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Posts posted by Eihnlazer

  1. Gunnery tree seems to have gotten balanced alot so thats not an issue.



    Combat medic however......... good god *** were they thinking. Im gonna try it out but if it works like what i just read they have destroyed my class..........



    Buffs. Kolto bomb now hits "1" extra person.


    Nerfs. Our healing costs more ammo, by alot. We have less crit chance on heals. Our only 2 dps options got nerfed (mortor volley has smaller radius and charged bolts does 10% less damage).




    Guess ima be spending alot of time leveling alts since my main wich i spent so much time working on is almost useless now.

  2. So apparently in 1.2 were getting a new warzone that is gonna consist of 5 capture points and 2 fortification points.



    Your team must own 3 of the capture points (guns possibly) that will disable the shielding around the fortification, which your team will then have to attack and destroy.



    This is gonna take way too much organization for a pug to do efficiently, causing for long drawn out match's with pug vs pug, but will be super easy for a premade using chat to win at.




    I propose we think of some other warzones and post them here, not with the intention of bioware to use them, but just to have a good collection of original ideas that could be used.


    Try to label your ideas as PUG wz or Ranked wz as well.






    I'll go first:


    200 years ago a jedi frieghter crashed into the jungles of Kyasshk and has finally been rediscovered by both republic and imperial forces. Inside it lies an impressive database of knowledge and 4 holocrons that hold great secrets of the force. The problem with recovery however is that these jungles house massive monstrosities too dangerous to take on with normal recovery agents.




    Collect objectives warfare with roaming mobs.



    Each of the 4 datacrons is worth 1 point and the computer database is worth 3 points. The computer is always at the center of the map in the wreckage and is a central fighting point for both teams.


    The datacrons however are all being held by roaming creatures of high difficulty. 7 creatures moving around and they all require about 4 players to take down. This randomness in the objectives forces teams to try for the middle point first unless one or 2 of the creatures happens to be in the path of the full group.



    Also if you happen to kill a creature that doesnt drop a holocron everyone within a 20m radius gains an expertise buff for 30 seconds.




    Comment and post your own ideas below.

  3. Atm best gun for her is an Armstech crafted purple pistol with an augment slot.



    I'd suggest going for the Crit + power combo on the stats. I believe its Endowment title.




    After that would be the Orange (slotted) guns with a daily commendation barrel and mods from PVP gear.

  4. If they are better geared it will feel like your doing nothing.



    I have 2 pieces of BM gear and the rest all champ and i can take 4 fresh 50's hitting on me without much trouble. The gear difference is huge in this game.

  5. Well i know that your supposed to win if you defend first.


    So you could theoretically (if you defend first) get people to leave in round 2 and get a win that way by just holding for 2 min.



    Other than that im not sure..........

  6. Jor im afraid that weapon damage rating does nothing for hammer shot healing.



    It is completely based off of your Bonus Healing you get from tech stat.



    Since each gun upgrade raise's your tech of course your healing goes up.



    The numbers are pretty clear when you look at em, they dont match up to weapon damage in the slightest.

  7. Full auto is still not quite fixed.



    For some reason if you have alcracity gear, it does not fire the full 3 seconds as its "cast time" is reduced by the alcracity.



    Its supposed to be classified as a channeled spell but the game still reduces its channel time like a cast time.

  8. sorry but im a commando myself and not bad at it, but 2 people on me means im dead unless they just suck. Hell a marauder/sent can solo me easily.



    Obviously how fast i die is up to what class's they are and if they are working together properly.




    Im also abysmally slow at killing anyone in a 1v1 since i have to spend so much time healing myself instead of dpsing.


    I litterally went almost 11 min in a fight with a sorc today on ilum until his buddy showed up to help him and kill me (sucks cause i almost had him dead).




    If nobody touch's me and i focus completely on healing, yes i can keep 4-5 people healed during a wz brawl, but as soon as a competent dps class gets on me im stuck healing myself. Commando is a very weak class compared to most since our strongest builds require us to stand still and become sitting ducks to a proper team.

  9. Ilum is currently the worst thing about endgame pvp in this game. Its a friggin joke.


    Empire outnumber republic so bad, that we have to group up at 6Am in the mourning when most people arent logged in to get the daily/weekly done.


    Any other time of the day and there are 10-15 sith at central hogging all the containers.


    Can you guess the average amount of republic players willing to go to ilum at any given time on my server? 6-8



    We have gotten a 15 man op together before, but that is few and far between.


    The empire players dont have this issue. As soon as the realize a few of us are on ilum the entire mob of them come flying in from their fleet to wipe us out.



    As much as this seems like its going as intended, its nothing but hell to use on the republic side and many players have quit already because of it.



    Either lower the count needed to finish the daily's and weekly's or change ilum again, since its a complete waste of time and serves no purpous other than to make the already overpowered faction stronger.

