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Posts posted by vankirkr

  1. I would have to agree that common mobs, not bosses, are a lot more difficult to kill than they used to be. I'm an original subscriber and I have never died ten times in one evening over the course of an hour. Some of it is undoubtedly due to the increased lag I'm experiencing, despite my internet counter at the bottom of the screen saying full bars. Some of it is also the change in systems with the introduction of this new skill system. But it doesn't change the underlying point that basic mobs are a lot more difficult to kill, and its incredibly random that this effect happens. I'll be mowing down basics and then randomly I'll get slaughtered in twenty seconds by three of them. It doesn't make any sense and there's no way for me to see if one of them is powering up a special attack until its too late.


    I would like them to change whatever they did to make basic leveling much harder. The game is no longer enjoyable.

  2. I really don't like the new system, I had a more balanced sage with some healing abilities but also telekenetics, and now I really can only choose one of those to follow. Overall, I'm finding I'm dying a hell of a lot more than I did before, and its making the game less fun. Maybe I have to learn to play healer better, but I'm not liking game play so far. Also, I've seen a lot of the skills of my shadow removed and forced into a specific avenue. I'm really not liking these changes so far, it's making me lean towards cancelling my subscription.
  3. +1 for this and I'm Republic! Please, it's not just a factional imbalance issue... some of us just DON'T LIKE HUTTBALL! Not to mention out of all the PvP games I've played (20+) I've only got Alderaan once and Voidstar twice.
  4. I want to agree with this, I'm sick and tired of huttball! And I really hate dropping into matches that have already started which seems to be the case... and I'm republic so it's not the faction I rolled, at least I don't think. I really just want to fight the Empire as part of RP... guess I don't get to in this game.
  5. I think what it really comes down to is not everyone likes huttball, and we shouldn't have to play it. I get that in a way it balances out those waiting for PvP but I don't enjoy it! Why am I forced to play a game I don't enjoy when I'll be paying a monthly subscription to enjoy SWTOR? I'm a republic player on an RP server and huttball doesn't work for me! Allow it as an option to unselect huttball for PvP zones.
  6. I'd like to second this request... I continuously get friggen huttball and I hate it... especially for an RP server, I PVP for storyline purposes as well... against the Imperials, not in a huttball game.


    Please let us choose warzones!

  7. Yeah I have as well, also the airshafts that shoot you into the air... 85% of the time they just glitch and move you four meters in another direction... Not very helpful to escape impending death. :/
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