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Posts posted by Wolfstryder

  1. Hey, I was grouped up with a few guildies when the flirt options came up. Four of us together, two guys playing two female characters and two women playing two male characters. Seriously:




    So we're all in Mumble voice chat, when one of the guys wins the roll during the conversation that includes the "kiss". Both the guys shout, "Yes!" Both the women groan, "Yuck!" Then we all started laughing. One of the funniest moments in game that I can remember, because it was so cliché.


    Look, seriously. I love the romance play in game. But the game's rated "T". There are plenty of websites that allow fans to explore, via artwork or writing, what happens during those fade-to-black scenes. Visit one of them. Heck, create some piece of art yourself! Have fun, it's just a game!


    Heh, no I'm not looking for in-game sex scenes. I was just referring to the fade-to-black-screen you get when your character and an npc go off and do the nasty. There are plently IRL activities, don't need it. :cool:


    My original intent for the thread was just to see if there was more npcs than the 1 female for Republic and the 1 male for Empire to [Flirt] with. (not counting the macrobinocular npc)

  2. Just gotta love your broad brush "supposition" there. Funny how people like you claim to be the enlightened ones, yet can't get through a discussion like this without lobbing an insult or two. Funny how that works.


    I suppose I should have chose a different word than homophobe but it was the quickest and easiest word to use when I thought back to all the websites and media outlets going nuts because SWTOR was going to have a smidgen of gay content. And also thinking about all the forum posts about people not even wanting to see it in-game for whatever reason they have. Just makes me think about how people go into rage when someone of the same sex would have a notion of flirting with them. I would take it as a compliment if anyone of any sex was nice to me. But this is going off topic and have no wish of discussing it further. I just wanted to know if there was any more gay/bisexual npcs in the expansion. Sorry for my harsh remark in my first post. Seeing so much ******** for almost 40 years can get to you.

  3. My female Gunslinger also had the option of flirting with the SIS lady who gives you those first macrobinocular quests. I don't know if anything comes of that, though.


    Yeah, I remember that. It's still another female and I'm not sure how much you really talk to her after getting the first macrobinocular quest. I know the Makeb npcs can't leave the planet and be with you all the time like the companions but it still would be nice to have more options since they stated SGR was part of the expansion. Seems that guys can't be gay if you're Republic. Can't really call it SGR content.

  4. *possible spoilers I guess*


    Sorry if this has been answered before but I just got finished taking my main through the Makeb storyline. It was on the Republic side and there was only one bisexual npc. Is that it? Is there just a female option for Republic and a male one for Empire? If the homophobes were worried about a "gay planet" they seriously overreacted. I will admit that I haven't uncovered the entire Makeb map since the main storyline doesn't require you to. You can't really call this SGR content, especially since the dialogue that comes from when you [Flirt] sounds silly and out of character no matter what your sex is.


    ...wasn't even a black screen of bed romping.

  5. I'm sure everyone is just trying to be helpful but don't do it!


    This is an MMO and therefore has a premium price, the monthly subscription fee.


    In terms of value, the things you will be limited to doing in the MMO universe makes this hugely overpriced.


    It's like paying for a Cadillac but only getting to drive it in your driveway.


    What people should be saying is due to current industry limitations, you should play single player games.


    I don't think you will get anything out of SW:TOR that you can't get out of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Mass Effect 3 will soon come and it tries to do the same things as SW:TOR: Missions, Companions, and Story. But without the overhead of ping.


    You're going to be dissappointed in the performance of Star Wars methinks and I recommend you don't buy if you don't have higher bandwith.


    This is not true. I still believe it really depends on the quality of your phone line though. Two of us play SWTOR in the house and we both use dialup on seperate phone lines. One line connects at 26.4k and the other connects at 40.0-45.2k. Both connected at 26.4k till Verizon fixed one of them, I wish they would do the same to the other. I do notice a few more issues with the 26.4k line as the throughput isn't as high as the other line.

    On the good phoneline my experience is:

    Questing is fine.

    Flashpoints are fine.

    PvP has worked a couple times but I wouldn't bother unless you have better luck than me. It just lags out.

    Raiding - haven't tried it. Since a raid can be 8 people it's very possible it would be fine.

    Space Missions - can lag out at the very beginning of the mission while it gets all the data then it's fine.

    Biggest issue other than pvp is the fleet. I can move around, it just gets laggy in certain places.

    Ping goes between 112-140 most of the time.


    (To poster a couple posts above: Which sat service gives pings of around 1000? The only time I had a good sat ping was with a one-way provider which isn't providing service anymore. I know Wildblue ping is horrific. I can easily be around or over 2000ms. using it.)

  6. Your game will be playable sometimes, and almost unplayable at other times. You will literally spend days upgrading and patching, instead of hours or even minutes.


    If at all humanly possible, upgrade to a modern connection. Dial up is terrible. You can play the game, but you will lag and you will notice it.


