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Posts posted by NeoWolf

  1. And I freely stated that it was my opinion.


    But NOT access to the CE vendor. Sure, those who only bought the VIP bracelet can SEE the CE vendor, but they CANNOT ACCESS that vendor.


    That just strikes me as really odd, there is literally nothing else in the VIP area to see besides the CE Vendor (who has a few decent things but hasnt been updated in forever despite them saying it would be over time) and Special Vendor (who has only 1 item, a massively overpriced and ugly as hell mount) other than a mailbox and a GTN station lol Why anyone would pay to access that then..who knows what they were thinking.


    Collector's Edition Bonus Items


    Exclusive Gentle Giant Darth Malgus statue

    Game disks collectible metal case

    The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural as annotated by Satele Shan

    The Old Republic galaxy map

    Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic CD

    High-quality Collector's Edition box

    Custom Security Authentication Key

    Includes 7 additional Digital Items:

    Flare Gun: Fire flares into the air

    Training Droid: Hovers at your side for combat assistance

    HoloDancer: Project your own holographic dancer

    HoloCam: Keep visual records of in-game adventures

    STAP: Sleek and unique in-game vehicle

    Exclusive Mouse Droid: Spunky Droid to join your adventures

    Exclusive Collector's Edition Store: Unique in-game vendor with an assortment of items


    Notice that above the exclusive collector's edition store is listed the exclusive mouse droid. You know, the one that you do NOT get with the digital upgrade.


    Gee. I guess it's just a coincidence that the digital upgrade includes most of the digital items from the CE, but does NOT include the two items that were advertised as EXCLUSIVE to the CE.


    You don't need to tell me what was in it, I HAVE it, I am literally sat not three feet from the big square box itself :) And it isn't a mouse droid its called the MinMech CE its cute but utterly uselss its just a vanity pet it doesnt even make sounds like the recent ones.


    And AGAIN like I said the Digital Deluxe upgrade gives people all the digital stuff (minus the minimech CE and the CE vendor access) and all the physical items obviously. Your kinda repeating yourself now and making me repeat myself also..to what end one can only wonder..

  2. No it does not. I have access to the VIP area but I'm unable to access the CE vendor because I did not redeem the CE code to my account.


    Also, I don't want the recolored set because it's no where near the same. It doesn't even have the Imperial logos on it, instead having some silly lights flashing everywhere.


    The Companion Lieutenant Pierce also has a set that is very similar (with logos) prior to the KoTeT content (at which point he gets a different set) you could use if your wanting it for purely cosmetic purposes.


    Alternatively put a thread in suggestions specifically relating to making the Imperial Trooper and Republic Officer sets available in some fashion. Can't hurt.

  3. The only reason I want access to the CE vendor is because it's the only source for the Imperial Trooper armor.
    With regard to the imperial trooper armor specifically. You can get a recoloured version via the Cartel Bazzaar vendors if you have adequate rep etc..


    But like I say you can buy access to the VIP area via the VIP band anyway for credits which will give you access to the CE vendor in the VIP area.

  4. That is your opinion. It is not shared by everyone.


    Well thats stating the obvious ANYTHING ANYONE says on here is representative ONLY of an INDIVIDUAL opinion and nothing more lol But it doesn't make it a wrong opinion, nor less of a fact ;)


    Those who did not purchase a physical CE should not have access to the CE vendor.


    In your opinion ;) (see what I did there lol) And Bioware CLEARLY do not share it as the VIP access band to enter the VIP area where the vendor is has been accessible to EVERYONE else who wants to buy one for credits since it was implemented.


    It would seem that BW shares that opinion since the digital upgrade does not get you access to the CE vendor and the only to access that vendor remains to purchase a physical CE.

    Nope im afraid they don't.. and that is because as I say EVERYONE has been able to buy the vip band to gain access to the VIP area and CE vendor since it was implemented.


    So why would they include it in something people pay for when everyone already has access to buy it in game if they don't already have it. THAtTwould seem a little pointless. We subscribers save the million credits or whatever it is for the band.. everyone else doesn't. It is such an inconsequential amount of money in game these days that its access is essentially EASY for everyone.


