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Posts posted by BalthazaarSix

  1. I for one look forward to my free #3A58FF hue changed droid pet I will get in the mail on every character in perpetuity as an apology for 7.1 being delayed to February 2023 with the inclusion of an all new one minute cinematic on Odessen talking about some strange implements Malgus was spotted shopping for at the grocery store (a spade? some seeds? is he taking up gardening?!? put all our resources on monitoring this, Lana) and a lotto you can play that deletes one of the classes from your game files, but has a rare chance of giving you an invisible rancor mount (it's invisible and you can't ride it, but you know it's there if you RP it hard enough).


    I literally spit Dr. Pepper all over my desk at work while reading this :D

  2. Hi all. I'm a founding player but my guild is all but dead. There's myself and maybe one or two other active players. I've been active since launch with only a few breaks here and there. I'm looking to alliance myself with another guild or possibly merge with a smaller active guild in order to meet new folks and active players. I do have a flagship on the Empire side with some extra unlocks completed. I did this myself over time. There are stipulations of course. I would have to maintain control of my guild in title only. In other words, I can't put myself in a position to just get booted and lose my flagship and so on. I don't want to be "in charge", just maintain physical control. We can rename ranks or whatever for the guild leaders. Maybe you're guild is so big it needs an alt guild or something along those lines? Anyway, you get the idea. If anyone is interested, get in touch with me through the forums. I'm on Star Forge, central time and am active throughout the week.
  3. Hello all. I've been away from the game for a bit and the guild I was in has basically died out, at least in SWTOR anyway. Very few players still logging on with any regularity and raiding is non-existent. I'm hoping I can find a good casual to slightly hardcore guild to get into that has regular events, groups, and raids going on. I have a lvl 50 Jug tank, and several toons ranging from 7 - 34 on both the Emp & Rep sides. Currently, I'm working on a dps Trooper and a healer Agent. I really enjoy playing healers and tanks more than anything else. I have vent, and am an MMO veteran. If any guilds out there are looking to recruit a returning player I'd love to hear more from you. Thanks for reading.
  4. My jug's been 50 for forever, and I have been a constant subscriber since early access. Yeah the tionese isn't really that great, but it's a hell of alot better than what I had on when I first made 50. Over time I got better gear, but when I made 50 I had bull@#% on. I'm just wondering who they're extending this offer to? Are F2P's getting or just subs? I can't find anything about it anywhere on the site or the forums.
  5. So I log in today and I have an email on my level 50 Jug stating something along the lines of "Congrats on Level 50....blah blah blah....time are going to get rougher so we need to get you geared...blah blah blah" I take the item, launch the quest which takes me to Imp Fleet. I go to the tionese vendor which is where the quest turn in was. My reward? A stack of 99 tionese commendations with which I promptly bought a full set of gear. My question is....what the hell? I mean is this going to be a normal thing, or just between now and a certain date, expansion launch, what? I'm just curious as to how this works because I have a Jedi Guardian at 42, am I going to get the same email for her at 50? If so, I'll be levelling toons like mad.
  6. I took a break from the game for about 3 months...played AoC again...still love that game but I'm a little bored with swords and daggers. Tried TSW...not even going to go there. Came back, and I love it more now than I did in early access. My high points are Sith Warrior story, Agent story, Darkside Jedi's, and killing Jawa's! Love this game!!!
  7. I saw Ep IV in the theater on opening day when I was 5. Remember it like it happened yesterday. The volume in the theater was so loud my mom actually had to watch the movie with her hands over her ears for most of it....AWESOME! I loved it! I recently ordered all of the books I could get my hands on from Amazon and am reading them in order from The Lost Tribe stories onward. I also still have many of the original action figures and ships from when I was a kid. Huge fan!
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