    I'm sure anyone that is playing on dial up would get a "modern" connection if that option was available. I doubt they would play 15 bucks a month for a game and not spend money on faster internet. People playing on dial up, myself included, have no other choice. The only problem people with only dial up will have is future patches. Currently they have only been 7 or 12 megs. I have both satellite and dial up so I patch with satellite and play on dial up. Mostly my ping is around 120ms. You will need to be able to connect at a true 56k speed (above 32k) to find the game enjoyable however. The only issues I have since being able to connect at 42.6k or 45.2k is the Fleet and the beginning of some of the space missions. I haven't tried pvp yet.


    My dial up connection is actually very stable. The only issue I have is an automatic disconnect from the ISP after 8 hours. That's ok. If I'm playing for 8 hours straight I could use a break...

  7. *UPDATE*


    Actually got Verizon to repair my phone line. I can now connect at 42.6k. Game now plays almost flawless. My ping goes from 110ms - 140ms most of the time. There are some times my ping goes to 300-400 or 900-1200 but not very often and doesn't last very long. I have no issues being around a lot of people like I did before. Of course, I haven't tried PVP, i have serious doubts PVP will be playable, but I'll try it sometime.

  8. I have played the beta and all this week on dial up so I will reveal my experience. First off, if you can really get a 56k (v90,v92) connection then you will actually be doing better off than me. I can only connect most of the time at 26.4 (sometimes I'll see 28.8) which is really only a v34 connection. I'm assuming it is because there are extra analog to digital conversions along the phone line. You can only have one conversion to get I believe above a 32k connection. I have no phone noise that I can tell so this must be the case. Your experience may be much greater than mine if you can connect at a higher speed than me.


    No, I do not believe the OP is trolling. I myself live in the USA in the Appalachian mountains and can only receive dial up or satellite service. Even though I'm only a few miles away from the interstate I cannot get DSL, Cable, WISP, or a cell phone signal. Also, all these people saying how it will be impossible to download the client is beside the point. There are ways to download large files away from home. Even though I have both satellite and dial up I downloaded the client away from home and copied it to both computers in the house. Now I can use my satellite to download patches and dial up to play the game. The fact is that telephone companies only care about the most bang for their buck and will not expand their network to rural areas. There are two telephone companies that service my county. One is actually going to rural areas. The other is Verizon which will not expand their service. They have a hard enough time maintaining the old copper lines for the landline phones. Guess who I got...Verizon. Since they own the area the other company cannot provide service to me. They will also not work with other companies that want to provide other means to provide internet to the area. They refuse to provide the backbone.


    Your best bet if you cannot get a 3g cell signal would be a one-way satellite service. I used one to play WOW and RIFT and it worked great. The ping time was between 600-800ms. Now that may sound awful to most but it was actually very playable. However, the only provider of one-way satellite service I know of in the United States went bankrupt and I'm not sure if they are ever going to come back. That's why my only option was to get a two-way service like Wildblue. You "can" play SWTOR on Wildblue but the experience is not enjoyable. Even though you never lag out or have lag spikes like dial up, I tried it in the beta and my ping time was 1100-2300ms. Now when Wildblue starts to use their new satellite perhaps they will remove their DAMA shaping (I think that's what it's called) and pings will go down to 600-700ms like people say it used to be back before 2006.


    Ok, I'll now give my experience on dial up this past week. Again, if you can connect at a higher speed than my 26.4k then your results may be superior. First off you will need patience. While most of the time my ping on dial up goes between 2 and 3 bars on the latency meter (225ms - 285ms, sometimes I'll actually see below 200ms) it does frequently shoot up when I get close to several players. I assume once my client gets the data about what them and their companions are wearing the latency goes back to normal. If I go to an area like a heroic area or an area like Lord Grathan's estate on Dromund Kaas where a lot of players are doing their quests it does get unplayable as my ping can shoot up to 5000ms-25000ms+). After I stand still for a bit it does eventually go back to normal after my client gets all the data. Sometimes it will do it several times if there is a lot going on. Sometimes my connection cannot recover and I have to relog to fix the problem. This is where the patience factor comes in. If you are the kind of person with limited patience then try at your own risk. Next I'll give some examples of common areas in the game with my experience. I have mostly only played on the Empire side so I can only give experiences from there.


    Korriban - Was fine for most part. Few lag spikes.


    Imperial Fleet - I have mostly had no trouble here. Of course latency can spike if you run into a lot of people. It has also spiked after getting off the elevator.


    Black Talon - I have only run this with my partner so far (which is also on dial up, seperate modem and phone line). It was our characters with our companions. The flashpoint works pretty flawless except it can spike riding the elevators for some reason.


    Kaas City - Spikes frequently if there are a lot of people around. Especially if the craft and trade area has a lot of people. Most of the time my connection recovers without having to relog.


    Dromund Kaas questing - Heroic areas were a problem, managed to still play and get through them. Lord Grathan's estate was the most troublesome area. Still was able to do all quests on the planet and move on.


    Your own starship & space missions - I have only done one space mission so far and it worked flawlessly.


    I can keep posting new areas once I go to them.


    I know no one will read all of this unless they are in the same boat as me. Hopefully I have helped anyone looking to play SWTOR on dial up.

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