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Posts posted by killer_kam

  1. I just want to put it out there, that unless there's a unified view on what steps should be taken to rectify the problem, we're not going to have a good outcome.


    Given the infighting seen of late as to the various options, I'd like to suggest we take the decision away from the community and accept a forced server merger, with options to transfer after the fact.


    It's pretty clear that if free or paid transfers were offered we'd be in a similar position due to the differences in opinion around ping times, PvP/PvE/RP server types, hell even what server to migrate to. The only path forward I can see that will work for the community as a whole is to force the merger upon us, then if you don't like it, transfer off to a US/EU server at your discretion.

  2. I don't know, when I get bad service I don't look for a way to keep using the same bad service that is inconvenient.

    Especially while I'm still paying for said service. Why do only APAC users have to reroll to play on a populated server.

    We have enough population in APAC for 1 decent server, not a great server. EA/Bioware has the means to do something about it. They just refuse to. They won't even explain their reasoning and apologize.

    No, I won't go out of my way to fix their problem.


    This is my thought as well. All that time and effort I put into those characters on Gav Daragon, I don't want to lose that just because Bioware can't do their job.


    It comes back to having "fun", what Bioware is (or isn't) doing is making the game not fun. I do not want to play it when they act this way. The thought of re-rolling on another server doesn't sound like fun at all. If that's the only option Bioware will give me then I don't wish to play this game any more as it would no longer be fun for me.


    Having said that, right now they've not even stated that. They've left us in this disgusting limbo place. Horrid customer service. If I was running Bioware I'd be kicking these Customer Service rep's asses.

  3. WSubbed till xmas, god that was a stupid mistake.

    Can barely get the motivation to log on to finish the imperial class stories, will see how it goes.


    Bioware please do something, I liked this game.


    I totally forgot my sub was renewing today. Missed my opportunity to cancel it damn. Guess I'll hold out another couple of weeks and see how things are going then. By the looks of things nothing would have changed.

  4. They must be truly confident about the influx of new players that will come with F2P, because they're screwing many oceanic players over this and will lose them completely.


    My understanding of F2P, this won't really help people post level 50. There seems to be a lot of restrictions around what F3P players can do, and most of those seem to be endgame stuff. I could be wrong of course, but I've not heard anything from Bioware to suggest otherwise. Mind you I've not heard anything from Bioware to suggest they're actually alive and breathing over there......

  5. Bioware you must have a plan, please tell us what it is already.


    They have told you, their plan is to tell you more as the find out.


    Of course for them to find out more, that would require they actually think about the problem. Which would also require thinking about the Oceanic community as a whole. They did that once, they're due to do it again sometime in the next 12 years.

  6. Holy ****balls!!! After calling us oceanics all sorts of names and suggestions such as 'read a book', 'get a life', 'take a walk', 'have a shower', 'exercise', etc., when we complained about server downtime's during peak hours, look at this!!! Oh my, 600+ posts on a new thread, within the six hours I was in bed.


    This is why we don't get looked at. This thread's been going on for weeks now, and we've only got what, around 550 posts here. The servers go down in US prime time and they'll get that many posts in a couple of hours.


    It may seem like a big deal for us, because, you know, it IS! But for Bioware, we're just that annoying little problem over there that we should get around to looking at but it's not important enough.


    I think it's time to call it a day with time game. This isn't a game for people outside of the US.

  7. Well, considering that those who wish to do world PvP have the option to flag themselves, even on a PvE server, the notion of PvP and PvE servers seems a big far-fetched.


    I don't think I've seen one post saying they don't want to lose the PVP server. Everyone seems fine with accepting a move to a PVE server. This can't be what's holding up the process. I suspect it's just not important to them.

  8. And they'll get back to us right after the game goes ftp.


    "Well, this isn't a problem, you can transfer each of your characters for $(US)50 at any time, if you feel your server isn't populated enough." :eek:


    They can say that if they want to, it's totally up to them. I don't see how that will appease the APAC community that is already mightily pissed off with them right now.


    I personally don't want a "transfer", I would like a server merger like what was just done in the US. Take these 3 servers we have here for our region, and merge them into a single server.


    I also think the threats of leaving don't bother Bioware due to the impending FTP. They'll be expecting to lose a lot of paying subscribers to FTP, it's the nature of that model, so losing a few APAC players beforehand will be of little concern to them.


    So basically, I don't think they're going to announce anything before FTP in regards to APAC server consolidations. We can be a noisy as we like about it, but they won't respond. They have no reason to just yet. Once they go FTP you'll see a bit more communications from them, they'll have a player base that has no ties to this game, they'll need to ensure everything is done to make the game as playable as possible then. Right now, we're kind of locked in, we WANT to pay to play, but they don't really need us to.

  9. Ragequit much? That's honestly the silliest reason I've seen for unsubbing.


    That's not rage quitting, that's standing up for your fellow players when bullied by these "customer service" forum mods.


    Also I'm not sure if everyone is aware, but they are actively deleting posts in this thread. I posted before giving feedback that I felt the customer service response wasn't at all suitable, expressed my thoughts on the dwindling population, and thanked OP for putting the time in to write this up for everyone. That post has since been deleted though. This is the pinnacle of bad service. It's no surprise at all I see people quitting over this. God knows I'm re-evaluating if I want to be part of this community any more.

