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Posts posted by ObscureKnight

  1. Running Dxun op, the grenade and subsequent aoe is not showing up at all. For any of the player in the op. Nothing like a raid wiping mechanic that is not visible to ruin game play.
  2. Ger rid of the 15 minute penalty for group finder. I have lost track of how many times I jump in queue and will get put with a group doing a last boss lock out, only to be kicked instantly because I am not their buddy they are looking for nd then I am stuck with the 15 min penalty.


    It is simple, tie the penitently to anyone who quits on their own accord and not removed because the group is waiting on another.


    Otherwise, I invite you to play some and see first hand.

  3. Yeah I noticed this in the council fight on EV. Didn't matter if entrench was up, I got knocked back into the wall then couldn't crouch or roll. Had to walk away from the wall to get back into cover.
  4. funny, i got at least 5 from crates last night


    Funny, I just went through 172, didn't get a single one.


    The drop rate is pathetic. I wish we had the ability to trade up useless mats like the Superior Resource Matrix.

  5. Hi all, the fix has been verified. We will take the Game Servers offline beginning at 04:00PM Central Time for about an hour, including the 15-minute notification you'll receive in-game.


    Thanks for your patience!




    Except your fix, just reset all mine. So yeah thanks for that.


    I didnt have the bug, until the Dev's gave it too me.

  6. Bioware, Keith, Musco, whomever,


    The bug with Jindo Krey & the ship fight is old. You guys refuse to fix the longest lasting things that prevent people from actually completing a flash point, then we are subject to a lock out since we have to drop. Instead you do not listen to the community and worry about skank tanking, or a stupid cargo hold percent full bar.


    If you have no idea what I am talking about (which I doubt), the ship fires at an interval, which one of the party has to use the terminal, after the first interrupt the ship NEVER comes to the front indicating the mechanic has started over. Regardless of how many times you click the panel you CAN NOT reset the ship, and you are taking damage that does NOT even show on the game.


    Can we please get this fixed? Just remove the ship all together or actually make the mechanic work.

  7. Demanding anything be removed, especially content, because there is a problem with it isn't the solution. Can you imagine if they just removed anything that was experiencing problems? A lot of content and features would be missing.


    Obviously you have not run this flash point. This isn't a new bug, it has been around for a long time. The easiest thing to fix it is just take it out of the available rotation. However, when you queue and get this, the only in game solution you get is to be forced to drop and get a 15 minute timer. Now maybe you might actually get to feel the pain of having this pop several times a day. It adds up real fast. There has been other bugged things like this removed before


    They have taken flash points out before, Colicoid War Games to be specific, so yeah, I think it is a reasonable request to take out material that doesn't get addressed, and prevents the party from not progressing and in fact penalizes them for having to suffer the bug.

  8. Since the shuttle bug looks like it will never get address, please remove this flashpoint form the game. Many of us are tired of queuing for group finder rewards and getting stuck with this only to be forced into a 15 minute lock out timer since we can not progress the flashpoint. This is something you guys have known about for a long long time, and it is time to just get rid of the issue and the flash point, unless you might actually fix it for real.
  9. Many groups will run the daily group finder operations with one toon holding a lock out. What sucks is when you queue and get selected instead of the player who was holding the lock out and you get subsequently kicked so they can get their buddy back. Then to add injury to insult, you have a 15 minute lock out timer for Group Finder, even though you didn't do anything other than accept a queue prompt.


    This is an actually affects game play sort of bug that would be nice if you guys fixed.

  10. I guess you guys at BW didn't play this one. Because here it is 4 months later after the last request made to fix this bug. I am on my merc heals and kolto missile aggros them, but the best part is they were on top and we were down inside the car.


    Just remove them, or please fix this issue so a healer can do their job and not have to have the entire group /stuck on a broken mechanic.

  11. No one skill could ever craft all augments. They did make some changes a long time ago (like 4.0 or something) that tried to make all crafting trades a little more balanced in usefulness. So a few things went from one skill to another.


    They completely swapped everything around just to be jerks. For absolutly NO reason.

  12. I was on my merc last night looking tt make some credits and I notice the event was in the solo tab and I clicked it. To my surprise I was met with instant carnage as the guards started unloading on me as the load screen disappeared. Confused I looked around and saw nothing but pubs.


    Confused I hit the Start at med droid, then notice the entire place had changed, I was back on the imperial side as I should be. I though this was an interesting glitch. So I logged off and tried it on my sorc. Again I found myself in the pubs spawn point for the tunnels. So, I am curious if this is working as intended?

  13. Please Fix the GF queue.


    This has happened once before, and I just happened to me today on Satele Shan. I queue for an operation, if you played the game as a random pug DPS you would know this is rare indeed for it to pop. Well it does pop, I accept but I am currently in a chapter. I am Auto logged out of the chapter back to Odessen, only to see I have a 15 minute lock out timer because the game "thinks" I quit, when in reality I accepted and was on a loading screen.

  14. So I take the time to level a sythweaver for alacrity and Crit augs, and some on on your end who doesn't play this game decides to swap them to Armormech? Come on Austin guys, really what the crap are you doing?


    Please place them back with one crafting skill. That way I can keep one toon doing what it has been doing instead of relearning this for no reason other than you guys wanted to be difficult for NO reason.

  15. Hey folks,


    There is an issue causing the queue right now on Satele Shan, the team is looking into it! I will pass on updates as I have them.




    So did you guys get your maintenance philosophy from the Navy? Fix it till it breaks?

  16. Challenge accepted. (later i will be at home and get more info on styrak+kell dragon+adds hp and give you brute numbers)


    But from what i can reply from my smartphone:


    For nim, according to a radley walters post edited from august this year: "DPS: Very High. This fight is one of the highest dps check in the game, requiring the equivalent of >9000 dps for over 17 minutes. Knockbacks, interrupts, and coordination are required for much of the fight. Proper DCD usage and coordination are required to survive the burn. " - http://yourcompanion.clanwebsite.com/372356/topic/50-nightmare-checks-jpq - However i was refering to HM. I am hoping you read exactly what I wrote- HM - so asking for a 9.2k dps on HM is unreal, when NIM it self asks the same.




    http://parsely.io/parser/operations/dread-master-styrak/8/VM/dps/all/all/all/live/0/ this is a list of Styrak HM kills, althought it doesnt says what numbers the other players from the group did, there are quite low numbers, and only the top 10 players did the 9.2k dps you refered - so i am wondering to your line of thought - other clases did the required numbers to compensate the low parses?i mean, they got carried? so u have one doing 7.1 and others compesanting it?no, i dont think 9.2k dps for HM styrak is realistic.


    now, i am not sure, what math numbers you did, and in life i have learnt to not blindly trust my ideas, but i am almost positive no class needs to do 9.2k dps on styrak HM to kill it.


    so ill repeat and quote myself again:


    You also fail to account for not every one has the same connection ability. I have hit the wall where lag has affected my numbers from reaching the god like ones of Radley, and there is nothing I can do about other than move which is not viable.


    I will also throw in that not every one has had the luxury of finding groups that are capable. I for one took the time to learn and ask those better than me, but I have not found a group available that is have been able to clear HM ToS or Rav. Let alone any NiM stuff. One can only pug so much, but you run across those times where you just don't have the connections. I made a few, but then they jumped servers before I had a place in their team.


    Overall there is a disconnect of player base here that is over looked, and the elite only respond with "l2p." Well, many of us have, we just cant seem to find that right clique to get into.

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