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Posts posted by Sraom

  1. Of course they can make abilities work differently in PvE/PvP, like they are doing right now with Focus/rage (though it doesn't make the tree PvE viable, just toning it down PvP wise; on the other hand, the focus/watchman hybrid is viable PvE wise and not nerfed through the change).


    Here what I think is make several skills in the infiltration tree that doesn't work in a boss fight right now work in a boss fight.


    For example, make nerve wrecking still grant damage bonus for the shadow himself for x seconds, if the target is always immune to low slash/spin kick's control effects. Or reduce Force potency's active cooldown when consume your infiltration tactics on a champion.

  2. Going sandbox would not increase sub numbers. Show me a sandbox game with paid sub numbers even close to where swtor is now. Unfortunately, sandbox mmo's are a extreme niche.


    SWTOR has these sub numbers because it's an overly hyped (hence fully voiced and story driven) MMO under star wars IP by a group whose name was recently changed into Bioware, not because it's themepark, or a wow clone.


    Even though it's speculations at best, but making the game a wow clone is a huge missed opportunity. It's a low risk operation, and low risk means low return, which is high risk in the long run.


    There are tons of people who are already tired of wow, and they won't stay for a wow clone.

  3. To be frank, f2p may be the only way this game will survive moving forward.


    The sad fact is that that the MMO market has shifted to the point where F2P is expected and demanded by the general public.


    The sad thing is that the general audience has no idea how badly F2P can hurt a game.


    F2P=P2W is the general stereotype, but as some other people pointed out, they aren't necessarily equal and there aren't many recent P2W games in the F2P nation.


    Maybe give it a few more years, people's view on F2P will change.


    But yeah, forced into F2P is bad reputation.

  4. and your ship would be used for ?...


    also for accepting/completing missions from holo-terminals.

    You still use the ship a lot when you level up, every time you go to a planet you pick up your class quest on the ship.


    However, unless BW add more endgame content such as ship customization or things like companion daily/weekly quests, I see no point in forcing players to go through extra loading screens.

  5. I don't know about America, but in Europe SWTOR is almost dead. We have only one "heavy" server and several "standard" at peak time. And you need "heavy" or "very heavy" to be somewhat comfortable with GTN, heroics and flashpoints (because the game doesn't make you do all those things, you need a lot of people to actually do them with).


    This is a chain reaction. People are leaving. Server goes "standard". I don't feel comfortable. I leave. My friend doesn't feel comfortable without me. He leaves. A bit later the server goes "light", and than no one is comfortable. Even if they are OK with playing solo.


    Of course, there is a Diablo effect, and some people may return after beating that game. But then there will be Secret World (very enticing for story-holics like me) and GW2. And others. And two new game modes in World of Tanks. And Tera. And everything. While SWTOR will still be "competing with WOW". While praising itself to be slightly better than STO.


    Also, I am writing this in great pain, because I want to see all the storylines. But I just don't have a server to do them comfortably.


    I have heavy doubts on TSW. From the beta it clearly looks unfinished, yet the release date is June.19th.

  6. Add a galaxy map droid on the fleet, and probably at some major space stations on other planets.


    You could use it to travel to other planets; when you click it, you are shown a few cutscenes:


    1) You walking towards your ship;

    2) Your ship leaving the planet/station/fleet;

    3) Jumping to hyperspace


    and you are 'teleported' to another planet.


    This is mainly to reduce the number of loading screens one has to go through when traveling to other planets, because having to go through two loading screens and three elevators kinda discourages people.

  7. You can already switch between builds pretty easily and inexpensively (if you don't do it a crazy number of times per week).


    If you're looking to switch your Advanced Class, that's another story and possibly a technological challenge. Think about switching from Knight/Warrior Tank spec to Dual-Wield DPS spec. New armor, new armor weight, different stats matter, etc.


    Now imagine you're in Tank mode with your Heavy armor on and you switch to Dual-Wield DPS mode. What does the game do with the armor you have on?


    The answers and code can be worked through, but BioWare needs to prioritize that effort against the benefit it would provide to "the masses". It seems they've prioritized LFG and server transfers to be next up.


    Perhaps there should be a middle ground such as a "save your spec and keybinding" option at the skill trainer.

    It's kinda annoying every time I want to do something different--yes indeed it's simple and inexpensive--I have to rearrange a lot of my key bindings.

    And I'm not even a healer. I can't imagine how annoying it will be when a person switches between healer and DPS spec regularly.

