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Posts posted by Phenyr

  1. If you get to the point when you just can't stands it no more, you'll stop playing. If they fix this problem, fine. If they don't, are y'all gonna keep collectively holding your breath until you turn blue? Stamp your feet? Shake your fists at the heavens in impotent rage? As posted just above, it is most likely never going to be addressed.


    It's a game, not a spurting artery.


    Even so to say its nothing and people exaggerating and trolling just to troll because its nothing else to do with this game is rather a position taken only by those with dim minds. I give you that plenty trolls on these forums but if you dont encounter this matter why bother to kiss ....you know, the only thing you will accomplish is to make fool of yourself.


    You invite the players that have technical issue with the game or game-play issue to leave since they wont fix any time soon. See peeps like you did the same back 14 months ago and look what you wrought and dont get started with ''game doing fine thing'' because its been beaten to the kingdom come, if the game was fine it wont be f2p now nor ever in the last decade to come.


    Stop been a vigilante on the forums and give to some serious complaints some credit.


    This really does make me sad like they gave me CC's and i was like meh ok then they were look O BUT SOMETHING IS COMING, so kinda got me exctied again. and then BOOM its a lazy VERY VERY VERY unsuitable title, what was Revan now the biggest **** of The Old Republic or something and had a 1000 kids.



    Revan's Bastard sorry i meant Heir...me bad

  3. Well, it's also realistic. If you paint something in real life, you can't scrape the paint off later and reuse it on something else.


    And, yeah, there's also the aforementioned financial interests of BioWare. It's a situation where those interests intersect with realism. I can't really complain about that.


    And you can also IRL can use your lightsaber and strike down your boss when its pissing you off, or use the Force at the bank to make a very generous withdraw of cash like those when you empty the bank vault.


    You got the point dont you? If this was based on RL things we werent playin wizards in space with glowing things in the first place.

  4. Not only can you not take names which appear to be long idle (I'm not so much surprised as disappointed here), there is no confirmation before the item is consumed if any name you want is taken. Once you click the item you are stuck renaming and you have to keep trying name after name after name until you find one that's not taken. The system should allow you to confirm the name before it's locked to you so that you could at least sell on the GTN if you find out there are no good names left (most likely senario) and you want to keep your current. Once again Bioware drops the ball on name changes rubbing salt in an old wound. Bravo!


    Not realy. If you look at the neighbour garden (Blizz) to remane your toon cost 15 pounds. I f you put 15 pounds=1.5k CC and a rename for a sub is under 800 ive heard. not bad deal.


    and lets face it we all knew will come to this after all that begging on the forums for paid renames. well here they are.

  5. Rather than some long-winded, self-gratifying diatribe, I'll keep it short and sweet.


    1) SWTOR is neither the first nor the last MMO to make you pay for bonus appearances and appearance items


    2) For all the pissing and moaning on the forum, people are walking around in new colors, new appearances, and new stuff. Money talks. So for all the crying here, the $$$ spent there makes the criers here look like the vocal minority they actually are when compared to the overall playerbase.


    3) Subscription - I am a sub. I see no issue with what they did. They are entitled to make money and while yes, some deference to the subs would be nice, we shouldnt be crying over not having everything handed to us on a silver platter, with a silver spoon. Grow up.




    The dye system is less than mediocre, rather unprofessional and made in kinda of hurry, the colours dont blend nicely over the gear and some of them look like they've picked from old Paintbrush and whats most important you can actually save kit/module you use.


    About the kiosk thingy or Appearance Designer they should've done it in tow stages. 1st put a special section on fleet with the basic plus 2-3 new things for each race and make it free for sub and with unlock for f2p players and only facial thing with in game credit you keep quite basic and one in CM with full customization and more fancy things for CC like a kit or so.


    About the kiosk i really dont care i dont use such things but is pity they choose this way to do it. Whats worse is the dye system. For a game developer with a triple A game to come with such a.....thats sad just sad.


    I am bit disappointed about dye system but they have a foundation now. I do hope they go back to drawing board and rethink the whole concept. About the random thing every game use random even GW2 with the dye system i find way way much superior to ToR's , so no harm done there


    it couldve been done way much better.

  6. The Cathar is a cosmetic item and Bioware has been up front about the fact that vanity and cosmetic items would come largely from the Cartel Market.. This is exactly why subscribers are given complementary coins..


    The designer Kiosk?? Again, see the sentence above.. Another vanity and cosmetic item..