    Physical CE's are still available through various sources, although they will cost a pretty penny and the cost is rising all the time.


    True but unless someone wants the physical goods or to have it as memorabilia/collectible its pretty much a waste of money when the Digital Deluxe upgrade is as good as for what the OP was wanting. Not that I think he necessarily realised there was so little digital difference between the two things. Or that the VIP access was already available to him.

  5. Referral CC's that Billy gets for referring Johnny may require Johnny to maintain a subscriber, but Billy is not paying a single cent to support the game financially or to purchase anything on the CM using those CC's that Johnny is paying for.


    This effectively makes those CC's that Billy gets FREE to Billy.


    LOL no it doesn't as I said CC have an intrinsic dollar value anyway irrespective of where you get them, but LIKE I said as the referral ones in particular come conditionally upon the referred person subscribing for a month giving them the same value as a months subscription essentially. Whetyher Billy pays a red cent or not is irrelevant to the CC's base value.

  6. I do not think the bonus chapter should ever be made available again, by any means, but IF BW does decide to go against their history and make that subscriber reward available again, it should be sold for real money ONLY, NO CC's should be able to be used to access it and it should carry a hefty cost.


    There are way too many FREE CC's floating around.


    The time to get that bonus chapter as a subscriber reward has long since passed.


    Well they aren't FREE CC's, ALL CC's have an intrinsical $ value in real money. How they are obtained is moot. Even Referal CC's aren't free they are based upon the referred person subscribing for at least a month. Which makes the amount given equatable to a months subscription price in value.


    At any rate its moot they will do whatever they choose to do. Not like anything any of us say here will have much affect on that lol but I personally do not object ot hem selling it in the Cartel store, OR using the incentive again for future subscribers. Making content and excluding everyone ever again would be utterly retarded and self defeating for them as a business.

  7. It is NOT an upgrade to the CE. It is a digital upgrade and gets you a few extra digital items. NOTHING on the website for the digital upgrade says ANYTHING about it being an upgrade to the CE. In fact, it does not even include all the digital items that those who bought the CE get.


    The CE cost $150 at release (although the prices have fluctuated since that time) and the digital upgrade costs $4.99.


    The CE vendor should remain accessible by only those who purchased a physical copy of the CE, IMO.


    Im telling you AS someone who has the Collectors Edition, that upgrade gives you more or less all the items we got in the Collectors edition MINUS the phsycial items (i.e the art book, the malgus statue etc..) essentially what was the Digital Deluxe edition.


    It does not include is the PRE ORDER bonuses (which were crystals) the only other things that were digital and specific to the CE that it doesn't show is the VIP access (fleet area) but everyone can buy that for credits if they want it anyway and the mini mech droid pet, which is purely a vanity pet.


    so the difference is far less than more and entirely incidental.


    And the reason for the significant price difference is obvious... the physical items, malgus statue, art book, map etc..the collectors edition box was about a 14 inch cube. They obviously aren't going to have an upgrade to Ce include the physical items again as it would mean having to manufacture more, which just isn't likely to happen. And as the difference between the CE and DDE is two digital items, one of which anyone can buy with credits.. the upgrade in the store is NEAR enough.

  8. How many people do you really think will refuse to pay the $15/month to subscribe and play the game with all the bells and whistles, instead CHOOSING to play the game for FREE with a credit cap, yet will pay money for CC's so they can make purchases from the CM?


    How many of those who play for FREE yet make purchases on the CM are the recipients of FREE CC's via referral stipends and thus can make those CM purchases without actually supporting the game financially?


    I'd bet the the latter group has for more members than the former.


    Doesn't really matter, the fact of it is is some do/did the exact numbers none of us will know as EA doesn't talk numbers. Also I already acknowledged those who make Cartel purchases but even their occasional and varying contributions do not entitle them to the same incentives as those who provide predictable, regular income for the game via subscriptions, just more than those who contribute nothing at all (and they get that is is called Preferred status and gives them more bonuses than free to players who have never subbed). Likewise those who provide referrals do not deserve any additional consideration ebcause they already recieve rewards for referrals.


