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Posts posted by evilharb

  1. Hi folks


    I'm hoping some more experienced Operatives in here can help me out with something...


    I'm currently a healer in my guilds raids - which is a blast - but incase they have an extra healer appearing and I could help with something else I'm thinking about going dps to help out. Now I've never done raid dps at all so is there a good Operative dps build someone can recommend for raids please? Not sure what gear (and stats - like accuracy if that's needed) I'd need so any info on that would be great. Even a point to another webpage would be appreciated :)


    Thanks in advance!

  2. Ok...have done some investigation on this one and have figured it out. If anyone else has this issue it will hopefully solve it for you too.


    When using Shadowplay and you want to record some SWTOR footage make sure you are in full screen mode - not full screen but windowed - full screen. I set it to that, tried again, and it works fine.


    Now for a successful Fortress run tonight... :)

  3. Just updated the graphics drivers and noticed something called Shadowplay now part of the experience. I've tried it out with other games such as BF3 - it works fine - but despite it saying that SWTOR is supported I don't think it is. It may well be a beta but they say it works with it...I can't get it working no matter what I do (would be great to get some raiding footage with it). Has anyone else tried it out yet? Have you got it working? Let us know what you think of it.
  4. Hi folks


    I'm trying to sort out an old and seldom used level 31 Juggernaut - having been convinced to do some low level pvp with a few guildies - but since using him last all his skill points have been refunded, so I'm in need of some advice.


    I'm after a useable build that I level him up with from 31 onwards, and maybe a bit of help with things like rotation etc. Can anyone recommend something for this job? Would be great to get using him again, but I'm stumped from where to take him right now :)


    Thanks in advance!

  5. I've seen a few webpages/images describing the best in slot armourings/mods/enhancements for classes like BH/Mercenaries, but I was wondering if there's anything like this for Operatives. Does anyone know of a post anywhere for something like this? Would be good to have something to work towards now my guild is hitting the HM's for newer content.
  6. Heya folks


    I've decided to resurrect my Gunslinger with ROTHC being out but of course I need to reallocate all my skill points again and I could really use some help from folks that have already dealt with this.


    Prior to 2.0 the GS was a pure Sharpshooter build - of course I'm going for dps here :) - but I don't know if I should go for the Sharpshooter tree again or maybe Saboteur...HELP! :D


    So, with that in mind, is there a fellow GS out there that can maybe impart some wisdom on this matter? The GS is only level 50 right now, and I'm not running them out before checking out some hopefully decent builds. Can anyone help me out here? Got a talent build or maybe a forum guide that do the job?


    Thanks in advance for any help.



  7. Thanks for that - will check things out over the weekend.


    With regrads to the Eliminator set...on Fleet if I look at the Basic Gear vendor I can certainly see an Eliminator Mainhand, but the sets listed are: Striker / War Medic / Vanguard - any suggestions on those sets?

  8. Ah - thanks :)


    Whilst I'm at it, thinking about gearing this character up - do you know what gear set(s) from the Fleet vendors (i.e. basic, classic etc) is the ideal one for a pyro? I know I can get some gear into legacy items and pass them over (got so many spare comms on my main it's mad) but I'm not sure if I should go for instance with the Eliminator set or the Vanguard/Super Commando as he's now a pyro.

  9. Heya folks


    got a question for the more experienced Pyros out there...


    Just watched a good youtube video on Pyro usage - link below - but one thing the guys mentions is using a Shoulder Cannon action (it's in his UI bars of his video) - where is that skill from?! I'm about to level my 50 BH up and am swapping him to a dps spec, but that Shoulder Cannon skill is baffling me.


    Oh - if anyone else has another build to recommend PLEASE let me know - for the first time in ages I have a few days off work and would love to work on this build.

  10. Just being curious here...has anyone had any luck with finding these speeder components? I don't know of anyone on my server that has yet (of course someone might have, but who knows...) - I'm guessing they'll appear - albeit rarely - when our seeker droids pick something in the area and maybe we're lucky enough to dig it up.


    Personally I'd love to get hold of the Explorer - been waiting for a non-smoking one for a while :)

  11. Well, with 2.0 here and some interesting changes to the way us Operative Healers will no doubt have to adapt, I thought it might be good to see if I can get something posted where maybe some who have already tested things on the PTS and also through early access so maybe we can give a heads-up to those of us struggling to get to grips with the changes, and also those due to hit these same issues in a few days time.


    For me I'm trying to check out some viable Healing builds, mainly for pve and raids etc (if anyone has some links or help on this one PLEASE let me know! :) ), so if anyone can post some helpful info here for us Healing types please do!


    Good luck everyone...may the schwartz be with you all!

  12. I've a feeling that most of us Operatives will be in the same boat now the update and level increase is here with us - I need a decent healing build for pve and raids etc. I would suggest keeping an eye on the front page of this forum section and occasionally doing a check for things like youtube videos for help - lots of info there.


    Good luck with you (and everyone elses) search though! :)

  13. Interesting info from everyone...certainly something to look at.


    I just hope I can find a decent healing build now for my Operative - I didn't use her too much but it was great to have her around when needed for an ops run or raid. I never pvp with her, just pve - anyone know of a decent build/link I can check out now?

  14. Happy 1 Year Anniversary, folks! :)


    There...thought I should get that out of the way to begin with...


    I've just been checking out the main pages first screenies by us ans one in particular caught my eye )might even try and get my gang to pose for a shot)...




    The image of the guild called Army of Light - that armour...love the look of it - anyone know what the armour is actually called?

  15. Ok...time to try this one again...


    Is anyone running SWTOR in sli mode? If so are there any issues running the game in a dual card setup? Would appreciate knowing before I install my second card and try running the game!


    Thanks for any replies.

  16. What a great thread...for someone like me that is basically 'frightened' of pvp (just don't like it normally at all) this has really made me want to give it a try on my un-used level 50 Shadow. Yep, she's only got the crap recruit gear right now but what the heck...the Youtube video on Shinarika (

    ) was a blast to watch and I'm definately going to give pvp another go.


    I am very much hoping that either Shinarika themself - or some other more experienced/kind pvp'ers here - can help advise me on a few things. Please excuse any noobish questions - I'm no where near as experienced in pvp as you lot ;)


    1 - in the above video (and indeed at the start of this thread) Shinarika suggests a few builds to use - not sure if I should go for Balance or Infiltration yet. Is any one of these builds better to start off with for learning the pvp basics or which one would others just say "go for it" with? Infact I think that since the videos were posted there's been a few updates since then - are there any changes to spending points I should be aware of with 1.5 here?


    2 - I will of course have to figure out what skill rotations to use - I've had all my skill points refunded since I last used this character - but thankfully Shinarika has posted another video with a guide - thanks so much for that Shinarika. Is there any other general combat advice anyone can share?


    3 - starting gear - is the basic recruit gear good enough? What is the first sort of gear set combo I should aim for?


    If anyone can help PLEASE do - it will be very much appreciated. I'm due to have to take some time off work soon for an op on my foot (fractured bone needs to be fixed) so I'm hoping this will be the perfect way to relax, have some fun and learn something during my down time :)

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