  8. Yes. That's kind of sleezy to. BUT at least they don't have pay to win stuff like AION got after a couple months.


    So where did you get the assumption that Tera is going to have P2W stuff? Why not wow?

  9. I think ultimately sandbox-games tend to get a much smaller more devoted fanbase whereas the population dropoffs from those bored with the system tend to be steep.


    One of those unfortunate loops where no one makes a big AAA well-produced sandbox because it doesn't have the proven earning potential while it doesn't prove its big-time earnings potential because no one has made a full big-budget AAA variation.



    I really can't speak to my taste on the matter as I've never really attempted a sandboxy MMO, this is just the third one I've played but ultimately while I have quibbles I am on the whole fairly satisfied with this'n in all I've seen so far.


    Well, why not have something in between?


    Anyway. On this one, SWTOR took way too little risk in production, and it's not just a sandbox vs themepark problem. With low risk comes low reward, and eventually it's high risk on the long run.

  10. This thread may as well be titled: Should endgame progression be primarily vertical or horizontal?


    For the readers that aren't familiar with this terminology, here is an excellent resource:



    It is quite apparent that vertical progression is the industry standard for most mmo games today, and SWTOR is no exception. My personal opinion is that SWTOR could have been amazingly innovative with gamewide horizontal progression. Every planet could have remained relevant for all players, no matter what level of progression they had reached, and we might have avoided the fleet-centric population problem that some players disliked. Levels and stats would disappear, making PvP balance that much easier to achieve. A huge benefit is that any "level" player can group with any "level" player to experience content together and enjoy meaningful progression.


    I don't claim to know why the game designers chose one direction for the game over another (actually, I'm not sure if anyone outside BioWare knows) but I do think the problems we are facing at endgame are the direct result of the choice they made. I think legacy in 1.2 was a good step to bring more horizontal progression into the game, but I fear the innate vertical design of SWTOR is holding it back.




    Even though I don't fully agree with his idea of horizontal progression, vertical progression is detrimental to PvP gameplay (and to some extent, gear incentives harm PvE gameplay as well), even more so when badly gear players can be queued up against well geared players because that will just be a faceroll.


    Thus I think expertise is not the cause of the problem, it is just something there to blame on.

    Without expertise, high end gear will still roflstomp low end gear and that is the issue.



    Now, given the status quo, which means gear progression stays


    The expertise/progression system could use some extra work, such as:

    1) making all PvP gear in the same slot give the same amount of expertise, such as 10% increase for a full set

    2) design a similar system to wow, so that for the 2nd best set , players can use PvE tokens to buy PvP gear and vice versa so that the players don't have to suffer the period in which they can contribute nothing to their team in a warzone. For example, in wow you can transfer justice points into valor points and vice versa.


    However, there must be a PvP stat, it is needed.

  11. F2P doesn't mean it will automatically suck, but with EA's habit such as their talk about charging a dollar to reload, I guess for them, F2P = P2W. That is what sucks, and that is exactly the wrong approach.


    However, with current SWTOR's model, I don't think the "fair" F2P model like LOL or GW2 suits it in any way.

  12. I'd say Stupid decisions from the designers/devs (who know nothing about PvP)


    Both the first week of 1.1 (lol ilum) and the first week of 1.2 (auto BM upgrade for some people, extremely little reward for losers) were disastrous, along with the RNG bag system which also made a lot of people unsub.


    We don't have exact data, but I'd imagine in those two weeks the population took a big hit, which contributed a lot to the dead server problem.

  13. http://www.mmodata.net/


    TOR's sub never exceeded the peak of Aion, and now that Aion went F2P and is in constant decline, TOR's subscription peak is below Aion's active accounts. Aion's subscription base, in general, also declined slower than TOR's even with all the flawed design; the curve is flatter. Both Lineage games also have a larger peak number and a slower population decline rate.


    Something must have gone terribly wrong.

  14. Well, if you want to level as tank spec, I'll propose a kinda crazy idea: use Kira all the way.


    If you look at the talent tree, you'll notice that tank spec isn't that short on damage compared to vigilance; it is, however, much shorter on focus generation. So it's good to use all your abilities that don't cost focus, especially master strike and opportune strike. They, imo, should be on cooldown all the time.


    Opportune strike has a 15 sec cd and requires a normal/strong mob to be slowed in order to use, so use once immediately after force leap. Kira will use her freezing force to slow the mobs, so if the fight is long enough for you to use it a second time, use it, or if it's on cooldown before you open up a group of mobs, open up anyways.


    Of course it isn't as safe as using Doc, but I find it noticeably faster with either tank spec or hybrid PvP tank spec.

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