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Posts posted by WanaRideMyPwny

  1. It shouldn't be this easy to be full BiS (Easy in this example means 3 weeks after a brand new tier of gear is released).


    I also don't follow how you imply others are denied a chance at a fair fight. Not giving in to the instant gratification crowd isn't excluding players. You do know the encounters are all tweaked to be doable in the previous tier of gear, right? People on the PTS were downing HM TFB encounters in a mix of campaign and rakata.


    The issue isn't with allowing players to gear up quickly enough to participate in raids. It's when players can obtain the best gear available for little to no effort, especially when that's made possible by the players that do put in a lot of effort.



  2. P.S. You should get on the test server and start raising a stink, cause people are able to buy best in slot campaign armorings, set bonus and all, for a few dozen Black Hole comms. Talk about gearing up fast, at least buying rank 26 armorings off the GTN is expensive compared to what will happen in 1.5.



    26's are not best in slot. What you are doing is taking away from the core experience of mmo's and top end content clearing. Giving away gear to everyone is a mistake on Bioware's part and you contributing to it is a mistake on yours. Not having to clear top tier content to get the gear from there is garbage and anyone with sense can see that. The point of games like these isn't to see who can buy the best in slot gear, it's to see who can earn through their ability to play the game and beat the bosses that give them.

  3. I don't want to beat a dead horse with this but clearly every person that has commented agrees that this needs to be addressed. Gearing is way too fast. It takes away from the experience of learning a BiS schematic and generally just degrades the game experience. It is unfortunately one of those things that does make me want to leave, and I have been in since day one. I really hope they do the right thing here and fix this exploit. It gives people way too much access to gear that they didn't have to do anything to get.
  4. Forgotten Hope is currently recruiting serious raiders for its 4th raiding group. We are currently 5/5 in TFB HM and have cleared all PVE end game content to date. We are Pub side server first for HM TFB and are currently ranked 12th in the world for 8-man raiding guilds. Currently we are seeking 3 healers, 2 for one group and 1 for another. Must be a serious raider looking for true progression and be a reliable player. Currently this raid group is raiding Thursdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 8 pm, Pacific. However, these raid times are not set in stone and can be worked out with the raid group leader. The most important thing to us who lead the guild is that all raid groups raid consistently and that every member of the guild that wants to raid and is competent does so. You can in-game message or whisper Gibbler or Spenser. Please include your Operations experience and your current gear. If you have any other question feel free to ask away.


    Thank you much


  5. Forgotten Hope is currenlty recruiting serious raiders for its 4th raiding group. We are currently 5/5 in TFB HM and have cleared all PVE end game content to date. We are Pub side server first for HM TFB and are currently ranked 12th in the world for 8-man raiding guilds. Currently we are seeking 2 healers and a tank. Must be a serious raider looking for true progression and be a reliable player. Currently this raid group is raiding Thursdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 8 pm, Pacific. However, these raid times are not set in stone and can be worked out with the raid group leader. The most important thing to us who lead the guild is that all raid groups raid consistantly and that every member of the guild that wants to raid and is compitent does so. You can in-game message or whisper Gibbler or Spenser. Please include your Operations experience and your current gear. If you have any other question feel free to ask away.


    Thank you much


  6. Forgotten Hope is currenlty recruiting serious raiders for its 4th raiding group. We are currently 5/5 in TFB HM and have cleared all PVE end game content to date. We are Pub side server first for HM TFB and are currently ranked 12th in the world for 8-man raiding guilds. Currently we are seeking 2 healers and a tank. Must be a serious raider looking for true progression and be a reliable player. Currently this raid group is raiding Thursdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 8 pm, Pacific. However, these raid times are not set in stone and can be worked out with the raid group leader. The most important thing to us who lead the guild is that all raid groups raid consistantly and that every member of the guild that wants to raid and is compitent does so. You can in-game message or whisper Gibbler or Spenser. Please include your Operations experience and your current gear. If you have any other question feel free to ask away.


    Thank you much


  7. In very chaotic situations or in the higher end Operations I sometimes find myself thinking that the threat and taunt system in this game is broken somehow. But it's always during that split second when I've lost aggro to one of my teammates. What usually results is an ego bruise and it looks like im bad at my role in the group. But it's always for just a split second. Then I get all my aggro back and all is well again. And then I think about how glad I am they've set up these mechanics how they did. Sometimes I really have to scramble to get things back in order. But, every day I get better at my class. And those times when things get out of hand and chaotic is when I wake up and start paying attention again. It's why I play this game. It's not a face roll. It's challenging and fun. I find that most of the time when I do have threat issues it's from a dpser who's geared to the teeth. And now that im starting to get really good gear im having less and less occurences of threat loss. Hopefully this will keep going like this until the next set of FP's and Op's are released and I have to relearn how to handle my business. ;)
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