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Posts posted by rashencyberspeed

  1. Example as a sith your arrival at korriban - the og chapter 1 the original start not knights of the fallen empire the hunt going into the outlander arc that is not the start.


    The Chapter Menu was added with Knights of the Fallen Empire. And I played it when it was initially released.


    You've NEVER been able to replay the early class story via the Chapter Menu. It's ALWAYS been only the Eternal Empire story. Not sure where you've gotten this mistaken belief that at one point you could replay the class story.

  2. I've gave him all the other supplies but I can't find the rakghoul tunnels to deploy the probs. any help in the location would be appreciated. I did look it up but I still can't find it. It says its an elevator on the spike off of commerce way but beats me where


    Is the Rakghoul Event running? (The tunnels are only accessible during it. Lokin can only be obtained during the Rakghoul Event.)

  3. I don't ever remember watching Chewbacca filing his nails waiting on Han to run calculations on his 10-key calculator before punching it to hyperspace. There are plenty of scenes where the time between mentioning the desire to go to hyperspace and being in hyperspace was next to zero.


    "Without precise calculations, we'd fly right through a star, bounce too close to a supernova, and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?"

    ―Han Solo, to Luke Skywalker, while being pursued by an Imperial Star Destroyer


    Yeah, the necessary calculations ARE a part of canon, whether you remember them or not.


    Btw, what scenes are you referring to? Because if there was no action going on, it's possible it was just a case of "the audience doesn't want to watch all the steps if they don't add anything to the scene." Not to mention that I don't remember any instance of there being "next to zero" time between them expressing the desire to go to hyperspace and being in hyperspace.

  4. Certainly makes me wish they had followed the model of Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne, and made it a repeatable chapter. Don't quote me on this, but I've heard that originally there was planned to be a part 3 of the Eternal Empire saga, but it was scrapped. The Echoes of Oblivion story and the events leading into it are basically an abridged version of what was planned.
  5. I'm still only part of the way through Manaan in Legacy of the Sith, but it seems there aren't even any passing mentions or references to the Consular's work for the Rift Alliance.

    Having spoken with Gallo a few times, you'd think that it might have come up before now. The fact that the Consular joined forces with Manaan against the Empire before is actually very relevant.



    I imagine that the ideas about Manaan's political status have changed since the Class Stories, but still, not even a single line about the Consular's previous work to Manaan, or a handwavy explanation for what happened with Manaan's role in the Rife Alliance?


    There were at least two points so far where I initially thought there might have been a reference for a second, but it wasn't. Then again, I'm also really paranoid about continuing forward, in case there turns out to be a bug like the one that prevented Jedi Knights from acknowledging that they'd met Kaliyo before.


    I dunno if this is in particular is a bug or not, but I do hope the devs make sure to keep up references to the Origin Stories. On another Consular-related note, the fact Akaavi is officially part of the story, if still not an available companion, for all classes gives reason to believe Mako will show up too at some point. I hope it will be possible for Consulars to acknowledge that they've talked to Mako.

  6. While how "evil" they are can vary, the following companions tend to approve their share of Dark Side choices:


    Jedi Knight: Rusk and Scourge

    Jedi Consular: Zenith

    Trooper: Vik

    Smuggler: Akaavi


    Sith Warrior: Jaesa (if Dark), Pierce, and Broonmark.

    Sith Inquisitor: Khem Val and Xalek

    Bounty Hunter: Gault and Skadge

    Agent: Kaliyo and SCORPIO.

  7. Level scaling is fine for the most part, but since your gear stats are still intact, it actually makes certain things on low-level planets easier. This mostly comes into play when you have a class story that requires you to go back to an earlier planet. (The two Sith classes are the most noticeable cases, since they both fight their final bosses on Korriban.)


    I think the best compromise would be to have level scaling be disabled when you enter an instance as part of a quest where you're expected to be a higher level.

  8. It's being made by Quantic Dream, the same company that made Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human.


    Those games are basically what can be described as interactive cinema with branching narratives. (Most notably, there are no "game overs". If a playable character dies, the story will continue without them.)


    I wonder how similar this game with be to their previous work.

  9. I think another possibility is that Renning has enough influence that his actual position isn't strongly affected even if you do help Malora. In this case, the way Malora herself is affected is the meaning of the quest. (I imagine it as her either leaving Renning on her terms through a surge of influence courtesy of Renning's rivals that gives her a head-start on her future career, or knocked down to the bottom of the barrel when Renning kicks her out and forcing her to claw her way up.)
  10. Malora recognizes you when she appears in the Empire version of Jedi Under Siege, and has different dialogue depending on whether you helped her or not. Clearly, BioWare doesn't want there to be a specific canon.


    I say, just do what you like and use your imagination as to how things worked out the way they did.

  11. I recall there being a scene before a major chapter where, if you had a romanced companion, you would have a chat with them before heading off. I don't remember if Ashara is one of them.


