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Posts posted by Ikzdeh

  1. Interupts ...

    12sec cooldown, 4sec duration = 33% uptime.


    Theoreticly 3 players with Interupts can stop every cast, if they can coordignate it without overlaps, may voicechat.

    Even 2 interupts and a 4sec stun doesnt leave much room to react for a healer.

    Most healer break if you interupt into stun or stun into interupt.


    But its very annoying if they runaway and heal out of sight - whats more a problem with server latency, its almost impossible as melee with everyone teleporting cross the map. You cant let that happen, finish em.



    If you struggle to land your interupts, go to interface editor and set the enemy castbar to maximum size.

  2. Unranked is pretty bad for anything, low gear, low techfrags and even less for losing.

    Flashpoints are just more time efficent for gear, since your chance to lose is way lower.


    The weekly and daily quests are still worth it, they reward bigger loot boxes.


    The ranked quests are on another level, you gain ranking points to buy stuff at the pvp vendors - where you find your stronghold, mount, cosmetic rewards. I like the black silver crystal.


    Problem is that almost nobody ques ranked, so its really hard to do theese quests - i dont get why, its fun. I wish they would block premade unranked, or maybe maximum of 2 player unranked group - just to force groups que ranked.

  3. I already done some testing at 0,99 sec force choke channel. Its not worth, since you sacrifice too much crit and accuracy.

    From 2350 to 4279 is about ~2k alcrity, 5x 400 stat items.


    The gains are just to low for the investment - force choke cd goes down from 31sec to 29sec. 2 seconds for double alacrity? no thanks.



    it can be useful to ensure that abilties with cast times or channel times occur over the same number of global cooldowns as they would without Berserk, so that the flow of your rotation isn't interrupted.


    I think the bigger deal is the cooldown reduction. Not only on force choke, intim roar, even force charge or ravage.


    But bringing force chocke down from 60 seconds, -15 with talent, -6 with alacrity gear and another -8 with berserc end at about 31sec cooldown - almost half of the original.

    As far i know Carnage is the only specc with Berserc, therefore the only specc that can stun on that low cooldown. Having double as many stuns per minute, is pretty good in pvp. Can force their CC breaker and kill 30sec later.


    With berserc i end at a 1,03 force choke channel, i guess i am at the 1,1gcd (cant parse test berserc 3min) - so i would get 2 globals (gore, vicious throw) during my stun and the third 0,23 seconds after where i would hit my ravage immobilze into Blast - bursting about a 100k dmg over 5-6seconds, maybe even more with the power relic ready.

    Feels good in pvp, i can combo someone to pop their defensive, stealth and do it again after ~20/30 seconds where i kill pretty save.


    Sidenote: Berserc is wierd. Its 6 stacks of 30% alacrity, that can snapshot abiltys on a lower cooldown.

    There are abiltys as Furious Power or Ferocity that gain the lower cooldown from bersercs alacrity, without consuming a stack!

    But there are also abiltys as Mad Dash, that doesnt gain anything from alacrity but consume a stack.

  4. If you have a link for the data i am gladly take a look at it.


    If you run a test for 5minutes lag could be an issue, a 2sec lag every minute, thats a loss of ~7gcds, at 3sec lag every minute you lose about ~15gcd and so on. That can already make a 195 attacks look like 182 attacks. A 1/20 second loss wouldnt suprise me in this game xD More alacrity doesnt work as tolerance, since the server doesnt react faster anyway.


    with zero reaction time (not humanly possible)

    Didnt you use a spamable abilty for your tests? This shouldnt be an issue on testing GCD.


    that GCD is rounding up to the nearest tenth as advertised.


    So 1,35 is rounded up to 1,4 rather than 1,3? Would a 1,354 round down and a 1,356 round up? Or does theese numbers dont matter - since they have effect on force chocke cd at the same channeltime.


    Do abitly cooldown get rounded down, showing 1,3sec berserc cooldown at 1,354 forcechoke channeltime but gcd gets always rounded up to 1,4?

    Whats the reason they behaive diffrent.? Wouldnt that mean casters with a 1,34cast have a 1,4sec gcd - effectifly wasting 0,06sec every cast? Thats easy to test if thers a spamable cast with 1,5casttime at 0alacrity.

  5. I get what you mean. Berserc as a abilty doesnt has a GCD, but it does show a cooldown value that scales with alacrity and the forcechoke channel.

    What is a 1,5sec cast at 0 alacrity that scales to exacly 1sec channeltime at 50% alacrity and lower above - whats a very accurate indicator.


    I dont know how to test that else, theese tooltips are the most accurate proof i can find.

    How did you test your number?

  6. Sorry, my bad english - i meant a 1,35 casttime can be both, 1,4sec or 1,3sec gcd - cause thats the breakpoint where it swaps..


    Why does my berserc show a 1,3sec gcd at 11,3% alacrity?

    I am also getting the 1,0 gcd and 1,05 casttime at 41,3% alacrity.

    I tested with ~30 less alacrity stat and berserc shows 1,4sec, but forcechoke still 1,35 casttime.


    Take a look at the forcechoke cooldown - at 40,05 to 40,04 its the breakpoint - or am i wrong?


    I think you are wrong. 50% is only for 1.0gcd casts, melees can have it at 41,3%.