  10. As a full time combat medic i can assure you muzzle fluting isnt needed at all.


    use that point on somthing else.



    Even without it, SCC reduces cost down to 1, and with our ammo regen at .8 per second, and the casting time with standard 10% alcracity bonus being close to 1.5 per shot, you regen the 1 ammo cost by the time you fire your next round making it a redundant skill to have.


    3 people and in under 4 seconds with all my defence's up.



    It's a bit too late to post a screenshot atm since i was too dumbfounded at the time to take one.

  11. Tbh easiest leveling i've ever had on an MMO is commando heal spec with a tank companion or dps companion depending on the situation.




    Gear up m1-4x and use him to tank boss's. Easy win. Keep jorgan's gun up to date with your leftovers and use him for trash.





    If your wanting a new experience go vangaurd down the tactics tree and use Elara dorne to heal yourself. It'll be completely different from what you used to play and will keep you interested.


    Vicious damage is fine, i wouldnt cry about 5k crits since i have 18K hp and would have time to react. Im talking about over 10k hp instantly gone without warning. NOONE can react to that and noone should have to.



    Thats simply too much damage, no matter how you look at it.

  12. Charged rounds is pretty much the best dps a commando can do outside of gunnery specced grav rounds if you use it in conjunction with combat support cells.



    You can pop overcharged plasma ability (which requires 30 charges of combat support cell) and fire off charged bots for free for 10 seconds. Depending on your alcracity rating, this should get you about 6-7 free shots at 10% increased damage.


    With my crit rate of 35% i'll get 2 or 3 crits out of the 7 shots i get so im putting out about 11.2k damage in 10 seconds. Considering im heal specced, this is pretty good.

  13. Theres acctually diminishing returns on expertise after you break 550. so with BM gear you'd ideally want 11 pieces to reach that number then you'd have 4 pieces of gear you could replace with rakata for better stats.




    Matrix cube is one of the 4 you should replace as it has a rather large stat increase.


    Currently BiS for heavy armor wrists and Belt is the rakata wrists and belt (at least for heavy armor). Thats 2 more.


    And since you only need 4 pieces of the set for the bonus's you can use the rakata weapon for the higher base damage as your 14'th piece of gear.



    This is probably the best overall combo of gear in the game. Theres a post on the commando forums from a theorycrafter who figured it out.


    please keep this up top until someone important see's it. I posted a report in game, but the more exposure the better. This is game breaking stuff.





    EDIT: i'd like to know if others have experienced this. It cant only be happening on my server (Belgoth's Beacon).

  14. i already posted a fix for resolve, and many agree with it, but i doubt bioware will do somthing that makes sence.







    Cut the amount of resolve CC's give in half, and make it so that you recieve diminishing returns on all CC duration based on the % your bar is full.



    bar half full, CC duration is cut in half. Snares and roots are CC btw.



    This would completely fix the resolve issue, without a doubt.


    Its pretty rare for me to start a thread to complain about stuff. I usually just comment on others threads or read. Today unfortunately got me so worked up that i feel the need to post.




    I logged on this mourning and grabbed the daily's and weekly's from the pvp terminal, flew to Ilum and saw no repubs there. I'm heal specced commando so that means im out of luck. Impossible to do anything on ilum solo unless your a stealth class or a sorc/sage since on my server you wont find anyone solo except for stealth class's who can usually run away if they are loosing. I therefor decide to just que up for warzones and get that done, planning on coming back to Ilum later in the day.



    Lo and behold, i get into a warzone and find that somehow, melee DPS are now dealing DOUBLE the damage they should (or at least that they have previously been doing).



    I am battlemaster ranked with only 1 battlemaster gear (body) due to fail rng commendation drops, but i use Endurance stim and this brings my HP up to 18k. I have 666 (12.42ish% effects) expertise and a base damage reduction of 33.96%. So without ANY buffs i should be taking just slightly more than half damage from most attacks.



    However, for some reason, even with my 25% increased damage reduction bubble up, a marauder, juggernaught, and BH litterally drained my 18k HP pool in 4 seconds without even setting up their combo's. They litterally jumped on me, rooting me in place, and melted me in 4 seconds with me having time to only begin casting one heal, which somehow got interrupted while they were doing this obscene amount of damage.



    Stunned, i figured they must have gotten lucky crits and just respawned, going back out to fight. The same three guys, less than 50 seconds after proceeded to instagib me again, obviously still not doped up on adrenals.


    I tried one more time, to see if i could figure out what was going on. Watching their animations and my HP bar intently. They jumped on me, my hp droped about 40% instantly, I began casting a heal and bam i went from 11k hp to 0 while the marauder was halfway through his master strike animation..........




    TLDR: Somebody has either found a glitch and is abusing it, or bioware fuscked somthing up in the patch and some melee abilities are currently completely overpowered.

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