    As for companions in general, let's not kid ourselves, they have indeed been taking a major backseat lately. This is the downside of allowing players to kill off old companions. If you're going to make a scene that features a determinant character, it goes without saying only a portion of people will see it. Thus, a lot of devs might see animating such a scene to be a waste of money.

  12. As for Cytharat. HONESTLY we don't see Cytharat death scene. We don't see his body or something yeah? Later on we don't have much of proof he is really dead?

    Becasue if yes, then we just see lava flooding the level. But, this would be slighly forced, he could survive or run in the end. Or he could be burned hehe reference to Anakin and become the cyborg?

    In that case those who resuced him would get a slighly different Cytharat design and dialogue than those who "killed" him. Spared would be just as good as before and "killed" would be like Vader or other cyborg stuff. This is possible, I don't think would use much of effort and budget, but player's decisions would be taken into consideration.


    Really. Cytharat is really cool character that was killed for no reason along with Niathra or how she was called (second in command of Maekeb Ops on imp side) and on rep side that lady scientist. She could have been a returning character too.


    Y'know, Cytharat probably could come back for people who saved him, seeing as he showed up on Makeb, which was after the story merge.

  13. Fallen Empire has two different interpretations in its ending depending on whether you redeem Arcann or kill him. The interpretations are significantly different in terms of animation, character appearance or absence, and who does the talking. Therefore it's never an issue of impossible programming. A character who is dead for one player can still appear and interact for another player for whom the character is alive and well. The player who killed that character will have a different experience of a different character being in that position saying the dialogue. The issue is whether they are willing to do the necessary programming, get the writing to match up, and get the voice actors needed. Their budget matters.


    The situation with Arcaan is different. His situation occurs after the story merge. The issue here is the class stories. If a character who can die suddenly shows up alive and well in the current story, people WILL make a stink over their choice being declared non-canon. Plenty of people like to imagine the class stories happening alongside each other, and the devs are actively encouraging it. Whenever the stories of classes you aren't playing as are alluded to, the details are deliberately kept vague so as not to establish an actual canon. And while a few class story characters have shown up in the merged story, it's strictly characters who were non-determinately alive anyway.


    Long story short, there's a REASON it took Khem Val and Jaesea, who have determinant fates, so long to return as companions. And why BioWare evidently gave up on trying to find a way to have all characters get them and ultimately made them exclusive to the classes who had them as companions to begin with.

  14. As you said, it is quite difficult especially for the characters that have an option to be killed. Probably one of the more popular characters people would love to see return is Lord Cytharat, but for this same reason he will most likely not make any more appearances. The only way something like this will happen is if they do it with a major character, so other "episodic" characters are not going to grace us with their presence most likely.


    And indeed they have been making great efforts to diverse their possible character outcomes. I mean depending on your playthrough even as a Sith, you can kill 3 of the 5 Dark Council members. And this diversity further applies to even characters like Senya, Arcann, Theron, Koth, Gnost-Dural etc.. Honestly, I think this took balls from Bioware as basically, now they have to diversify future cutscenes to include player choices. That is quite difficult to achieve. You can always have Lana be at the forefront and it would work, but you still have to include some of the other "main players" if they are still around. I'm just afraid they might write themselves in a corner due to all these possible outcomes.


    Another problem is that I'm pretty sure BioWare doesn't want to make any "canon" choices, for people who like to roleplay their characters as existing in the same universe. If Praven showed up, that would prompt anger from players who chose to kill him in their Jedi Knight playthroughs. (And as for your "wound non-fatal" idea, that would also anger players. The game has a bad "your choices don't matter" reputation as it is.) I can't see determinant characters who only showed up in specific class stories appearing unless BioWare finds a way to allow players to implement choices made in other class stories.

  15. In fact, I'm not even sure if it's worth doing all the other expansions since they too feel samey regardless of which class you play - Makeb, SoR, etc. Minus the difference between the Pubs and Imps of course.


    And if you're someone who doesn't do ops like me, dailies for planets like Oricon lose their flavor because the meat of the story on those planets are in the ops.


    There's a lot of post-class stories content that's easily skippable once you've played them once, it seems. False Emperor will always end with you fighting Malgus; Shadow of Revan will always end with you teaming up with Shan and Marr against Revan. The differences are trivial and insignificant. You could easily experience most of the important story content in a few months or so, and then it's goodbye! No more subs.


    It's another story if your choice of class actually matters in the expansions or the main story. Hint: it doesn't.


    I think it does matter... but I also want to play SWTOR, not Dragon Age Origins.

  16. Regardless, it also means that a companion of IA gets to have such an important and nuanced decision (as opposed to just simple living or dying).



    I enjoy the content as well, but I wouldn't want to experience them eight times over.


    Neither would I, honestly. (I haven't touched any of my characters aside from my Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor since the Eternal Empire story.)

