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Posts posted by Niyenna

  1. The fact that I am posting in such a ridiculous thread shows how bored I am right now.


    "Competitive PvE" in itself is a pointless and meaningless pissing match made up by people that feel the need to be respected by the community for their accomplishments, rather than just playing the game for the sake of fun.


    I totally understand the desire to face a seemingly insurmountable challenge and overcome it. I understand that there is a subset of players that find incredible enjoyment in the toughest challenges and the feeling of being stretched outside the norm, and I think these players should be catered to in the form of massively hard encounters. However, I also think that damage metrics are completely unnecessary for these people, and that they will eventually achieve optimal gameplay through trial and error simply because that is how they play.


    Obviously Bioware does not agree with me in that aspect and is implementing parsable combat logs. Now people are saying that this style of log is unacceptable because it doesn't show you what other people are doing. Again, I will say that this is completely unnecessary. The people that make the most use of this data are not going to to be staring at meters during a fight. They are going to take the gathered data and do lots of math with it when they are not playing, and then try to apply the results to a live encounter.


    Some people seem to think that a raid will succeed if you have X dps and X hps and X damage reduction. They think that simply swapping out low dps for high dps will make them win. Unfortunately many of the encounters in WoW reinforced this idea. Raid groups are far more than the sum of their parts and while damage meters can be used to optimize certain aspects of gameplay, you will find over and over again that some players are just better at tough raid encounters and will consistently triumph where others will fail, regardless of what the combat log says.

  2. The Jedi are not, and are not intended to be, an absolute standard of what is good. The purpose of the Jedi order is to be an impartial police force for the Republic. They are not forbidden passions and emotion because they are inherently wrong, but because these things make them less effective in the pursuit of justice. Greed, lust, fear, and zeal in a jedi could cause much greater harm and allow them to be swayed from their course.


    The Sith, on the other hand, are taught not only to embrace passion and emotion, but to give in to them. This certainly includes things we would consider good, such as love, tenderness, and compassion. However, any person who is constantly ruled by their emotions is not stable, and will very rarely make wise decisions. An interesting note is that the more powerful and higher ranked Sith tend to be more calm than the apprentices. I think the intense passions needed to gain power in the Sith hierarchy are less desirable once an individual is needed to rule. This doesn't mean that training hasn't left deep scars in these high ranking Sith, and they have a tendency to be far more cruel and destructive than is necessary.


    My thinking is that the Jedi are in the right, not because they have moral high ground, but because they have a purpose and their code aids that purpose. The Sith have always been rebels and conquerors, following whatever path and using whatever methods that their emotions dictate. They have no unique purpose in a functioning society and their code is of no use to others. This is what makes them in the wrong.

  3. I'll interject my fairly neutral opinion into this discussion.


    First of all, you have to realize that many of the statements on this topic are extreme generalizations. The people that honestly want combat logs are usually not the epeen flaunting jerks that spam meters in small groups after every encounter. These people know that the most useful way of analyzing combat data is well after raid night, with lots of math and testing.


    On the other side, the people that don't want combat logs are not all button mashing morons incapable of contributing to group content.


    I think something to remember is that WoW made huge advancements in scripted raid content, and damage meters were there through most of the process. We haven't really seen a game with advanced WoW style raid encounters that doesn't have damage meters. Bioware has gambled that players don't really need damage meters as much as they think they do. I'm sure that if they feel that the lack of damage meters is seriously hurting the game then combat logs will be added.

  4. It's really simple. If you aren't having fun playing the game, unsub and do something else. Don't suffer through an unenjoyable game because you hope it might turn into a game you like.


    Saying, "I'll wait two more months and then unsub if I still don't like it" is completely unreasonable because the development timetable is completely unrelated to your personal expectations. That kind of thinking wastes your money and sets you up for disappointment.

  5. Does SWTOR actually have more content? o.o I'd be surprised considering how much longer Rift has been out.. but.. I could be wrong :D


    Rift has more endgame content. Of course its been out for nearly a year so that's kind of expected. They have about the same number of small group instances, but Rift has 5-6? raids now, as well as 4 battlegrounds and, of course, rifts.


    Swtor has more 1-50 content (and much better). Rift's design is such that with one or two characters you can do everything, so they didn't put much into the leveling aspect of the game.


    As it has been said over and over, Bioware spent much more time working the 1-50 story-driven aspects of swtor because, quite frankly, that has always been their strength. They expect you to level alts and see other story arcs, whereas Rift is focused almost entirely on single character endgame.


