the interface. No abreged tooltip(a tooltip without all the vital information? what a brillant idea... put it by defaut !) showing the skillbar in the lauchmenu not only in the game. adding some description in the weapon tooltipe etc.


    like other said removing the cost of the new upgrade to test some different build at the begining.

  5. i never said im the best, i die lots too.


    i dont understand, u have offered no valid reasons to your argument, what u have provided as been countered by other experienced players but not come back to any of them, so basically you are right and the experienced players are wrong is that what i get from what you say?


    you say a gunship is over powered, we give ways to deal with them, your still arguing against what others say, if you cant and we can wouldnt that suggest its you that needs to change? up your game etc? would u rather the nerf classes to your level of skill? next week will it be bombers? scouts? i dont dislike newbies to gsf i actually try to help them, what i hate is closed minded players with little skill or understanding and expect everything for free, or nerfed to their level.


    every few weeks we see another GS is god mode, over powered, farts lighting out, thread, but they all end same way, 2-3 saying "yes gs op" with 20+ people saying no and this is why, then that thread gets berried with the rest.



    20+ lol... and yeah experienced player are right in most part. its just a different point of view. But for me GS need more attention need more time and even a bad player in Gunship can be dangerous and we cannot ignore him. because yeah a bad player in a scout do what? deal 5k of damage and maybe 1kill? you dont need to worry about him. the same player in a GS can kill 5 to 10 people and dealt 40k+ damage. you have to hunt him. its not hard but you have to take the time to do it


    For you its ok. for me its unbalanced.

  6. To be "on top of the board" is not the major goal. But it will be considered as such as long as the pilot with the most kills is "leading" the board. Especially in domination matches you get your points for other things. That is what everyone is trying to tell you. It doesn't matter wether you kill the GS you were chasing or wether he flees to a safe area like his own satellite, his capship. In both cases You! Have! Done! Your! Job!

    Sometimes in TDMs I chase gunships and I finish the match with six kills and 5 deaths. Yet the match is won because their GS wasn't able to farm easy kills. In those games I am definetly not "top of the board" with my scout/strike, yet I have done my job. Match won. Part played. Mission Accomplished. Next One.



    Yeah i understand that. and thats why i say "unbalanced" because i'am stuck often in this kind of game and yeah cool we win but is that funny? as i say sooner. Killing Gunship is like protecting the door or a point in ground pvp. You have to do it. its not that hard... but yeah boring. and playing a Gunship its worst....you just click and put you mouse on ship that try to play the game. and bang he's dead. that was... hu boring? and then a guy come to you. you cant really fight back so barrel roll to be in range of your friends and they kills the guy.

  7. if you are struggling killing gunships and one of the best on ya server i hope they close ya server down and not merge it to mine lol


    If your on my server then ya talking crap.


    think i cover gunships coz i play gunships? i play every class coz in order to be better than the average player u need to know all the ships so i master everything. if they actually nerfed gunships they will be far too easy to kill. some weeks ill never touch a gs, i actually enjoy every class in gsf, well not over keen on being a bomber lol


    What server u on? whats ya char name / faction? ill come to you. ill use what ever ship u want. and stock.


    i never said "i am the best of my server..." i was talking about guy like you who need to say that kind of crap in every topic... and as i said your reaction is prehistorical and pathetic...

  8. the point i was making, sometimes dont worry bout kills and playing objectively can alter the way a game goes.


    Running gs = hes stopped

    Returning GS you attack, he dies great, he runs hes stopped. you have done ya job.


    Next bit, limit number of gunships, are u for real? they cant code just one ship type limited meaning they have to limit all ship types, so one day you get 20 scouts all solo queue, grats you just destroyed gsf . get the picture.


    do you have any understanding of a gunship, scoutt or anything about gunships? the devs are not going to put some mirical fix that makes u able to kill gunships in your easy way of thinking.



    i can see you have no real understanding of gsf. i can imagine you being a very predictable opponent in matches and thats why your getting so frustrated, maybe its not the game that needs to change but you need to change.


    Good day.




    you're reaction is???? prehistorical? thats ridiculous. but that was my first point. GS is the easyway to get on top of the board. And nearly all the guy i saw defending this are the guy like you who are yelling on the forums. I'am one of the better pilote of my server. Well... what a surprise...


    I'am not frustrated i just say its not balanced. and if i dont understand nothing if i'am predictable and etc. Can you explain me why i dont have any probleme when i'am play with a Gunship? maybe because a predictable and unskilled player can be effective in this kind of ship? maybe because they are op?


    Seriously. If he went back to his cap ship. Go kill someone else, and watch for him when he will come out.


    Oh sorry. It take a situationnal awareness that is unbalancing the game. So sorry...


    well thats exactly what i'have said no? so why this? just a need for disrespect and etc?

  10. No.

    1 gunship when pressure by an equally skilled scout is completely useless.