    Why are my numbers so diffrent? How did you test it?

    No hate - i just like detailed min/maxing without lag tolerance.


    I would assmue its 11,3% for melee and 1,44% for caster?


    3% more alacrity is more than one slot on gear and 8% only possible with the on-use relic for a limited time. Doesnt seem advicable as Melee.

  7. What is this internet Routing? Seems like the path my signal takes to the server and back.

    A 300k seems as the signal does a few laps around the world before reaching the server, whats a bit odd.

    And what can i do about it?


    I am only expierences this in Swtor, every other game has a flawless 31ms.


    Why does it clear up in a few days? Do you have crucial information i am missing?

    Its already a few days too much for my taste and it seems as some other player do not have it - on a 8 man group 3 players been lagging out.

  8. I am getting latency spikes up to 300k, no joke - https://imgur.com/a/i12IAoV


    When i ping the server at the same time it looks fine (sorry german windows):

    Ping-Statistik für

    Pakete: Gesendet = 25, Empfangen = 25, Verloren = 0

    (0% Verlust),

    Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.:

    Minimum = 7ms, Maximum = 14ms, Mittelwert = 8ms


    Do other people have this problem too? I googled and found a few from a year ago - reports of a couple in the same local network where only one has the lag. It seems to be a gamble what Swtor-Server IP i connect to?




    but nothing about a fix. What can i do?

  9. GCD values change in increments of 0.1 seconds. But Channelling and Activation times are modified by up to 0.01 second increments.


    Thanks for clearing that up. Does make sense.


    - 15.39% alacrity percentage results in a 1.3 second global cooldown


    Your numbers seem to be a bit off.

    I am reaching the ~1,35gcd at 11,3% (8,3% alacrity, 3% carnage buff). < thats where the tooltip shows 1,3 over 1,4 on berserc (1,35 can be both, 1,4 and 1,3...)

    With the 30% berserc i reach the 1,0gcd and 1,05 channel on force choke, at 41,3% alacrity.


    15,4% seems to be the 1,30gcd? Seems not right on Carnage Marauder with only one cast.


    I saw alot of diffrent breakpoint numbers floating around on the internet - maybe it changed with diffrent versions of the game, latest update?

    4% isnt a small diffrence, maybe a diffrent time where min/max with augments were less?

    Or am i missing some?


    But for a "hard stun" like force choke, you would want that to last as long as possible, and shortening the channel time is harmful.


    I am not sure thats how force choke works. At 1,05sec channeltime with berserc its still a 4second stun. Where i should get 3gcds during the stun and the 4th 0,05seconds after.

    Does canceling the channel at 1,0 of 1,05 reduce the stun reduration? Since thats where i hit the next global.

  10. I was testing around on my Carnage Marauder, building gear for pvp.

    Carnage is intressting for alacrity testing cause Bersec and force chocke tooltip - Berserc shows the global cooldown, Force choke is a cooldown and has a casttime (what i assmue is about one gcd).


    This gives us numbers to look at, for example at a 1,35second force choke channel time, the GCD of Berserc swaps around from 1,4seconds at 40,8 forcechoke cd to 1,3seconds at 40,4 forcechoke cd.

    The diffrence is about ~30 alacrity +/- at 1443 its 1,4 and 1415 its 1,3...

    (EDIT for better explain: https://imgur.com/a/M0cK1c4 )

    How does that now work ingame - does the combat regonize 0,01 diffrences in gcd and casttime? Or does alacrity between 1,31 and 1,39 gcd have no effect? Assmuing its always better to go for 1,3 or 1,29 over 1,31.


    Im goal isnt highest pve dps here - i want build for pvp, the goal is more globals on force choke, less cd on force choke for kills with stun/enemy cannot react. At 1,5gcd and force choke channel time, theres 2,5second stun left for 1,5gcds following - at 1sec berserc gcd, theres 3globals after the casttime.


    Do i have to go down for a flat 1.0sec or 0.99sec casttime on choke or is 1.05 enough?

  11. "Du hast 28 Tagen Spielzeit ab 20.12.2011. Du musst ein sich automatisch verlängerndes Abonnement abschließ en oder einen Spielzeit-Code einlö sen, bevor du spielen kannst. Wenn du für ein sich automatisch verlängerndes Abonnement angemeldet bist, wird der Betrag am Ende deiner derzeitigen Spielzeit abgebucht."


    Heißt für mich keine 2 Tage schonfrist?


    Oder nur wenn man Forum liest ...Frechheit.

  12. Ich muss zustimmen, SwTor ist Gruppenfreundlicher als für Solo Spieler.


    Ich hab zwar nie länger als 10min für GruppenQuest oder Flashpoint gesucht.

    Aber wenn die Server eines Tages nicht mehr so "belevelt" werden, sieht das anders aus, da muss man wohl alle Gruppen aufgaben überspringen.


    Denke aber die 2+ Quests kann man mit Begleiter und paar Toden schaffen,

    genauso die 4+ zu zweit + zwei begleiter und paar Tode.



    Denoch finde ich es schöner, Herrausforderung für mehrer Spieler geboten zu bekommen, mit Rollen Tank, Heal, DD ...war eigendlich alles ok.


    Dennoch, Solo Spieler, die keine level-mäßigen Gruppen mehr finden sind sehr im Nachteil.

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