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Posts posted by Ecomix

  1. I found your problem. It's right here:



    This is not WoW or any other MMO. This is TOR.


    If you try to tank like you do in WoW or other similar MMOs you will fail. Your "experience" means absolutely jack. The mere fact that you're here on the forums whining about your failings as a tank is testament to my point.


    Take a step back, examine what's going wrong and then fix it.


    Having played every tank in WoW since vanilla I can tell you that it is very similar.


    Biggest difference is you can let some mobs beat on group members without much problem in ToR. Usually in WoW you couldn't do that. WoW has a lot of abilities to put your threat above other classes quickly, ToR only has a couple.


    In the end you are still just standing there using abilities on a mob to make that mob attack you. Doesn't get much more varied than that. There isn't some secret method introduced to this game, it's the exact same tanking style in Vanilla, except it's easier in that you don't have to tank every mob that is unCC'd.

  2. Tionese is not meant to be a full tier. It's there to supplement your gear progression in case you get poor RNG and aren't able to get Columi pieces, in the same way that Centurion PVP gear is there if you get unlucky with Champion tokens.


    I've had the poorest RNG out of everyone I run Hard Modes with. I can only afford the off-hand and the off-hand piece is the only one that has dropped for me, out of a week of doing hard modes.


    I also have the worst luck with champion bags out of everyone I PVP with, but I still have received 3 Champion pieces, and have been able to buy 3 Centurion pieces in a week.


    This is all just from doing the PVE/PVP daily and an extra hardmode or two as well as the extra Warzones played due to the win bug.

  3. I've been doing 2 Hard Modes a day for a little over a week and I can't afford anything but the off-hand.


    The rate is so slow by the time you can afford a 30Com/62Crys piece you will most likely have seen a Columi token drop (aside from Helm) and the weapons cost so much you will likely be in Rakata gear before you can afford one.


    All the Hard Modes I've done save for Black Talon have taken me upwards of 75 minutes average due to bonus trash or just buggy bosses. As a pretty casual player I can only do Black Talon and one MAYBE two more a day on the weekend, during the work week I see myself only doing Black Talon + 1.


    Compared to PVP this rate is excruciatingly slow. I get enough Centurion Tokens in ~3 days to buy any piece but the weapon simply from doing the Illum daily and the WZ daily (usually get 1-2 bags from Commendations finishing these due to the bug that causes a win not to count). If I happen to complete the weekly on the first day, that's 1 day to get a 126 rating PVP piece.


    Has there been any word on if they plan to increase the amount of commendations/crystals you get? or even lower the cost of the pieces? Just seems like the Tionese gear is wasted gear since it takes so long to get vs Columi gear that has tokens drop in the same Flash Points.



  4. I understand not wanting to have dual-spec options, but I don't understand the reasoning behind such expensive respec costs. As a Juggernaut, I am tanking hard modes daily, and also PVPing daily. I CAN PVP in my Immortal spec, although it's not as effective or fun as switching to Rage. Why should I have to drop 200k (99k to Rage, 99k back to Immortal) credits to have fun in PVP for a few hours before going back to tanking?
  5. I've been Immortal 1-50 and have been PVPing for the last 3-4 days at 50 as Immortal.


    Damage is hit and miss. Some characters I can't seem to break their shield (Damn Consulars) and others I can blow up in a Stun/Force Choke. Generally though, my damage is very weak (120k is the max I've ever done in a WF).


    The real draw is in Huttball I cannot die unless the whole team is on me or unless I get stunned on the fire.


    I PVP with my brother (Merc Healer) and with just him healbotting me we have fended off 4-6 other players without dying.

  6. It isn't harassment unless they are doing it to intentionally inflict physical or mental pain.


    I highly doubt this is the case therefore what they are doing isn't technically wrong just cause you don't like it.


    And if it's Voidstar they are doing the right thing. Voidstar sucks.


    No the right thing would be leaving the game if they get Voidstar.


    Intentionally staying in game to me is harassment. But, to each his own :rolleyes:

  7. I've been PVPing pretty extensively since hitting 50 and I always run into these dudes. It's not so bad in Huttball, but any of the other War Fronts will have at least 1 AFK, usually 2. I've been keeping a list and reporting the players for harassment, but will anything actually be done?


    Pretty crappy how todays gamers feel compelled to just sit idle instead of try against half premades (Protip, you can still win if you play better).


    What I would give for a straight vote to kick system for War Fronts.

  8. true but right now, while leveling, i can ussually find 5-8 lockboxes in the time it takes a mission to complete


    so if i get 200 credits, assuming i dont crit any of those, on the lowest i've found, 5, thats 1000 credits plus the maybe 1k-1.5k profit i get from missions (the 1k-1.5k profit is from 2 companions doing missions)


    For sure, I always grab the lockboxes I come across:cool:

  9. Sorry but this post is flat out BS. Since they nerfed slicing, I'm lucky to make more than I spend on a mission. I'm 400/400 sliciing, using Mako with +15 efficiency, and I spend ~2k to send her on rich missions, and she usually returns with a box of 2500-3000 credits. If she crits, I make 6.5k. For one hour. Woo, you make more than that doing a single space combat daily in 5 minutes. Please stop spreading this BS, it's hard enough making the money I need to cover the costs of not having another gathering prof.




    I spent a little bit of credits so not 100k, but as soon as my companions get back I will back over. I'm sure there are plenty of people at my level with more if they afk-slice whenever they are done questing, I only slice when questing.



  10. Level 21 (215 slicing) with over 100k credits due to slicing. Each mission costs ~1k with 15 minutes or less to complete, normally return is ~2k+, highest I've seen is 3k profit. I run both my companions on slicing missions whenever possible.


    I've failed less than 5 missions and that is when I didn't really notice the yield rates/mission colors (would just randomly click one and go).


    To me it seems like other professions would be making money just as easy since they could sell their materials/created items for an inflated amount due to how much credits slicers have, but this is just speculation.


    People who are stating they aren't making money, barely break even, and/or constantly failing must be doing something wrong. My brother who went the the nonslicing route has around 25k credits and is the same level as me. Does slicing need a nerf? Maybe, but I would rather see improvements made to the GTN to make selling crafted items/materials easier and maybe some improvements made to other crew missions.


    buffs not nerfs!

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