    Another irrelevant statement.. We should be thankful that all of them aren't strictly in the Cartel Market..


    Again, this is nothing new.. This is what they said they would do.. There is nothing to complain about..


    The force is totally nonexistent with this thread..


    I think you misunderstood OP point of view. Read again the whole thingy before jumping in and act like that droid from Bugs report.




    You say skill delay is a problem, and to that I say that perhaps the problem is YOURS. I have yet to experience any skill delay issue and if I did I surely wouldn't be pointing the finger of blame solely at Bioware. It could be a plethora of things, including but not limited to: your slow e-machine, your ISP, or the moon in vernal equinox.


    This ability delay has been around since the game came officially live. There was a thread around with plenty examples to show what players were talking about. If is was 10 thousand out of 1 million players experience that then yes but not the case. I think this is thread in case http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=227621


    I know there are many drama queens and trolls that fable around with preposterous requirements on forums but digging your head in the sand like a ostrich and suck up does not help the cause at all.

  7. Why SWOTR is great? Well, unlike guild wars 2, swtor makes you feel like you are playing the character. In gw2, to TURN your character it requires supreme patience. when you press a button or start moving your mouse...the character lags..with a fail animation. /bow


    Is this part where you can smell.......deceit..... from a thousand light years.

  8. We know pretty much nothing on RotHC expansion. So why do people jump to conclusions about what's coming and what's not, like they already know the answer to everything ever. I'm quite happy to wait and find out more content info that they will release in due time. I will not jump on the horrible band wagon of 'OMG THIS EXPANSION GOT ANNOUNCED A DAY AGO, AND ALL THE INFORMATION THAT WAS GIVING MEANS NOTHING ELSE IS COMING!!'


    Just wait, people. More info will come. I don't ever remember any other expansion by any other game ever giving out all the information at once.


    Calm down.


    (Sorry for bad English I'm Australian)


    This is what I try to reason. You cant just announce an xpac/dlc (call it how you want it) on 20th of Dec pre-order till 7th of jan with so little info. Thats a move to just bolster their revenue for this year about to pass.


    Thats why i understand some of the frustration around here. I pre-order it but i did made myself time to make a step back and look at the whole picture. I will not resub untill this dlc will not be live.

  9. A direct question - what is EA's roadmap for this game ?


    I really want to enjoy the class stories and invest the majority of my game time into Swtor. But EA does so little to make me trust in the future of this game. There is no real communication with the playerbase, the Q&A panels only focus on silly stuff like "Can we marry Wookies ?" while I am more concerned if I will still get to enjoy Swtor next year.


    I don't want to pour money for Cartel Points and the little game time I have into a game which might already be doomed. The weird f2p decisions (paying for an extra hotbar), the fresh bugs introduced with every patch and the dwindling subscriber numbers often make me wonder if sometime next year they will just close it down because it does not create enough cash to pay for the Star Wars license and the running costs.


    No. the game is in clinical death and both parents EA&BW need to admit that sometimes the harsh decisions are for the best and ask the doctor LA to pull the plug.


    This is answer you wanted to hear or something else? The game will be up as long as some one out there from who ever is in charge of it is happy. In the moment that will change the guy with the plug will have green light to pull it out.

  10. Most people will be able to play until level 20 or so without ever even realizing they need another quick bar. At level 31, my Sorcerer only uses about 12-14 moves during combat and some of those are situational. My rotation is only 7 or 8 moves deep.


    Thats prety much not an excuse. Most players, they and for sure played f2p mmos before and when see this, i wonder how many will stick around. Didnt read to much about this f2p since ill stick around under sub but first impression counts a lot. If you(as BW) went that down into just cut the UI so you can gain few more bucks, Jesus F*cking Christ who the heck runs this bussines?


    They do this f2p to attract more players not scare them away.


    I say, f2p should be just a loading screen if you want more upgrade the game with some CC so you can have access to main meniu



    This f2p thing starts be more like ''BW: You want f2p?! Here, have it''

  11. In an interview before game launch,one of the SWTOR execs said he hopes to have 500 worlds in SWTOR by 2025.


    Now that would require the addition of 30+ planets a year in order to hit that goal. Has the ambition of SWTOR changed since launch or are you still trying to hit that goal?


    DeathStar been busy matey. From them 500 only 2 left.

  12. Blizzard milk's most of the people out of everyone that i know. They charge 25 dollars for a flying mount and people STILL pay on top of their sub.