    You seem to have wandered on a bit of a tangent? The issue is free to player wanting a bonus chapter that was a subscriber incentive. And as I stated before I do not think anyone but subs should get subscriber incentives. Generally speaking. However I do not object to them running time gated subscriber incentives numerous times personally. Neither would I object to them putting it for sale in the cartel store so preferred and free to players could purchase it for cartel coins, that would be a way for them to acquire it while having it done in a way that remains fair to those who paid for it.


    Noone is looking to exclude ANYONE or lord thier benefits over others, it is simply about being fair to those that pay for the game and rewarding that loyalty in applicable ways, one of which is subscription incentives. Noone is DENIED a subscription incentive, unless they choose not too or cannot afford to subscribe, in which case thats not our fault. Because that would not be fair at all.


    The Chapter is just an incidental anyway it isn't story important. Yes it introduces a wonderful quirky (if ugly as sin) companion but that is all.

  9. I must point out that some non-subscribers do use the cartel market and in that way support the game, as you yourself pointed out in the part I highlighted. Otherwise, what you say in the second paragraph would be a fair method of distributing future sub rewards. I'm still opposed to giving out playable content as a time-gated reward, EVER.


    Yup those who make Cartel store purchases who aren't subscribed absolutely support the game financially as I said and I give them due credit and acknowledgement for that.


    However in regard to the Shroud of Memory bonus chapter those who didn't subscribe to gain access to it, had the option too..so they weren't denied access, they chose to forego it. That was their own choice.


    I guess the only workaround that works for everyone would be to include it in the Cartel store as a purchaseable optional. That way cartel store users and even free players can choose to contribute some money to the games upkeep and BUY the chapter if they want it, while subscribers still get it for being subscribed free. In this way it remains an incentive for subscribers but those who don't have it and want it can contribute something to the game in order to obtain it.


    Win, Win.

  10. Lets face it if we go across the class stories there are a number of really memorable NPCs we encounter with whom it would be great to have as potential companions and see/know what has transpired with them over the 5 years period we were in Carbonite.


    One such NPC is Than Vesh, beautiful, surly and constantly overestimating her own power. Plus she was a potential romance that was left unresolved and her exit is left pretty open ended for her to turn up again at a later dead (unless you killed her of course).


    But I would like to see Thana Vesh included as a Companion

  11. Yesterday someone on fleet was linking the Crested Orokeet in fleet. I asked them if they actually had it or if they were linking it from collections and they said they actually had it. I asked them where they got it and they said they got it from a physical Cartel Coin card from Best Buy.


    I just got back from my local Best Buy and they did have physical Cartel Coin cards. They're the same 2,400 coin cards and they say they come with an exclusive pet but they don't say which one. I got home, entered the code, and logged in expecting to see the Crested Orokeet in my mail. However, to my surprise I got the Model Flashfire. So the question remains, where is the Crested Orokeet going to come from? I know Amazon is changing their pet on the 12th of this month, maybe there (but why did someone supposedly already get it from Best Buy)?


    Also, before you go running off to Best Buy. All the cards at my local store were "recalled" and, technically, they were not supposed to sell them (a big red alert came up on the register when they rang them up). I convinced them to sell me one anyway since it was my $20 that would have been wasted if it didn't work. So, don't be surprised if your store refuses to sell them.




    I see the Crested Orokeet and the ship pet you metnion for sale on the Hutt vendor in the Bazaar area of fleet for credits.

  12. This is just my view..


    The Shroud of Memory was offered as a subscriber INCENTIVE and should remain as such. Otherwise it is meaningless and a slap in the face to subscribers who financially support this game consistently.


    It was offered as an incentive for subscribers who were subscribed or started a subscription within a certain time period. So I am unsure if subscribers AFTER that fact who subscribe get access to it retroactively, I assume not. As such I would not personally object to them offering it as a subscriber incentive again. I.e if anyone subscribes or is subscribed within another set period can gain another chance to get access to it. Something like that I would have ZERO issues with at all.


    However I do NOT think it should be offered to non subscribers at all as that is not what it was for, as I said it was a subscriber incentive and should remain as such. If folks like the game so much then do your part to support it financially like subscribers and cartel store users do. Don't just hold out your ALREADY amply full free bowl and ask for more like you are somehow being treated poorly we get incentives because we are paying for the game and its development and your ability to enjoy it for free. Be grateful for what you already have and get.

