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Posts posted by BalynRex

  1. It's well and good saying "get a guild" but I went that route, found a guild of people that shared a similar playstyle and mentality that I did but other than having a green chat channel I really didn't see the benefit during my levelling process.


    Due to how the game separates everyone I think I maybe only ever 'saw' 6 of my group mates characters and that was on a day a few of us got together to do a few flashpoints.


    People in MMO's just don't seem willing to speak anymore, even in the guild I was in (I've since left) you'd usually see the same names speaking while everyone else was busy doing their own thing.


    It just feels like community in MMO's is on the decline in general and TOR does nothing to help it along. In fact, you could argue that TOR goes on to promote solo gameplay.

  2. Actually raises a really good question... If you assign a legacy name, then delete the character, does the legacy name persist? :confused:


    Taken out of the context of game mechanics, the 'Skywalker' legacy would continue to exist after the death of Anakin and Luke due to the fact that they have children/siblings. So would that mean you have to also delete all of your alts that the name is assigned to as well?

  3. What?

    That's not what I said,

    I said if a developer is caught MODIFYING the game to favor his favorite class


    No you didn't, silly:


    Do you think the faction imbalance was on purpose?

    The differences with the abilities are because they are true to the animations, not because the devs favor on side.

    Furthermore, favoring one side is NOT profitable, if one Developer is caught favoring one side, he would be fired immediately


    Anyway, what's this game you worked on? Sounds mighty interesting.

  4. If one Developer is caught favoring one side, he would be fired immediately


    Really? So you know the statement about all the devs playing the game, what if their main is an Imperial? That could be translated as favouring the Imperial side. Would that then lead to firing?


    That's an absurd thing to say.

  5. I wouldn't mind a more refined version of the LFG system that they currently have, some way of adding yourself to a pool of players that are LFG for a specific quest and/or instance and an easy way to find said players.


    I want to be able to load up the LFG pane, filter the current LFG players by their role, see what they're looking to do and have a little button that begins a whisper message so I can ask if they want to do it at that precise moment.


    What I don't want is something that completely removes the need of conversation. I don't want to be automatically thrown into a group with people that don't even have the decency to say hello. A group in which the other players don't even refer to you as your character name but as your class, I've had scenarios where I've just been called "Druid" or "Healer" and that's not fun for anybody.

  6. James: "We're implementing UI customisation"

    Community: "YES! They're letting us make mods!"

    Community Support: "That's not what we meant."



    Because 9 times out of 10, that level of misinterpretation is exactly what happens.

  7. After all the complaining on the forums I think he had every right to look uncomfortable and you would too knowing that one wrong word, one slight stutter or one misinterpretation from the community will result in people practically calling for your head.
  8. You haven't been charged yet to play the game, or your entered in Game Time Card has not started to be used yet, because it is still the first 32 days which are free.


    Nope, my card was definitely charged today:


    2012/01/19 8:17 AM OPEN - - £ 8.99 543212997


    But after reading the email regarding the Founders title it states that the medals will be received within 7 days.


    Source: http://www.swtor.com/info/founders?sourceid=eag3396

  9. What I often wonder when reading these forums is what mysterious, unmentionable game is everyone comparing SWTOR to that makes it so bad in contrast?


    What game has launched with zero hiccups, has had no bugs, no faction imbalances and nothing that needed to be hot-fixed because I'll level with you, I'm old. I've been playing MMO's since UO and Meridian and MUDs before that but this magical perfect game still eludes me.


    Furthermore, this bug-less, finely crafted and beautiful game that everyone but me seems to have been playing... why are people posting on these forums and not playing it? Could it potentially be because it doesn't exist? ;)

  10. Not to poke fault in your post but the title is "A few fixes that could potentially save SWTOR" yet all you have seemed to do is create a list of issues you're experiencing without much mention of ways you'd like to see them fixed.


    I clicked on this topic expecting to read some form of brainstorming or a list of creative ideas and discussion on ways Bioware could possibly implement fixes for some of the issues many of the players are experiencing. Suffice to say, that unfortunately wasn't the case.

  11. As a roleplayer, you spend most of your time in a cantina on Mos Eisley - a wretched hive of scum and villainy so dastardly that only the brave or the stupid dare drink there. However, should you be looking to make (or lose) a few credits on the pazaak table, hire a thug or three to see to that Twi'lek that has taken a liking to hanging around your wife when you're out on the moisture farms it's the place to go.


    Just be mindful though, you don't want to bump into an Aqualish Pirate that doesn't like you.

  12. However, this is the hell Bioware should've prepared for when they agreed to be funded by EA and gave the drivers seat for their PvP endeavors to Mythic.


    To top it off, Mythic, the developers of Warhammer, holds the PvP reigns for this game. Yes, I have played War. Yes, I have played it in launch. And yes, it was terrible. It's like a case of deja vu; the ability delays, choppy animations and the soullessness of it all is nothing but familiar. The devs of War, and now Swtor devs, does not comprehend the type of PvP we have experienced in other games such as DAOC or WoW. To the devs of Mythic, PvP is just numbers and booleans.


    Mythic = Doesn't know squat about PvP


    You do realise that Mythic Entertainment, the company which you quite clearly state make "Terrible" PVP are also the company that alongside EA developed DAOC - a game which you then go on to praise for it's PVP experience?


    Just saying ;)

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