    1 scout who is pressured by an equally skilled scout is still doing damage to those around him because all he needs to fire and deal a decent amount of damage is 1 click while the gunship needs time to charge his shots. Yes, a gunship has BLCs as well as a scout, but it's far less maneuverable and doesn't have the tools the scout has (TT/BO) that actually make BLCs as deadly as they are.


    but the scout pressuring the gunship is useless too no? if i pass all the game hunting the same gunship we just neutralised each other right? but it still a good trade for my team right? so... unbalanced. Thats it.


    sometimes u dont need 20kills of scouts, fighters, that 5 kills of a gunship can be a balance turner for the game.






    so the game is unbalanced....if killing 5gunship help the team more then klling 10scout the game is not balanced. Thats all... so it need to be balanced or their number limited in a game.

  12. Keep chasing him, the skill required for a gunship to survive a scout attack is much higher than the skill required for a scout to kill a gunship. Unless he's an ace he'll run out of engine power pretty fast and will be a sitting duck for anyone to blow to pieces.


    no if i continue i get oneshoted by the capitalship... so i have to return fighting and wait for is return and then make him flee again. hoping my team has the time to clean the satelite.

  13. Yes 1 on 1's do happen, rare yes but does happen. in pug teams quite often im the only one going after gunships so its me v 1,2,3 gunships, win some, lose some, depends on the quality of gunship pilot im against and if im having a good game or a bad game.


    mistake many make with gunships is that 1st hit they sit there looking for where target is, BANG ya dead. on my scout, fighter, moment i take one hit that either strips my shields or good bit of damage to hull i dont try to find the gunship im outter there regroup my self find the gunship while on move never stopping then plan my attack run (all in split of a second ofc).


    more often than not i fly around on fire doesnt mean its over for me, never stop keep fighting, lead person following u round tight corners, tight spaces type of thing be quite surprised how many actually self distruct crashing. oh and dont forget most teams now have at least one bomber or a clarion, or t3 scout running repair drone, little tip look for them know ya teams where abouts.


    and if a gunship flee's. whats ya problem, hes out of the fight not an issue for u right now or ya team.


    fighting gunships or 1 v2 is a massive learn to play issue, its not in the heads of just a few of us, i see it i do it,


    you can kill them it dosen't mean its balanced...and yeah sometimes you are the only one to try to killing them. its still not a one on one. because when you get in position when you get in range. he's not waiting you. he kills people. so yeah you kill a sniper yeaah so cool ! he shots 4 time before. Its not a good trade.


    in domination i saw so many time in some small map a sniper just in range of point B when you try to hunt him down? he just get back to the spawn so you are forced to disengaged and 30s later he's back killing more people. what the option? you can't stop him.

  14. I hate this argument, because it's a bad argument - tangential at best and dishonest at worst. You can't dismiss a 1v1 comparison by using a 1v2 comparison.


    Let me rephrase things a bit:

    "You are in a fight with with another strike or scout then a second scout comes. He hits you with a telemetry-boosted burst laser. What's your choice? You can try to outrun it, but you are damaged and low on engine pool from the dogfight and you will be an easy target for one of your opponents. Trying to kill the scout? No, no chance the first ship will kill you. Trying to finish your fight? The scout will kill you."


    You are 1v2 in either situation, and you got hit badly by surprise right off the bat. Your odds of losing hard are pretty much the same, if not worse if the second ship is a scout. A quick barrel roll or cooldown/engine combo has a good chance of screwing up a gunship's second hit and giving you a chance of getting out of LOS. If it was a scout that jumped you, he'd boost, run you down, and hit you again with a BLC/missile combo, and you're guaranteed to be dead.


    no a sniper hit in a dogfight will generaly put me really low life. so its like a big target on my head EASYKILL HERE. if i outranged the 2 scouts with a good amount of health. in direction of my team i will be generaly safe. Too risky to follow. If they just need 2 or 3 hit to kill me they will follow..


    and the point is one on one against sniper... that dosen't exist. so why always talking about one on one? a sniper have plenty of target in front of him you come from the side. If he's good he flees in the right directions to put you in danger. if not he just die here trying to hit more people.


    But one on one?

  15. Cluster of gunships 6-7km from each other means the only way of harming them = own gunship wall. Sure, in 1 vs 1 T2 scout > T1/T3 GS (assuming both pilots have equal and high skill) - but only itf the scout mentioned actively hunt the GS. If GS gets opening shot with ion - scout is as good as dead. Opening with slug - heavily damaged (assuming it didn't crit, in this case evasion build is one-shotted).

    Vs other ships - strikes won't do well in close quarters,


    Finally... anyone who says 'L2P' against gunships should see what types of ships have most kills in most matches :)


    For me, personally, gunships and bombers was one grand mistake in this game. They are changing a dynamic match in a game of chess.


    +1 and each time i read L2P against gunships the guy are talking about 1 on 1 fight... this is not a duel game. how it happens in real fight?


    you are in a dogfight with another strike or scout then a sniper come. he hit you. what's your choice? you can try to outranged it. but you are damaged and you will be an easy target for the strike/scout. trying to kill the GS? no no chance the strike will kill you. trying to finish you fight? the sniper will kill you.


    yeah i can kill a gunship with ease no probleme like everyone here. but if i'am stuck in a fight when a sniper come from me? i'am dead. even if the gunship is a noob with a stock ship.


