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Posts posted by Traesk

  1. Mice are not made for 3d movement, they have 2 axis. This game has 3d movement, yaw, pitch and roll. I cant put it into any more simpler terms that that. If you cant understand it then this is probably not a conversation for you.


    Well said.


    Please add joystick support. If you want to stick with a mouse and keyboard then more power to you.

  2. Supposedly it died when they released a major patch that dumbed the game down drastically to make it a wow clone. It had nothing to do with the space flight expansion.


    This argument has been shot down numerous times all ready. The short version is that at a minimum (apart from all the back-end coding for controller support,obviously) all they need to do is add a lock mouse pointer at center toggle. Yes it would be harder for controller users to stay on target, but its something se are used to in other games and why should KB/mouse fanboys care if a using a controller is harder.


    Edit: actualy at minimum they dont hsve to touch the ui. Your controller would just take over the action of the mouse targeting. it would suck IMO but I could get used to it; not much different than using a controller to target in an FPS.


    I agree with all of this.


    Galaxies died not because of the space combat but because of the dumbing down of the game. It was stupid to do.


    Locking the target reticule to the center of the screen would be very helpful. You can make it optional if you like.

  3. Are there any plans to implement flight stick compatibility? In SWG JTL, I never was fond of using mouse/kb. It would add a whole new feel if I could use my Saitek x-52


    I do like what they've done so far. The physics are similar to that of the old SWG JTL. It's nice to have a star wars based space sim again =)


    I would very much like it if I could use my x-52 as well.

  4. I think it means the wings swivel up like with old American WW2 navy fightercraft. There is no way they could bend forward to make the flashfire, the joint would be insanely fragile.


    The lego version of the Novadive does indeed fold its wings forward into a flashfire. They're the same ship. Would be nice to be able to switch back and forth with the wings moving.


    Also, the Blackbolt should be able to open up its wings too like you see in game.

  5. I don't even know where to start...


    I don't think you understand the fact that joystick is not some default control system. Actually, considering most people play with a mouse and keyboard, that is where bioware started.


    But rant on my friend. Its fun.


    So you're saying that BW took the easy way out? Mouse and Keyboard has been around for years but games were still made with joystick controls. That's a cop out excuse.

  6. Except if you go on the forums, it's happening to lots of people. It worked fine before the patch, it doesn't work now. Explain how that's a problem on my end?


    Like I said, drivers are up to date, there's nothing more we can do here. BW needs to fix whatever is crashing the display drivers.


    Happens to me too. It's happening to a lot of people. It's not on our end.

  7. I am Mad as HELL !


    I have played just about every space combat and flight simulator game that has ever been published for the PC.

    X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Rebel Assault, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, Wing Commander(s), Egosoft's X Series, Eve, Galaxies, also Airplane sims such as Jane's Advanced Tactical Fighter, etc... But, honestly, I am addicted to space combat games.


    How could Bioware release a space combat game that doesn't support Flight Controllers/Joysticks ?


    I am so angry about this I can't stand it. I wanted to play this game SOOO BAD... but it is nothing but a piece of fecal matter without a joystick. I just don't understand how the developers could make such a stupid mistake and not support something as simple as a joystick/throttle. Dee-duh-Dee ******* !!!


    Rant away. There are many that agree with you. Joysticks should have been an option for those who wanted to use them from the get go.

  8. i like the space combat, but i have to issues with it. First off i have a joystick collecting dust since the swg days since this game shut down swg i pretty much have to play it to enjoy a star wars mmo. That being said, i am not the only swg vet playing this game, there are many of us out there, and we remember the space combat of that game. We miss the feel of the joystick and the complete control over our ships. All i am asking is for bw to make this happen, give us the ability to use either a mouse or joystick, it is all about personal preference, they did it in swg and it worked, so yeah give it a try.


