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Posts posted by Lianathon

  1. Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


    PLEASE PLEASE reconsider this, I personally have alot of issues with crashing. Its one of the reasons I don't PVP in WoW. I crash once and BAM am hit with Deserter so its another half hour wasted. I'd hate to be punished because of poor luck more so than I already am. Please use a carrot rather than stick method for this.

  2. They don't even talk about the Chiss, so I don't think this article is really true. I added myself the Chiss to the list and also the source of the "X-Wing serie of books" by Aaron Allston, where they clearly say that Twi'leks and Humans cannot interbreed at all.


    Imagine if Twi'leks and humans could have Hybrids? there would be Hybrids everywhere in the galaxy. Monsters with half tentacules on the head, etc... it's just not credible at all.


    The serie Clone Wars 3D did a LOT of nonsense things that contradicts even the movies. They even said that Mandalorians were pacifists and had a queen... -_-




    Someone needs to go back to school and learn about Dominant and recessive traits, yes some traits do hybridise but for many traits its a one or the other thing.

  3. Of course, Revan used to just collapse. From what I've heard, people got mad when he died, so Bioware added the whole callback to Malak and invincible shield thing, then made him explode. That allows them to let people think they might bring him back, even when they probably won't, and in an extreme circumstance, they can always *** Pull some method of survival.


    I have no illusions that they were doing anything but covering their bases.



    I don't know his new "Death" looks alot like how you travel on Belsavis

  4. Be glad that the person who wrote the SI story is gone lets just hope our expansion story is better. Cause lets just say the only time I felt like darth sidious is on taris and yet that said person I am meant to be corrupting does not even get corrupted. :mad:


    I wonder if people keep complaining about SW plot not including you winning a podrace and saying Wizard....

  5. It's all down to cowardice, unfortunately.


    RPPvE servers attract the kind of RPers who want to be as powerful as everyone else while at level 1 and in rags because they've been brainwashed by modern social trends into thinking everyone is equal.


    So even in a game that provides a whole system specifically designed for people to compete with each other based on their gear and abilities and items and skill, they still prefer emote battles to real battles.


    The thing is, you can't argue the topic because it's a personal choice.


    Just as long as they don't start closing down RPPvP servers and leaving only RPPvE servers, there isn't really a problem.




    You can however apparently broadly insult people. Its like saying "People who roll on pvp servers only do so because they like having mechanical support for griefing" This is of course not true, and neither is your cowardly Godmoder concept.


    Its simple Most people don't like to Deal with Pvp. No iffs ands or buts, its the truth Pvp is a minority, you can come up with all manner of deragatory term that only terms you want for the majority(and thus turn them away from pvping)

  6. "Simulation" vs "narrative" is an interesting way to look at it, but to me "simulation" and "roleplay" are one and the same. The perfect roleplaying game would allow your character to do everything you can imagine doing. Rather than type "/emote jumps up and down" you would simply have an ability to make your character jump up and down. Rather than narrate about how you are going to save the city from the orc invasion, there should actually be an orc invasion which you can then attempt to save the city from.





    I think you are missing the difference. a SImulationist expects a perfect copy of the universe they treat the Star wars Galaxy as a place to interact with. A Narrativist on the other hand treats it as a STORY to interact with placing greater emphesis on storyline vs "Realism"

  7. Hate to break it to you, but there are actually multiple means of teleportation in Star Wars. It is possible to warp space time via and ancient dark side power known as a Force Storm (Palpatine transported Luke and R2 from Coruscant to a fleet prison near Byss once) Also, in some of Timothy Zahn's books, and in other things as well, there is a mysterious species called (I think) the Aiing Tii monks (or something) who use the force to bend space and travel instantly from anywhere to anywhere else. I heard somewhere that they teach this power to Luke at some point as well. There are many other methods of teleportation, all requiring a large amount of power and talent with the force, but not too much for Revan using them to be inconceivable.





    Or something that doesn't require Revan to know yet another secret technique is show on Belsavis, the Rakatta had teleportation technology, and Since the Foundry is a Rakatta location...


  8. Unreal... just unreal.


    All those that are disagreeing with the OP do not understand the ramifications of this being okay.


    You all pay 15 bucks a month to play Skyrim? or Fallout? MMO's should last us years. At this pace (and no, people weren't clearing raid content 3 DAYS after launch) even the most avid ToR fan will be saying "Soooo... what now?" before their free month is up.



    All those people who cleared the content were early invites so its more like 10 days for them.


    Second.. Basic level raiding is like LFR level in WoW meant to be puggable, if they wanted challenge(vs epeen) they would have skipped to Heroic which is the intention.

  9. well....i guess since 90-95 percent of players found wotlk too hard...yeah...yeah i do wish content was hard enough that only 5-10 percent of the player base could complete it.


    no im fine with easyish raids as long as the content can be delivered on a regular basis. I know in wow we sat around waiting for months and months waiting for new raids that were just as easy to clear....granted i never bothered with hard modes which is my own fault. I always kinda figured if the regular mode was super easy then the hard modes were probably not much more difficult but who knows i guess. im still gonna try it on my own, just worried i might not enjoy it too much. just was curious if anyone shared my same thoughts mr. LOLOLOLAMIRITEGUY?!?!




    Basic level raids are meant to be PUgable, Heroic is meant to be the Coordinated Guild level, and Nightmare mode the hardcore.

  10. Can someone help me understand this. In my opinion Roleplaying is all about immersing yourself in the game world, feeling like you're part of it and that there's nothing unnatural stopping you from being who you want to be. So naturally I feel a PvP server, where the freedom of attacking whoever you want (on the opposite side) is present, is the best suited type of server for RP.


    Wouldn't the PvE mechanics break immersion? You're standing next to a player of your opposing faction with your lightsaber/blaster ready but simply can't touch the person because of some other-wordly intervention called "pvp-flag". To me that breaks the spell of being in a world of war, conflict and constant danger.


    On the other hand, I can understand the annoyance of people who are in the server NOT to RP and might try to destroy the experience for RP'ers which is easier to do in a PvP server. But really, to me that's an added danger of the world that can be easily "embedded" in the roleplay.


    So what is your stance on this? Why did you choose RP-PvE or RP-PvP?



    // Alkara Nelien




    Most Rpers aren't Simulationists which is what you are equating with Rpers. Simulationists want the "Real" Star Wars Galaxy experience, Narrativists would prefer to tell stories that have meaning and thus being ganked by some random punk isn't very popular.

  11. As we all know from wow, this is not working. People will start to be rude, I had never seen such a horrible raid community like in wotlk and cata.


    Raiding at vanilla and tbc was fine, also because you had no lfg that turned people into rude kids, only caring about their loot.


    The LFD tool had a major impact at wow...



    Yes they were, people jumped from Guild to guild, big guilds actively poached people to get further, Wow has ALWAYS been about rude kids and their loot.

  12. on PVE servers I couldn't care less.


    BUT on PVP server summons to dungeons or bosses or quests or well.,... SUMMONS. should not be implemented. IF you want to kill a boss/do operation with your guild, you should plann those events (even if its just a 30 min warning in guildchat or something).



    Right if someone wants to do pve content they should spent as much time as possible not pvping, god knows them sitting for hours in fleet will make them so able to interact with world pvp.

  13. Haven't had a hard boss-fight since Vanilla WoW.

    Games are too much on rails, and people whine if they can't oneshot a boss in a pug, while they watch footie on TV at the same time.


    But I have no doubt that all challenge will get watered down fast. Unfortunately that's how it always goes these days =(




    Maybe if you'd like to suggest a strategy to said people rather than "You suck don't whine" then your precious challenge might be maintained.

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