    Actually its look like the scoundrel ant the operative at the very beginning. if he caughts you, you dont have any response your dead. if you caught him? he's dead too... not interesting at all...

  16. 9/7/1 against a bad team in a GS IS bad. you could have gotten about 15/12/0. Seriously you need to learn the differance between 'focusing' someone and me looking at a glowing yellow ball and killing it. The first take some effort, the second just need me to spend some engine and a few seconds. If people would understand that the awareness range is 15km and not 6km gunships wouldn't be so blatantly powerful. Problem is people mindset, not the ship.


    lol a few second to kill a gunship? you have a teleportation? the time you come in range the gunship can kill like 2people... you will not win a deathmatch like that...

  17. Well for a strike or a scout. Still absolutely bad for a gunship. And if he is focused he won't be better. Focused in that case meaning anyone looking at him funny, and not half the team trying to kill him.


    if the only way to see an unskilled noob having a bad ratio is to focus him... maybe there is a balance issue no? If your skilled player have to lose their time killing noob in gunship because they are a danger... your team is in trouble.


    i'am not a skilled player. yesterday i was playing with my rerol just want some quick xp lets go starfighter. only stock ship so... Gunship. two bad team. no one to hunt me. 9/7/1 ratio at the end of the game...if an average player like me can kill 9guy with 7seven assist dying juste one time in a deathmatch even against a bad team thats a real probleme.

  18. actually low-average skilled gunships are extremely easy to kill and do more damage/kills than them. the good gunships and yes it does take skill. im a gunship some of the time and it does take skill to be a massive inpact. low skilled gunships i wipe the floor with in any ship type, and in a fighter or scout will beat their damage, kills, easy to find there the ones with normally very low hit ratio at end of match, my average hit ratio is 70% youll never see crap gunships with that unless they only do a few shots lol


    bit you made a mistake with was, infact all the ship types take skill to be one of the best and the average/low skilled players will show up very quick in any ship type and those of us that are good will drop them very fast.




    You missreading me. i didnt say you didn't need skill to be really good in a gunship. I just say that an unskilled player in a scout will be totaly useless. but in a gunship he can kill people and if you dont hunt him he will perform well. not very well but still with a positive ratio and a decent amout of damage.

  19. There is a lot of way to kill or to disrupt gunship but... is that funny? I don't see the point. Where is the fun playing a gunship? Its an easy way to get on top of scoreboard for sure. but fighting with or against a Gunship isn't fun at all.


    Why Gunship are so OP? because you dont need Stuff. And you don't need a lot of skill. I know there is some very skilled Gunship fighter in the game but you dont need a lot of skill to perform well and you and you can perform well with a stock one. Like in every Multyplayer game weapon with high damage are the less stuffdependable. A new player with stocks ship will be generaly useless in a scout or a strikefighter but will kill people and can be dangerous in a gunship.


    And yeah a lot of people prefere the dogfight side of this game so they dont want to hunt the Gunship. So if you dont do it yourself....Hunting Gunship is like protecting the door in ground PVP

  20. I'm not saying that Juggs are better than PT are at threat. All I said, from raiding with a few different Jugg tanks, is that their initial threat burst is a LOT lower than ours. PT has it quite easy when it comes to opening threat and holding threat in general (I have only one dps that I ever have issues with pulling threat off of me, and half of the time he is tanking) and our sustained threat is very solid. Jugg threat though ramps up much slower to get to the same level that we get to much quicker.


    Juggs just bring such better cooldowns to Ops than we do. But I won't reroll just for silly cooldowns like that.



    it was not about you but about a post in the first page. who claim that the PT is the worst tank to manage the threath...thats ********.


    with 2.0 we gain a lot of mass threat ability and new control and we kept our aoe stun there is a lot of adds in the new operation and we are maybe the bests adds tank now. I see a lot of reason to take a PT in ops

  21. Juggs issue with threat is during their opening rotation. They start off having to actually work to build up their resource in order to get rolling. Once they actually GET through two basic rotations (per what my GM said last night in our ops) their threat is just solid beyond anything else.


    like all tanks. i dont understand why jugs are suposed to be better then PT with their threath

  22. We actually have 2 self heals, between Shoulder Cannon and Kolto Overload, but they are on cooldowns where as a Sin has it as a proc which. Sins are built around their self heal as part of their mitigation kit.


    third in fact. each time you get hit by an aoe you will be self healed that the new vanguard passive ability


    and i dont understand why jug are suposed to get a better threat then us. i saw so many jug/gardian in pain with their threat.

  23. there is a probleme with the math on this site you will not have 50% shield chance with this rating at level 55. but less then 40%. same probleme with the absorb.


    the crit rating is totaly wrong too. its look like 1.7math with 2.0 stuff.

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