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Posts posted by Ravion-

  1. Thanks for the advice on here guys, I was just about to throw my PC out the window...


    Seems really counter intuitive to me, every other elite I've fought it was easy to nuke them while my companion tanked, sometimes they would go down but they were left with nothing, him on the other hand, well the first time an all out nuke worked on the 5th or 6th try, but then 5 more times going down as he just mezzed my companion and ran at me, pausing just long enough to reapply the mez while they got one ot two hits in, I didn't even think about kiting with pretty much all the sniper skills requiring cover, and with no healer companion to keep you topped up.


    There should be a warning sign on entry to the ship, warning, skill bump ahead :p


    You can also beat him through Diplomacy, no need to fight him at all if you choose the correct dialogue unless they've changed the mission Anyways I wish you good luck keep on sniping/shiving :)

  2. Ok.


    Now let's talk.


    Do you know that:


    - AoE abilities in SWTOR (for some SGRAish reasons) when targeted ground show clear big spot to stealther?

    - AoE abilities have delay between spot on the ground and start of casting

    - stealthers have normal speed in stealth plus noncombat sprint buff so when they see that spot on the ground they just move out?


    Just don't try to be smartlowerback, ok? Stealther will open on you when he wants, not because you force him.


    Wasn't trying tobe smart just helpful spy's did the same in swg sometimes get lucky and damage them mess up there ambush wasn't always 100% but atleast it worked from time

    I also played spy so fully understand how stealth profession's work we control the fights no one else.


    Spy's in swg were more powerful then Op's with the whole different suit set up buffs and different stealth mechanics, smuggys here id say are about the same as smuggys from swg dps wise.

  3. This reminds me of swg Spy&smuggy hate lol be happy smuggs here don't have end of the line and off the cuff you'd be screaming nerf like a pregnant women giving birth.


    Riight tactics used against spy's in swg could work here, use aoe ability's near where you think the op could be also walk towards the spot where you think op could be till you get a chance to detect them or have a prof with a stun we had (smuggy pistolwhip) so as soon has they pop should be dead no problem.


    While during a warzone was playing as my sniper was lvl 21 at the time jedi shadow was 24 using black out on me and this other dude so I thought give the old swg tactic ago to find him and it worked should work on op's not sure if your level gives you a better chance of detection most likely does.


    Anyways people crying for op&smuggy nerf give these tactics ago and most of all never stray to far from your group this would probably be more useful in open world since that's not as fast paced as warzones well there's my tips.

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