  10. Was really hoping we would get a reply from a Dev but that dream dwindles each day as does this happening anytime soon. I think its time to take the matter into our own hands and every Oceanic/APAC player that wants to continue this game should just re-roll to Dalborra and Bioware will meet these requested changes in there own time.


    Yeah as if. If the Dev's don't at least acknowledge the problem I don't' see why I should continue to support them.


    It also says a lot about a game where I don't want to replay it all again. I don't want to re-roll because I won't have fun to play it again.....

  11. OK. So I have read all 34 pages. But I'm going to repeat suggestions anyway because hopefully the more people that share their thoughts (even if they're the same) the greater the chance of them being actioned.


    So first off.




    Really, this is amazingly poor right now. I understand that 1.3 was supposed to bring more customisation options to the table with social gear, but I really don't see it. There's a whole heap of little things with character customisation that add up to it being unusable.


    • Colours - My god, how boring are the colours in this game. Would you like your shade of brown more like poo or sand? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us change the colours here. Not just setting the primary colour of a chest piece, but actually changing the colours of everything. We need to fix up all the mis-matching pieces.
    • Enhancements/Mods/Armour ect. - Why does it cost money to remove these??? "Credit sink" gets thrown around a lot. That's not fun. I don't like grinding to get credits so I can change my appearance.
    • Coloured gear - There's plenty of gear that drops. No-one ends up caring about it though because once you've got some Orange gear or better it's next to useless. You really need to make everything equivalent to what is currently orange, or remove the orange type gear all together.
    • Social Points - Why is this a requirement for some gear??? I can't even GET social points on my server. Hell I've been queued non-stop for to first republic FP on my current character since level 10. I'm now at level 17 and still haven't run a FP. Get rid of social points or allow me to get some.




    This is probably a bigger issue, but it's something that really irks me. The environments do not make for a fun game. Everything is far too big, far too far away. You walk through space ships that have corridors big enough to drive half a dozen trucks down. It takes you half an hour to walk from one side of the map to another. Even taxis take ages to get anywhere. I've stopped playing the game when I'm in a taxi somewhere. I'll alt-tab to my browser and do something else. Really the whole thing just feels far too big, for no good reason. It's like they've made it take ages to do anything just to keep you playing longer.


    Also environmental, stop making me walk. I have a speeder, let me use it. There's no reason to disallow speeders anywhere.


    Finally, stop waking me walk through all these mobs of enemies, fight them all, then turn me around and make me do it all over again. That is not fun. That is annoying and causes me to want to stop playing. Have it so once you've "triggered" a mob attack, that you won't trigger them again, unless you choose to.




    There's nothing to do endgame unless you want to do Warzones or the same missions over and over again. I realise there can't be an endless supply of content, but if there isn't any single player story updates there's little difference between this game and every other MMO.




    I think there should be some good API access given for 3rd party applications. Provide access to things both in-game and out of game. My keyboard has an LCD, other games provide stats on this LCD in-game, SWTOR does not. If people had access to an API they could create this for you. GTN, why do I need to log in to the game client to access the GTN (or my inventory)? I'm just taking up space on the server. I'm not even "playing" the game at times, I'm just checking what's available, picking up some bargains/necessities, logging out again. Surely this could be better done through a website.




    As suggested by many people now. We need a legacy bank, better ways of transferring items, make everything bind to legacy. Also stop making us buy the same perks over and over again.




    Finally. The biggest one. Make the game more fun.


    Every problem I've got with the game is because it's making the game less fun for me. I'm sure there's some genius sitting in a corner office somewhere who has decided it's more important to get people playing for LONGER than it is for them to have fun while doing it. Whoever that guy (or gal) is, stop listening to them. It is NOT fun to have to save up 100,000 credits to unlock legacy perks that should be unlocked by default. It is NOT fun to play the same mission over and over again to get commendations. It is NOT fun to spend half an hour walking across an oversized jungle. Stop it.

  12. Hello from Europe.

    Just looked at this post out of curiosity really. But having read it, I feel that EU and you Aussies are in the same boat. Dedicated local server farms and customer services for a dwindling population.

    The cynic in me doesnt hold much hope of a server merge for you guys,I think that pretty soon, the nxt announcement will be free server transfers for you to US servers and server migration to the US server farms for all EU servers. EA/BW are looking to maximise profit and by closing down the overseas operations will save them lots of cash.Plus, if they then sell on said farms they can recoup more money. Sounds brutal but I bet u its under discussion. Turbine did it with LOTRO and EA/BW seem to be following a similar path.


    I sincerely hope not. They would have to still have some "dedicated" servers for people in our time zone to join, otherwise people will be going all over the shop, they'll login at 7:30pm AEST and find 2 people on the server at the same time. Not to mention the number of people that will simply up and leave from the feeling of betrayal from EA/BW.

  13. I think the 2 PVE server for oceanic regions should be merged for sure. I'm on Gav Daragon and there's very little RP going on anyway. I don't think it will change much say bringing everyone from Dalborra across to this server, nor would it put many people out if it went the other way (I think it would be "nicer" to have everyone on an RP server than a pure PVE server though so people don't feel unwelcome to RP).
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