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Posts posted by ebmccown

  1. Sith Warrior, completed all previous story missions.


    After completing the Ossus story I received two alliance alerts; both were to recruit Jaesa.


    One from Lana was a "light-side" version of Jaesa and she retained her influence.


    One from Admiral Aygo was "dark-side" version and her influence was 1.


    I have both versions of Jaesa on my companion roster now. Pierce, Broonmark and 2V-R8 are also listed twice under "Other Followers," with current influence levels and can be summoned and under "Unavailbe Companions," listing their pre-KOTFE influence levels and cannot be summoned.


    One thing I didn't like was the prompt when starting JUS stating all previous chocies would be reset to class defaults rather than based on our actual choices. Hoping this was meant for people that didn't actually complete all the previous stories and it doesn't actually reset previous choices.

  2. I've noticed this on several bonus missions while I leveled up through the planet and class mission arcs on numerous characters. Seemed to happen more often with the bonus missions that have stages. It's as if they're not syncing correctly with the new planet sync system.


    I only noticed one or two actual planet or class missions that were affected. Mainly bonus missions though.


    Is it a grey quest by any chance? (ie, are you too high level for it?)


    They started out yellow or purple for me then turned grey after progressing to stage 2 in most cases. The "stage 1" of the bonus mission would show correct EXP gain but once you advanced to "stage 2" it would turn grey and only show +7 EXP.

  3. I think they may be fixing this for us tomorrow!!!



    Let us hope!


    As of right now my Bounty Hunter, Trooper and Consular all have this issue.


    I was in a live agent chat earlier regarding my Bounty Hunter's chapter 3 achievement not being granted and they told me they are working on this and the issue is related to the Blizz/Skadge legacy unlock issue AND the Rishi class mission issue and would not be able to grant me the achievement until this gets resolved.


    They were able to grant me the Smuggler chapter 3 achievement thankfully.

  4. I noticed this last night while going through Belsavis. Switching to instance 2 cleared the issue up (luckily there was a 2nd one up).


    There were about twenty+ people in instance 1. Two people including me in instance 2.

  5. •Your level


    •Roughly Average Item Rating

    216/220/224 mixture (4 piece set bonus)


    Watchman Sentinel


    Lana and Theron

    •Companion role


    •Companion Influence level

    Lana 24 & Theron 21

    •Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)


    Star Fortress Solo - Still able to complete with no issues but did notice the Paladins taking my HP down faster. This is probably due to the decreased healing the companions now do. I had to use rebuke on occasion, but otherwise no real issues throughout the entire phase.


    Star Fortress Heroic - Like night and day almost. I could handle a majority of the trash mobs, including Strong and Elite level. Paladins almost always had to use every cool down and on occasion when my health was below 50% my companion would simply not even heal. There were instances I had to double check I had them set to healing role and not DPS/tank roles.


    I could not even make it to the Exarch post 4.0.2. The last areas just before you jump up to the Exarch platform is a complete slaughter. With multiple Strong and sometimes 2 or 3 Elites, NONE of my companions could keep up even when using all cool downs and Heroic Moment. On occasion I could make it past the 1st and sometimes 2nd phase of that area, but that was letting all my cool downs refresh and doing some very unorthodox playing. :confused:


    Various Heroic Weekly Missions - Just about all the world heroics up until the mid 40's are doable for this character without problem. Once I get in to Voss and higher there are instances where I just get slaughtered. Same as above, my companion will simply stop healing and seem to either do nothing or just DPS.


    •Your level


    •Roughly Average Item Rating

    70/90 mixture


    Plasmatech Vanugard


    Elara & Tanno

    •Companion role


    •Companion Influence level

    Elara 24 & Tanno 5

    •Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)


    Planetary Story Arc (Quesh) Cartel Crushing - Using Tanno: A disaster. When fighting any group of 3+ normal and 1 Strong, or 2 Strong Tanno can barely keep up. BOTH our health will drop to 50% or less before he seems to realize healing needs to happen. Or healing is nerfed so bad his skills simply cannot keep up with the damage. Being a melee class he also seems to get confused on what to do. As mentioned above there are cases where he'll simply stop healing and run to a mob and start to DPS, even though one or both of us are near 50% health or less.


