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Posts posted by funkie

  1. Well I ran Voss and Belsavis today and not one crash...I even made sure to use taxis to gather all the quick travel points because I usually had the issues most while using the taxis. So for me, setting Grass Quality to 0 seems to do the trick. I must have played for 5 hours today (gotta love the holidays) and not one crash (BSOD) or application hang during my entire time played today.


    Now let's hope either Microsoft or Nvidia fixes the underlying issue. Seeing as Windows 10 has been out for some time now I do find it hard to believe something like this has persisted this long. Here's to hoping...

  2. Yeah, my guess would be grass rendering as well. I really notice it on worlds that have grass - Alderaan and Belsavis. I can usually tell when I'm going to crash as well because I use a second computer to monitor processes on my gaming rig and I can see the second swtor.exe process start to sky rocket in memory usage as soon as I get on a world with grass. Hoth and Nar Shadaa....no issues. Normally the second swtor.exe process sits between 500MB and 700MB of RAM. Use your mount or speeder on a grass world and that guy sky rockets to over 1GB of RAM usage in under a minute. At that point, a crash is imminent.


    The nice thing is that sometimes it doesn't BSOD and the game just freezes. So I can use the second computer to kill swtor.exe and then I'm fine and just restart the game. But I will try lower the grass rendering. I know I did lower it a bit on an earlier troubleshooting pass and it seemed to help - not as frequent crashes. But I had also turned off my paging file in Windows 10 as well ( some other thread somewhere mentioned it). It has gotten better but now I'll turn grass rendering distance to 0. What I've been doing is when I notice the second swtor.exe process is over 1GB, I jump to my stronghold and back to planet which resets it back to about 600MB or RAM usage....it buys time and lets me slowly get around whatever planet I"m on.


    Let's hope they fix this soon. I was unable to go back to the 348 driver - can't enable Surround SLI - wants to kill windows processes in order to enable SLI surround and those processes just restart as soon as I kill them. Managed it once and it just buggered everything up. So now I'm running the latest driver.

  3. To be fair, I'm running the green mods on my smuggler which is level 20 (lvl 18 mods) and I'm smoking everything I'm coming across. Companions also seem quite powerful right now so that may be affecting my opinion slightly. Even going back to Coruscant....being dropped to level 18 from level sync and still crushing everything. If leveling is fast and you are still "over-leveling" everything, I guess I can live with green god-mode versus blue god-mode.
  4. Yeah, all the vendors on the fleet are all green now. They also changed from odd levels to even levels. Patch notes - what are they good for it you don't put the changes in them?


    I'm guessing the crafted mods are now blue and are better than the mods vendors on the fleet. At least that is what it was for my armstech. Just would be nice if it was documented it in the patch notes so I don't have to sit there and scratch my head wondering what all changed.

  5. Yeah, I find it odd that no companions when in tank stance have shield or absorb values. What is odd as well is that when I have Treek out, it shows the Shield and Absorb values as 0% but when I bring out Corso in tank stance and look at the defense values, it doesn't even list shield or absorb in the defense values. Really odd. You'd think that if they were removing Shield and Absorb from companions that would have made it in to the patch notes. I'm hoping it is a bug.
  6. Sportiva has it bang on. GSF needs in-game voice chat. I bet a lot of the "groups" doing really well have some sort of Vent running as well (generalized statement obviously). This type of fast paced combat requires voice chat from my perspective....and not third party voice chat. It needs to be built in to the game so that it is available to everyone. I just came back to SWTOR a month ago....fired up my headset and only realized after a bit that the game didn't have voice chat. Not sure why I thought SWTOR had it...must have been an extension of playing other MMO's in my absence from SWTOR.


    IMO, the only real problem is communication in GSF.


    In ground PvP you have time to coordinate via chat, but in GSF other than when people decide which node to go to before the start of the match, no one has time to type anything in chat.


    So in a situation that the OP described, it is almost impossible to coordinate a good strategy w/o voice chat. But I suggest you suck it up on that match and move to the next. No reason to nerf anything because of it.

  7. I guess it all makes sense....and I can handle having to go to a Hutt planet to sell to the opposing faction. The funny thing is, I had no clue about this. I saw an auction terminal and used it - it sure would be nice if Bioware made the player aware that the terminals in NS aren't linked to the Republic but are neutral. Maybe I'm not that observant - which could easily be the case. But if I'm missing that little piece of information, I can guarantee I'm not the only one.
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