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Posts posted by Ilshenar

  1. Not sure if this has been brought up before, or if it would be considered "ripping" off wow to much but why can't our "green Beam" be like a WOW Shaman's Chain Heal?


    So our hammer shot would hit one player then bounce to 2 other low health people. Have a Talent high up in the medic tree that will reduce amount healed on the first target but give you an extra bounce and loose less healed after the first hit.



  2. Just came back to the game and decided to roll a Sage to see what the Republic side story is like. Just hit 43 with him and got him all dressed up so I thought I would share. :)







  3. When I logged off last night I was on my ship ready to board

    Darth Jadus's ship

    for the final battle. Now I know this quest is bugged to hell and from what I read we had only a few options...


    1. Bring a friend

    2. Bang your head against the keyboard and hope for the best


    I thought I would do a bit of research and found there was another option. That is if you don't mind some light side points and you don't mind a good amount of affection with Vector.


    All credit go's to the youtube poster who's video I will link. I will just list the choices you need to make in simple point form so you can have them handy should you choose this option.


    Make sure you bring Vector with you for this or you will miss out on a bunch of affection.







    After point 19 you have already won but I have included the full text of the video.


    1. Darth Jadus.....

    2. Let's do that

    3. <Whisper> Watcher two?

    4. But Why?

    5. Continue my lord

    6. This is madness

    7. You're forgetting the Emperor

    8. About those Halves

    9. Why should I trust you?

    10. Let me consider this

    11. But if I doe you get nothing

    12. I know something you don't

    13. My allies are listening

    14. Not if they flee

    15. The dark counsel will learn

    16. Why else fake your own death?

    17. I'm certain

    18. Really

    19. We'll see

    20. I'm pretty great

    21. Thank you

    22. You're master was a monster

    23. Make sure they get help

    24. What about Jadus

    25. Very well


    Here is the youtube link






    Hope this helps anyone, like myself who is getting ready to do this fight and was not looking forward to the fight.

  4. I just did this last night, took me 2 failed attempts but here is what I did.


    Dps him and his adds till I got 4 stacks of the debuff, then I ran around doing nothing but avoiding him while Mako cc'd and smacked him around. When he spawned the adds I still los''d him and killed the adds quickly.


    The 4 stack of debuff will come off slowly but they will drop off.....then give yourself a big heal and dps him some more. In the end Mako finished him off while I was running around avoid him.


    I still cannot believe after all that crap and the beating she took from him and adds that she gave me a -30 aff for putting a bullet in his head.

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