  17. I thought she's uploaded her consciousness to Iokath or something.



    True. Guess I forgot about Jorgan since I haven't played the Trooper class yet. I guess you're right. But I don't know why. There's just something about Firebrand's side-plot that stood out a lot more, the way she has more input on your LS/DS decisions, the way you get to put your trust in her ability to complete the mission in spite of Jorgan's protest.


    Yes, you do also kinda get to choose between Vette and Torian later... but I don't know, it just didn't feel like the same kind of decision as the one between Firebrand/Jorgan. The decision to choose to save Vette or Torian was a decision forced upon you - you're forced to save either one or the other because they're in danger of being killed (and if you're Sith Warrior, the decision's a no-brainer). I didn't even know Firebrand could be killed in that decision between her and Jorgan if you didn't tell me. Furthermore, the decision to put trust in that psychopathic and volatile Firebrand, that felt like a more personal decision with more weight and carried more meaning than the "Save your favorite companion!" one with Vette. Guess that's why I felt like Firebrand's storyline was more well-written than Vette's in KotFE.


    Like, I haven't even played IA yet and I'm already more invested in Firebrand/Kaliyo as a character than Vette.



    Yeah, it's all academic now with EA ruining everything as usual. All the good intentions in the world mean nothing in the world of money, money, money.


    Scorpio CAN upload her conciousness to Iokath... or you destroy her in response to her actions up to that point. (It's one of the light-side/dark-side decisions.)


    As for everything else... well, it's all opinion at the end of the day, so think what you will. (Truth be told, even though I do find reasons to enjoy the new content, I nonetheless do agree that nothing compares to the vanilla story of seeing the galaxy through the eyes of eight individuals going on their own separate adventures.)

  18. Such a shame and waste of potential. Initially, I was glad that you finally get a same-sex romance with Jaesa, so much so that I pretty much had my SW abandon Quinn just for her.


    But now? After reading these posts and thinking about it... nah. I doubt that relationship would bear anything more fruitful than that Ossus kiss. Such a waste. When I first learned about Jaesa's development on Ossus, I was under the mistaken impression that she's gonna get her own extended storyline or something. lol


    Man, this game is really gonna be dead soon, if not already. Everything's being streamlined into a single storyline instead of having any distinct flavors from each unique class storylines.


    Except JK and Agents of course. You guys get to have the most fun, what with Scorpio, Firebrand and Kira playing a far bigger role than any other companions combined. Sure, Vette and the other companions had their own chapters in KotFE, but it's usually one or two chapters with insignificant side-plots, whereas Scorpio had like an entire huge chunk of storyline to herself, while Firebrand got to have a far more significant role in the main plot (what was Vette doing again during KotFE? Doing something trivial that I forgot). I get that the IA class is extremely popular, perhaps that's why Bioware showed favoritism towards them instead.


    What could fix this ultimately is to give the other companions more screentime during this Onslaught event, perhaps having the Jedi padawans like Jaesa and Nadia have more roles to play in the fight against Malgus. But Bioware probably won't risk that. Nah. That would mean they would take creative risk just for better storylines (as opposed to striving for better profits and player-pandering). These gaming corporations, I tell you. You see one of them, you've seen all of them. Predictable af. That's why I don't play a lot of videogames anymore. Once I'm done with the class storylines, I'm outta here. It's a wasteland here. It was a mistake to return here.


    Sidenote: I'm sick of Theron and Lana. I think they're highly overrated. I'd take Jaesa over Lana any day. Even Theran is more entertaining with his Holiday relationship than Theron the whiny "Why bother sabotaging the Imps if people are gonna die anyway?" Like, shut the hell up, Theron. You've played double agent before, you know how much pressure my SW is under. Stop giving her crap.


    I agree with you on Scorpio... but I would also like to remind you that for some, she's now dead.


    As for Firebrand... what are you on about? She only has real importance for one chapter in KOTFE. She does have a background role in a second... but she has to share it with Jorgan. And she can die at the end. But in any case, her relevance ends there. She really doesn't do much beyond her role in her reunion chapter. I don't see how she gets it better than Vette. (In fact, I'd argue Vette gets a bigger role since she actually always survives to KOTET, and plays a role during Vaylin's invasion... where she can potentially die in the end. Yeah... this killing off companions thing has its downsides, as been pointed out earlier.)


    BTW, to cut BioWare some slack, I've heard somewhere that originally the plan was for expansions to continue the class stories, but when SWTOR's early sales weren't as high as EA liked, they gut the budget. This led to the unified stories in Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan. I dunno if BioWare still wants to do individual stories, but it's probably safe to say that even if they do have the budget now (I dunno if they do, though), they probably have been entrenched too deep in the hole to dig out now.

  19. Ashara isn't a perfect Jedi; her overall attitude (as made clear by her companion convos) may be more merciful than a Sith, but is still VERY dark by Jedi standards.


    She's the kind of person who would not burn down a village full of innocent people for kicks. She IS, however, the kind of person who would burn down a village full of innocent people if it would lead to long-term peace in the galaxy. She's far from the ideal Jedi... but she is the perfect ideal Light-Side Sith.

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