  13. It would be nice if we had more control over the functionality of AMBIENT SOUND device decorations in strongholds.


    Currently when you enter the stronghold you have to run around and turn them all on manually, they stay on until you leave but turn off when you exit.


    But these are AMBIENT sounds, i.e Background sounds.. so ideally we should be able to have more control over sounds available in our strongholds so when we click on an ambient device we are given options like play constantly, play once, or repeat X number of times, or repeat every X amount of seconds. And these settings are remembered so they do not have to be done EVERY time we enter but instead once set just run until changed.


    In this way our pools could sound like pools without us having to turn the sound on ever time, our weather could sound like weather, our cantina could sound like cantinas without having to turn them on first etc..

  14. Shutdowns are 99% of the time due to overheating. Either of the CPU or the GFX. Either way as other have rightly said cleaning the fans in your machine or laptap including on your GFX card regularly is important, dust build up even in a clean space is constant and can quickly kill a pc or laptop.


    If you clean it yourself wear an anti static wristband and use a can of compressed air and an anti static cloth/brush. Use NOTHING that will create a static charge or you will wreck more than your fans :)


    Most modern machines have software that can let you see the temperature of the various aspects of your machine or how hard your fans are working. If a fan is suddenly using more power or working three times as hard as the others it is a clear sign you have either a blockage or a fan fault that it is trying to compensate for.


    Its also worth checking to see if all you fans are working when your machine is on as accasionally the heat can make the wire brittle and a fan will stop working entirely and the other fans may not be enough to compensate.

  15. Pretty mcuh ANY of the Kylo Ren'esque lightsabers as they have all been ridicuouls money 50mil+ on my server.


    Also the Revan Reborn or Sith Recluse sets both of which were ALWAYS out of my price range and despite buying hypercrates never recieved so much a single piece of either set. And now both sets don't even seem to be available on the GTN anymore on my server..so..

  16. Argh. I remember now. The Malgus statue (if you mean the one bought from the vendor on Fleet) doesn't unlock in Collections. The Satele Shan one is the same. Not sure about the meditation chamber. I have that on one character, but I haven't looked into unlocking it further.


    If that is true then that is very odd as EVERYTHING else you buy from any of those vendors unlocks in collections, so it must be a bug.

  17. Both holostatues are supposed to unlock in collection. I have Malgus one from vendor and it unlocked in collections after bind timer disappeared. Then I just had to use it and it unlocked for character. Currently it is account unlocked.


    What you could try is put it into your cargo hold and then take it back from there. I don't know if this has any effect but it could help.


    that is my understanding too. I tried the cargo hold thing that doesn't work sadly :(

  18. There's no relationship between the 36-hour bind timer and the character-level unlock in Collections.


    Have you *used* the items on any character? If not, it doesn't unlock in Collections.


    If the items are *bound* (permanently) on the characters who have them, and NOT unlocked for that character in Collections, then you have a problem.


    If the items are NOT bound on the characters who have them, then you haven't used the items, and they won't be unlocked in Collections.


    Yup both have been used and many times but at no point have the items on either character (1 has the darth malgus and another has the meditation chamber) added to collections, they are still greyed out and say I do not have them in my collections.

  19. Okay I have two characters one has the DARTH MALGUS Holostatue, and another has the MEDITATION chamber rest and recharge item. Both of these items were gained literally years ago (2013ish) so obviously the bound timers are LONG gone and they should have been added to my collection.


    However in both items case NEITHER has added to collections both items still show as greyed out and stating I do not own this item in my collection, which is obviously NOT the case because I do. As a result of this I cannot unlock them for my account or claim more copies on each of the two characters that has each item.


    This is clearly a big as I ticket the issue and was told by support to post it in suggestions, which I did only to discover other people reporting they have these items to and they are in their collections and are claimable, unockable for their account..so I am stumped as to why mine aren't and would like the issue looked at and fixed please.


    I've also sent a bug report of this via the in game ticket thing too.

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