    Second is, i see it is just space pvp, why the hell did bw make it space pvp only, i know a lot of people asked for it, but come on, we did mention we liked space pvp, but we would like pve too, that mini game is not going to cut it. I would like to see this new space combat for pvp and pve. It would be more fun, if i did not have to do pvp all the time.


    Bw please take a good long look at swg space combat, i bet if you tried hard enough to make it much like that, and put out as much effort as you did on this one, people would return to the game when they see it just like an updated version of swg jump to lightspeed. I mean come on, this is star wars we want to do missions in space as well as pvp, give us a free roam space like swg look at it. I could go from planet to planet from my ship and set the course while i was in combat. Not to mention i could loot, do missions, even endless space missions to get money and space experience.


    If bw would just do what soe did with swg's space combat style and the free roam instead of this queue to go into space bit it would be more fun. I did not know i had to wait in line, and grab a ticket to use my own ship to go into space. Why did you do that? That is not the way star wars is..... Just make it like swg free roam, and just copy the space expansion. I am not looking to continue my subscriptions if i keep getting disappointed. Look around i am not the only one who feels this way.


    We are also not being ungrateful, we are just shocked after everything we told you, all the stuff people asked to get out of space combat, and what all of your swg vet subscribers asked for, yet you still did the opposite of what we were looking for. I know this is not swg, but really did you not read the posts. Please just read them and listen to us.....





  9. LOL no. Not even close.


    Your ship didn't follow the reticule in JTL

    The reticule was locked in JTL

    YPR control was more precise in JTL

    JTL had no "powers" that flew your ship for you, or gave your ship a defense chance that might cause a shot to miss

    You didn't have to hold your walk button to move at max unboosted speed in JTL

    You could make throttle percentage presets in JTL

    Your camera wasn't way above, and behind your ship in 3rd person view in JTL, and it could be adjusted

    You could have a 1st person view in JTL

    Controls weren't so touchy in JTL

    You could use a joystick, or gamepad for more precision in JTL


    Did you actualy play JTL for more than a minute?


    I think the answer to that would be no. :D


    I miss JTL.

  10. I think it bears repeating, add stick, gamepad controller capability. Its all a matter of preference for those who like to fly, but what we like to use is a big deal. I knew pilots who could fly extremely well with mouse in SWG I prefer a gamepad or flightstick it is a big deal to those of use who like them trust me


    Agreed. There is no harm with having more choices. Those who love to fly with the mouse can still do that. I want my joystick however.

  11. In theory yes, though to my knowledge no one tested those specific manufacturers' products in beta. I'm sure someone will when it hits the PTS however. At least I hope so.


    An issue that may likely crop up even IF mouselook could be mapped is the number of functions GS has (almost 30) versus the number of buttons and switches on the controller. If it requires $800 worth of controller to be able use every function in GS on the same level as the mouse+keyboard combination can, then there probably won't be joystick support from Bioware.


    I also have an old Saitek combat controller system (with the emphasis on old) I may try. Gonna focus on gamepad compatibility first though. I'm more interested in seeing how the game outside of GS responds with the controller's profile activated and running in the background after leaving a WZ with mouselook still mapped.


    Thanks for the answer. :)

  12. Those games are also all single player. When adding multiplayer space battles when they know their whole base is using keyboards and mice they should put everyone on equal ground with the same controls. This expansion isn't going to be like any of those older space sim/arcade games since it will be multiplayer so it shouldn't even be compared to them.


    Please look up Star Citizen and see that it's a multiplayer space game coming out.


    Everyone should be able to use the controller device of their choice. You want to use mouse and keyboard that's great.


    My carpel tunnel syndrome would like a joystick please.

  13. I think they made a good point that they really don't want people running out and buying a joystick before the game even launches and that they want to make sure the keyboard and mouse controls are solid first, and that they don't want to introduce entirely new controls that are different from the rest of the core game. But it sounds like they're very willing to add the feature in post launch if there is a lot of demand for it.


    But I have to run out and get a nostromo, orbweaver, or G13 to enjoy the game?

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