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Posts posted by Keatonman

  1. A lot of people ask if we will ever see a class story expansion, I'm more curious as to if we'll ever see a return of our companions. Will it be a free update? A "Paid expansion?" Because I won't lie, I like a lot of the companions, Bioware did some stellar work with them. But that's 32 voice actors (Minus the eight that speak gobbidy-goop.) Then add another if you want HK to return. They could stagger these updates per class or one per class per update. But I want to see them continue, they're apart of what make SWTOR unique and fun. It isn't too much to ask is it?
  2. I read your whole post and I agree for the most part....except that EA is nickel and diming the playerbase. No one is forcing you to stay and play and be all loyal, pining after your cheating girlfriend.


    While I do totally understand where you are coming from that they are WAY over the top with the cheesy cartel market, in my mind, it's just good business.


    Your TL;DR made me LOL xD


    While that point is extremely valid, I do want to stay because I loved this game. The leveling experience was better than any other MMO, it has so much potential and I want it to succeed without screwing over the playerbase.

  3. Well, I feel a bit miffed.


    Up until this point, I had the unbelievable luck and honor to be a beta tester for nearly a year, I bought my two Collector's Editions in July the day they became available for preorder, I stayed subscribed even when I didn't play for months at a time, I bought the Taun Fawn and the disappointing hat they gave out at PAX, and I even bought the "Best Deal!!11!!" $40 package of Cartel Coins, even though there's really nothing I wanted to buy in the market (I ended up wasting them on useless Legacy /emotes, unlocked every race even though I have every class represented, and other random Legacy unlocks).


    I wanted to support a game I believed in.


    In the past month, this game has turned into a completely blatant cash grab. It seems like EA is straight out calling us out as wallets and nothing more.


    Almost all the content that has been added to the game recently is exclusive Cartel items. The Legacy system seems to have completely stagnated, prices are all over the map (a 10k credit unlock can cost the same amount of Cartel Coins as a million credit unlock), they lowered the Legacy level needed for everything, but hey, you can buy it all with Cartel Coins!


    While every single other MMO had some kind of holiday event, TOR simply said "Hey, there's no event, but you can buy festive Life Day items in the Cartel Market for $25!" Why would you? If you only play the game, you'd never even know what in the world Life Day is, because it's not in the flipping game. Well, except in the Cartel Market. Be festive!


    Bugs, memory leaks, and other assorted problems that need to be fixed (and have been acknowledged by the development team) are still prevalent after numerous patches. You know what gets a patch every week? The Cartel Market. If something Market related is glitched, it gets fixed that day.


    Armor. Let's talk about armor. All the tiers look alike. There's a megaton of armor that has been shown in every video since TOR's inception that had to have been in the game at some point, but you can't find it anywhere in the game, so we all look like clones. How about that armor on the god forsaken character creator screen? People want that. A cloak where you can have the hood down? That'd be nice. Do you know where you can get all new sets of armor? Nope, not in a new op or FP. You buy them with Cartel Coins in the Cartel Market! Whee!


    On a similar note, the Security Key, VIP, and Collector's Edition vendors have had the same inventory since day 1. One of them has one item. A speeder. That's it. Tons of Cartel Market specific pets, mounts, /emotes/ toys/ etc. continuously spewing out though every week or two.


    The new "mini-expansion" just rubs me the wrong way. 1 planet, no class quests, no new races, no new classes, but hey, 5 more levels to gain! To me, that just sounds like a nice little update. A new patch. Nope, EA can't call it that because they said updates will always be free to subscribers, hence the "expansion whoo!" going on. You have to buy it with real money, and you can't even use the fakebucks from the Market to buy it.


    This game is not getting the attention it needs. EA is completely focused on the fantastic plan of selling everything, making a crapload of cash short-term, then the game will completely die off because all of these ornately festooned characters riding their $18 Xmas light speeder will get tired of nothing to do. I can't overstate this enough, this is why everyone left in the first place two months after launch.



    Listen, I understand. They spent hundreds of millions of dollars to make WoW with lightsabers to get that sweet, sweet WoW money. They failed, and EA wants the money they promised themselves when they backed this game. I understand that, and I know that the Doctors and most of what makes up Bioware have left the company. Everyone that's left has to focus on bringing in cash so they can continue to describe themselves as "employed". I know this. However, following this business plan will find you unemployed or working on the next Sims cell phone game within a year.


    Can you just tone it down a notch? We want to give you money. People are blowing hundreds of dollars on those stupid gambling packs, because it scratches multiple OCD itches, but sweet jesus, can you give us something to make us want to give you money without making your attempts to suck the playerbase dry that has supported you this whole time so blatantly obvious? Those packs are fun for a month or two, then everyone will realize the spending/reward ratio is, and everyone will leave.


    I feel like EA is openly taunting us, testing our limits, and seeing what we will fall for, and I morally can't support that. I actually feel dirty logging in nowadays.


    Jesus, Blizzard and all of their shenanigans are downright endearing compared to what TOR has turned into.


    Sorry for the random whining, people still love the game, but I find it harder to say I do, and I see it as that girlfriend you once had and cared for, but she ran away to be a BDSM slave and got in over her head. You want to help, but she made her choices, and she only sees you as client #366504. I don't want the game (or the imaginary ex) to fail, but they're hauling *** down that road with no brakes.





    TL;DR: I'm a whiny self-entitled rich kid, and I'm bad, and I should feel bad. Also, I smell like poo.

  4. Anybody play Mann Vs. Machine in Team Fortress 2?

    Perhaps if you run a flashpoint and you get no desirable drops you could purchase a ticket for a small fee, that auto gives you a usable piece of loot (at random quality) so you don't feel so screwed.

    Oh crap I really need to stop talking to myself.

  5. Five Warzones/Flashpoints isn't even enough to do one a day.

    How about instead of penalizing F2Pers instead give the gentle reminders of what they could be experiencing.

    For example whenever a green or higher item drops for a F2P and it's an unwanted item, maybe instead of sucking it up and accepting the item, they could pay 60 cartel coins (or something like that) to essentially have the item re drop and hope for a better one, subscribers could get a certain allowance of "Redropping" per month, so the game could nudge you that if you were a subscriber you wouldn't have to pay to use such a service. This doesn't get in the way of playing with my friends who aren't committed to subscribing and gives me a benefit to slapping down 15 smackers a month.


    Just thinking out loud here.

  6. Not only do I level faster but they gain XP at a slower rate than usual? That's no fun, if I out level my friends then the gap will only widen and soon we'll be worlds (no pun intended) apart. As a subscriber I think this seriously degrades my playing experience.

    On a long list of stupid restrictions you've put on F2Pers this is by far the biggest headscratcher, you attract more flies with honey than nickeling and diming Bioware, I'm going to have a hard time convincing people to "just try it out" when whoops, looks like your inventory is gimped, your leveling slower than I am, and you can't PvP, run dungeons, or raids with me. Sucks man, oh well.


    You should be encouraging players to subscribe (and buy your in game currency) not slap them on the wrist and ask them why they're even here if they don't, please fix this. This hurts your subscriber base as well as your F2P fans.

  7. Today it has come to my extreme displeasure that only the human race can have a beard.

    This is 100% unacceptable, and I encourage Bioware to fix this oversight as soon as possible.


    Coming back from a month long break from TOR after playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I am heartbroken over the fact that my cyborg can't have a beard along with his cyber sunglasses, how am I supposed to ceaselessly whisper people "I never asked for this..." if I don't have the beard to complete my trainwreck face of an agent. How I ask you, HOW?!

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