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Posts posted by DarkDreden

  1. I know that expertise has been removed from War Hero and Elite War Hero gear, but not all of my toons have that level gear. My PT is in Battlemaster, my Guardian is in MK1 Recruit and my Op is in MK2 Recruit. I want to level some of these characters in 2.0 PVP but it's impossible with the amount of expertise on that gear. Please remove expertise from all non-current PVP gear so those of us in lesser gear can actually get some WZ comms to get the current gear.
  2. I really don't want to be forced back onto US servers. The ping time issue is more important to me than server pop. Besides, I like the fact that if I wake up early in the morning I have the server to myself to do dailies. A high pop US server will be swarming with people at that time of day. No thanks BW!
  3. I reached Legacy Level 50 on my main account a couple of weeks ago. With there being no rewards past level 25 and now at 50, no more XP for most of my characters I find my interest in SWTOR is on the decline. A: Could we please have some rewards for making it up Legacy Level 50 and B: can we have something to do past 50, like prestige levels or something similar.
  4. I got some of the rare color crystal's off the crystal vendor around 1.2's launch. It would be nice if we could have the vendor back for a while (with new level crystals) since we have an upcoming upgrade to our color crystals coming in the near future. I'd love to get some new white color crystals of the new higher level thats been introduced.
  5. This is really pathetic Bioware, I can't get a PVP queue to pop because there is almost nobody on my server thanks to GW2's release, and what do you guys at Bioware think will happen when MOP is released? I bet the server pop plummets further. Merge the servers or let us server transfer back to the US.:mad:
  6. I play SWTOR at hours that are not normally my servers most populated, as a result I often have to wait for long periods to get into a level 50 Warzone and sometimes can't get a match at all. While I love the idea of community you are trying to create by not having cross-server queues, I like the idea of been able to play Warzones whenever I want even more. What are the teams thoughts on maybe making cross-server Warzones available at non-peak times, in effect creating a cross-server late night/early morning community?
  7. One of the most annoying things I come across every day is people that queue for level 50 Warzones with 0 Expertise. Those people only hurt the teams chances of winning. Please require a minimum Expertise rating in order to queue for Warzones at 50, please make players at least have Recruit gear.
  8. I have a character who's name I'd really like to be able to change and also give her a new face. Since most other MMO's I've played have offered services like Character Recustomization, Character Rename and additional Character Slots for a small fee I'm wondering, after SWTOR gets it's first service in the form of Server Transfers what other services will you guys be working to bring us?
  9. In the Clone Wars episode "The Mandalore Plot" we see a Lightsaber that was stolen by the Mandalorians from the Jedi during The Old Republic ear. The dialog indicates that it may have even been stolen in the Sacking of Coruscant. It would be great to see Lightsabers in TOR that like the LIghtsaber in this episode of Clone Wars that have influences from different swords from our history as this particular Lightsaber clearly has a Samurai influence.
  10. I'm a Marauder in full BM gear. I came across a Scoundrel today in several warzones in what looked like low level Jedi robes. He was able to take out almost 50% of my health with just one shot. He was very hard to kill also, taking about 20 seconds to kill in a 2 on 1 fight with the 1 being him. I can understand that he might get an occasional crit that takes out 50% of an opponents health but to take out such a large part of my health every time seems odd. And he looks like he has no expertise yet he's really hard to kill. I'm not sure if he really is cheating, is there some way to tell before I report him for cheating?
  11. I love the look of my Marauder Battlemaster gear, I want to keep my current look of 100% Battlemaster gear well into the future. Now I'm at the point where I am farming War Hero gear which I hate the look of, so it's good that you guys at BW have unlocked most of the high end gear so we can take the components of War Hero gear and put them into our old Battlemaster gear, but the Wrist and Belt are still locked. I really want to keep the look of 100% Battlemaster gear, could we please have the Wrist and Belt unlocked and upgradeable the same way the rest of the gear that make the visual appearance of my character is unlock.
  12. The only reason for Asian players to transfer would be for population.


    The latency is terrible from Singapore. I get better connections to EAST COAST servers.


    It's odd, both Singapore and Australia have good connections to the US (I get 150 - 200ms from the Australian East Coast to the US West Coast) but the connection from Australia to Singapore is really bad. This sounds like something our governments should fix, you guys are our neighbors after all.:)

  13. I've been playing the Marauder class since beta. I've always felt that the Marauder feels rather squishy compared to other classes I've played in solo PvE content. I find that I have to blow CDs and use health packs to scrape by in fights as a Marauder that I can breeze through on other classes. Do you have any plans to buff the survivability of the Marauder class in solo PvE up to a similar level to other classes?
  14. On servers like mine (Keller's Void US server) there are rarely many Republic players wanting to PvP on Ilum, so for the Cutting the Cord daily quest that leaves about 10 or so Imperial players at any one time running around the Center Assault trying to farm the Armaments. This takes about 1 - 2 hours to do since there are so many Imperials, no Republic and long respawns on the Armaments.


    So BW, to make it a little less boring for players to farm how about increasing the respawn rate of the Armaments so then we don't have to farm for up to two hours for a single daily.

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