    Switching to Elara there was a noticeable difference, but not much. She seemed to heal more often but was occasionally prone to stopping mid fight to try and figure out what she needed to do. My thoughts on this are obvious since the is a HUGE gap in influence difference between the two but also Elara is a ranged class AND she was originally a healer to begin with. Perhaps there are still some AI tweaks that need to happen here? Or simply revert the healing changes all together. ;)


    •Your personal experience while playing this content


    I listed my best geared character and my lowest alt character. I have every other class at level 65 with 208 coms gear simply for farming or the occasional whatever when I'm bored. This patch definitely impacted gameplay for me but not to the point I am going to up and quit. However for the casual person I feel this patch REALLY impacts their game play.

  6. I cannot complete Shadow of Revan's class mission "The Ones Left Behind"

    You cannot progress in this mission without finishing your class story arc. Complete the mission "Number One with a Bullet" to proceed.


    However, I finished his main story.

    I got his legacy ability for the heroic moment.


    Same thing happened to me just now on my Jedi Consular. Picked up "Barsen'thor's Legacy" but says I need to finish "Chaos and Harmony," which I have done and even have the achievements for.


    I haven't tried on my Bounty Hunter yet but will soon and update then.

  7. I also lost Torian. After the first conversation mission completed I left my ship for Quesh and he disappeared completely.


    I was able to re-acquire him during a later class mission where he was captured during "No Strings Attached," only to disappear again after updating his conversation missions.


    On a side note the same thing happened on my Jedi Consular with Zenith. After finishing Balmora he was just not there at all.


    Still waiting on ticket responses on both cases. :(

  8. You answered the question :) TY


    (As for the slightly off topic part I go off fleet all the time! All kinds of things in the codex to find. There are dailies, and there are always the world events. Or just exploring and messing around. It's nice when I run into folks doing some RP sometimes as well all over.)


    I'll do som RP with you Desi! :eek:

  9. 1 0 init SetDescription: Description=>"Melee attacks cause the target to bleed."

    1 0 init SetDuration: MaxDuration=>15000, Duration=>15000, Toughness=>1

    1 0 init SetCharges: InitialCharges=>3, MaxCharges=>3

    1 0 init SetStackLimit: MaxStackCount=>1, IsPerCaster=>1

    1 1 action ModifyCharges: AmountMin=>3, AmountMax=>3

    1 1 action PlayAppearance: AppearanceSpec=>epp.sith_warrior.deadly_saber.cast_instant

    1 2 action CallEffect: FromActor=>Caster, EffectNumber=>2

    1 3 action ModifyCharges: AmountMin=>-1, AmountMax=>-1

    2 0 init SetDescription: Description=>"Periodic elemental damage."

    2 0 init SetType: BuffType=>Negative

    2 0 init SetCharges: InitialCharges=>1, MaxCharges=>3

    2 0 init SetStackLimit: MaxStackCount=>1, IsPerCaster=>1

    2 0 init SetName: Name=>"Bleeding (Physical)"

    2 0 init SetIcon: IconSpec=>bloomingshot

    2 0 init SetDuration: MaxDuration=>6000, Duration=>6000, Toughness=>1

    2 0 init SetTickRate: Interval=>3000

    2 0 init SetScalesWithCharges

    2 0 condition IsAlive: Actor=>Target

    2 0 condition IfCalledByEffect

    2 1 action SpellDamage: SpellType=>Force, StandardHealthPercentMin=>0.02, Slot=>None, Coefficient=>0.2, StandardHealthPercentMax=>0.02, AmountModifierPercent=>0.01, DamageType=>Elemental


    I bolded the really important part there. Oh hey, FORCE!


    And lastly Attack Types, Damage Types, Avoidance and Mitigation in SWTOR.

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