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Posts posted by Samy_Merchi

  1. What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


    I just cancelled my sub five minutes ago, so I felt like getting some things off my chest before walking away.


    My top five reasons for leaving would be: Lack of further class story, lack of further companion interactions and scarcity of LGBT interactions. That's three. I guess I could throw in two minor gripes, but the fact is those three are 98% of why I don't feel like paying anymore. I'm sure I'll drop in F2P from time to time to run a lowbie alt for a couple of levels, but over the past six months, I've only logged on less than once a month, and that's not worth paying for. The game simply does not hold my interest anymore. I don't want to run Makeb on fifteen separate alts after they've completed Chapter 3. Twice is more than enough. There just isn't any more content for my characters. There's only content coming out for a single character. Not characterS, plural. I don't want to be doing the same kind of things on my Imperial Agent that I do on my Jedi Consular.


    That's the crux of it. The game encouraged multiple alts all the way to level 50, but after that, you're just supposed to endure the mind-numbing boredom of running the same quests on all 10-20-50 of your alts. No thanks. I'm mostly done now.

  2. Please list what changes to the current state of game that you would like to see. What does Bioware need to do to keep your subscription?


    Well, these are two different questions. What I'd *like to see* is same sex romance with companions and the resumption of class quests. However, I don't realistically expect to see them, probably ever.


    What they need to do to keep my subscription, though, is mostly not run the game to the ground. I have okay fun running through the class quests, so a holding pattern would probably keep my sub.


    Having said that, from the subset of what's actually realistic, I would like to see them finally implement gray alignment and legacy cargo holds. I refuse to believe that they are a lot of work.

  3. Hairstyles and hair colors are accountwide. If you mouse them over on the cartel market it should say so on the right. "Account wide unlocks".


    As for speeders, yes, you can get them cloned on all of your characters if one of your characters has one. The first time you clone it, though, there is a cartel coin fee. Further clones to other characters are free.


    Regarding clothing, as things currently stand, you need to have the whole set on a single character before it unlocks for cloning to other characters.

  4. The second time playing through the all-class planet quests is pretty much my limit. So I can do two republic alts and two imperial alts playing through all the planet content. Beyond that, I pretty much run class stories alone. So without class stories, I expect I'll be playing 1-50 only in the future. If they want me to buy into any expansion material, it will have to have class story. There's no way around that. There's a reason why I haven't bought Makeb, and those reasons aren't going anywhere with the next expansion, or the one after that, or the one after that.
  5. By the OP's logic I should be able to 'need' on everything because I 'need' the credits that I can sell the item to a vendor for. Where do you draw the line on what someone 'needs' and what they don't?
    I think a fairly simple line of distinction is, are you going to use it or sell it.
  6. They dominate soley because they pay for themselves.
    Why don't they give a shot to some other kind of content too to prove that they, too, can pay for themselves?


    It's fine that the cosmetic crap can pay for itself, but so could a lot of other stuff that isn't even being given a shot.


    THAT'S what's frustrating. I'd drop $$$ for a new companion or new class quests in a heartbeat, but they're not even giving them a shot to prove that they would pay for themselves every bit as much as the cosmetic stuff.

  7. There is one major flame to your argument. Companions don't get to roll on items, only the 3 players do. I understand what you're getting at but your argument is vastly flawed.


    So, the amount of contribution doesn't matter, then? That's what I was getting at. No matter the amount of contribution, or lack thereof, companions should always get Greed. That was my point, highlighting, in response to an earlier post, that the amount of contribution a companion has, does not matter.

  8. Your companion did not contribute in any way to the flashpoint so why should he get loot over people who helped complete the flashpoint?
    Does the amount of contribution matter? If it does, then what if the companion contributes more than the player? I've been on flashpoints with three players and one companion. If the companion contributed as much as any of the players, does that change things? Is it okay to Need for the companion then? How about if the companion contributes *more* than the player's own character (say, a healer companion and a player who keeps idling)? In that case, would one have to Need for the companion and Greed for the player's own character, since the former contributed more?
  9. Lets reverse that for a sec, pretend someone rolls and take something you could clearly use. Now how does it feel? I know you are going to say thats fine he won but clearly thats not how you would feel.
    I would feel exactly the same as I would if someone rolled and took something I could clearly use, for their own character's feet. I lose the item either way. So while yes, I'd be a bit miffed I didn't get the item if somebody needed it for the companion, I'd be just as miffed if they needed it for themselves. Does that mean people should stop needing for themselves?
  10. Well, just to show that not everyone feels the same, I don't mind at all if somebody needs for their companion. Greed is for selling, Need is for using, regardless of whether it's for you or your companion. Your own inventory and your companion's inventory are more or less equally important to the game, they both determine how well you do in combat. Your companion is basically just a dozen more inventory slots to kit out your own success. It's not like the companion is a separate character with its own separate successes, it's just an extension of you, like your lower body for example.


    Mind you, I don't Need for companions as a rule since so many other people throw hissy fits over it, but I do think it's okay to Need for companions.

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