    Dont bring that argument here its irrelevant. I never payed 1 penny for any update, patch, new raid or dungeon in WoW.

    If this Makeb is a xpac then im expecting to find in a store game or on Origin like any statutory game and not been deliver as in-game update. patch whatever you wanna call it.


    As for WoW, the mounts and fluff staff are in their store and they are not mandatory into progression of your game. You get that golden looking mount just because you wanna be different and look cooler.

  13. We of course will pay for ANY expansion. Anything that add's more to the game. An entire planet and five levels? to a ton of us who have alt's that is alot. I would also like to see my companion side mission expanded just a bit more as well as my own.


    It's not milking. Milking is what Blizzard does when they charge you 30 dollars faction transfer. 30 dollars.


    its a fine line between a xpac and dlc. There areant to many news about this Makeb thingy but by the looks of it pretty much its a dlc and i hope im wrong.

  14. WRONG!


    Anything that EXPANDS on what was given to you at launch is an EXPANSION!


    Learn not to expect everything for free.


    Ye Xpac with just one planet in. They sell you a bold with a nut and charge for a brand new car or at least half of it. If they think a planet with 10 quests in its a xpac for a mmorpg no wonder the game went downhill the way it did. These guys really need to take a grip here or they might end up just them playin the game.

  15. Yeah, some "blue gear" (his words specifically) that can also easily be obtained in game. OMG....... game breaking P2W!!! NOT. :p


    LoTRO does the same thing for leveling gear, for convenience so that people who cannot find gear on the action house can still progress without delay in leveling.


    Look if 'some blue gear' brings some cash will turn soon in 'some epic gear' and so. I dont take his words for granted.


    I do hope it never ends with any gear but the f2p option in this game is not cos this is the 'future' of mmo. If they had over 5mil sub and steady do you really think they will went f2p in this maner? And we know the answer to that question.

  16. don't people know how to type "r?"

    if its followed by 3 "r"s in a flashpoint or 7 in an op then your team is ready.


    That is a solution but for an IP as this and the triple A mark for this game not to have the most common sense features from a mmo its sad. There are so many things this game lacks its unbelievable

  17. What if EA sold the entire SW:TOR franchise to Activision. I know this will most likely(never) happen, but what if it did. What would Activision do that would CHANGE this game?


    Everyone knows Activision is the owner of Blizzard who is of course the creators of WoW, StarCraft, Diablo, etc... Hate to admit it, but whatever they are doing, they are doing it RIGHT. If Activision came under 100% control of this game, how do you think the game would change?


    Not only we got wizards in space with glowing sticks, right after that orcs, taureens, bears, lich kings & co will follow.


    To make this game better you need as dev to start all over again from point zero.

  18. I feel a huge part of the problem in this gen of MMO's are the people not necessarily the games. And I'm not slamming the people either I just think that they way people play games have changed affecting how MMO's are played and perceived. .


    At a certain point yes the people have their fault into making a mmorpg fall. But the hype is a marketing thing, and people starting to make or have ideas about what that new mmorpg will be like, and hype only amplify those expectations. Also people, players come from different backgrounds have different experience and expertise over so they know what they want.


    Whats sad is that since the mmorpg genre got apealing over the gaming market only WoW got it right like or not, while any other project failed or didnt make it on big horses as WoW did.


    Im not saying that WoW is the mmorpg of our times but it apeal to the masses and that enough to make it most succefull so far.

  19. I think it'll be interesting to see what people say about when they first realized that this game was headed in the wrong direction.


    for me, it was when i first started playing and tried a warzone... I quickly found out that there was no bracketing and they had expertise. At that moment i realized that Bioware had no idea what they were doing and this game wouldnt make it the year.


    EDIT FOR NOTE TO POSTERS: please only respond if you are a logical person and can see this game will never meet expectations. if you think that just becuase "you are enjoying the game" means that everything is fine, then this is not the thread for you.


    Many things but most important the performance overall of the game, and thats lack of quality of the product speaking. And as mmorpg it was released prematurely, and lets just face it was inevitable the f2p model.

    And sadly but true the road to p2w model has been set.


    But as others have pointed out, its the games (Zynga stuff) thats competeing with TOR that tells the real story here.


    Sad era for MMORPG gamers.


    Sad day indeed.


    Dont be so picky. It didnt competeing only with TOR it does with every mmorpg out there, be Tera, WoW, Aion, FF, Rift etc.


    I dont say just is good and make it look better but they were better mmorpg than TOR that didnt make it

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