    I played Rift for about 6 months and really enjoyed it. I stopped because I had done all the dungeons and dailies and rifts enough to be totally bored with them, didn't have any interest in pvp, and couldn't stand the thought of leveling a third character.

  6. But there's still no server wide chat channel, right?


    But thanks, i would have never figured that out. Maybe the current tool should be a little more user friendly?


    I definitely agree that the current tool could be made more user friendly. I was very frustrated with not being able to read people's LFG comments until I realized you could read it all by mousing-over the LFG icon next to their name.


    Flagging for LFG and typing in a comment is just as easy as queuing for in a dungeon finder, and groups can be formed with a few whispers instead of chat channel spam.

  7. Based on the number of replies to this thread by people who don't understand how the current LFG system works, it might be safe to say that the majority of the playerbase doesn't know how it works, or how to use it.


    Perhaps a comprehensive guide (available in-game would be excellent) on how to use the current tool would encourage more people to use it.


    The only difference between the current tool and something like WoW's or Rift's tools is that this one is not automated (and not cross-server).

  8. I think the current LFG tool would be much more widely used if it wasn't zone specific. I really think the right first step is for a server wide channel and list of who's lfg and for what.


    It isn't zone specific. It defaults to everyone in your current zone. You can take that out and type in any search parameters (even as generic as "lfg") and it will search your entire server.

  9. In the meantime, the entire game seems to be full of people who actively refuse to group for anything, and there's no effective LFG tool for people who do want to group to find eachother.


    There already is a mechanism for people to find other people, regardless of their location or current activity. A LFG tool is for people who expect groups to spontaneously form.

  10. What's so great about a mmo community? What's so great about it that we have to protect it from the evil xserver LFD? Seriously, if my irl community resembled a mmo community I would move to a different town today.


    It's simple: would you rather do the same endgame content over and over with random strangers or with friends who will chat and joke around? Just like your town has people you would never associate with it also has people who's company you genuinely enjoy and who make average experiences more fun.


    The idea of community is that the time you spend in MMOland has the same social aspects as roaming the real world with friends.

  11. A global LFG chat channel would serve the same purpose, and most likely go MUCH faster than any LFD queue if you actually bothered talking to people of the same level to see if they were interested in doing the same FP you want to.


    A global LFG channel would turn into a generic global channel and do very little. The current who/lfg tab does everything a LFG channel could do, and the only reason it doesn't work is that there aren't enough people using it.

  12. This is the really twisted part:


    People don't use it becaue they're used to spamming general with "LFG..." because they come from MMOs that have x-server LFD and this is the only way they know how to find groups without the dungeon finder. So what's easier - change an entire playerbase's mentality, or just give them what they're used to, what they know how to use?


    It's not about what's easiest; it's about longevity. Will a LFD tool keep people playing and playing for a long time? I would argue that a LFG tool makes people less social, and its the social aspect of these games that keeps people playing. Of course, spamming "LFG" in general chat isn't social and no one is saying that it is. However, communication between players before and during dungeon runs helps to build the social bonds that keep people interested in playing a game that is intrinsically repetitive.


    At the VERY least SW:TOR needs an LFG tool that generates a list of all the players in all zones who are LFG for flashpoints. This list needs to designate them as DPS, Tank or Heals. That way you can pick individuals and invite them to your party. Personally I would prefer something that skips that step and just generates the group. Even with randomly generated parties, This isn't WoW, our server populations are TINY! That Dick of a player you're so scared of is just going to alienate himself in this process anyways.


    If you type "lfg" in who, it gives you a list of all the players flagged for lfg. It will even search within the lfg comments that people add.


    The simple fact is that not many people use the tool as it stands. Maybe people have become used to having tools automate the whole process and don't feel like they should have to do anything to get a group. Maybe people just don't know about it.


    I agree that it would be good to make the current lfg more robust, but I am wary of automated systems since they tend to create low quality groups. If people can't be bothered to communicate while forming a group, what are the chances that they will bother to communicate once they are in a group?

  14. I'm bored at work so I'll tack my opinions on this massive thread for the hell of it.


    First of all, most of the people who whine incessantly about the newer movies are unreasonable idiots who you don't want to talk to anyway. The much greater number of people who feel that the newer movies are simply not as good as the older ones will still get some enjoyment out of them (but will gladly jump on the bashing bandwagon when discussion arises).


    The simple fact is that the original trilogy is not the same as the new trilogy. For a variety of reasons, Lucas chose to make the new trilogy in a way that is very different from the old, and in the process removed or altered much of what made Star Wars such a classic. While the new product might be okay on its own, people who love the original trilogy were presented with something vastly different.

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