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Posts posted by MrCheeseChuckles

  1. Sidious was and is the most powerful Sith Lord to date. You can't even argue about it, Georgey boy said so himself. The only Sith that as we know could've exceeded him in power is Anakin Skywalker but then he got all RoboCop and well.. If you haven't watched the movies shame on you, if you have we all know how it goes from there.
  2. To be honest. I don't see this 49 "twink" problem at all, me and my friend (I'm a Gunslinger and he's a Trooper) PVP A LOT so suffice to say we have run into plenty of these lvl 49... And I haven't had any trouble killing them at lvl 21 with no pvp gear at all or anything like that. I can (and often do tbh) dominate them. So I can't see what all this fuzz is about. I don't think these people need to "put on their big boy pants" as much as you need to stop seeing down a narrow tunnel. Let them play how they want to play the game, and you play your way. They're not overpowered in any way (unless the player is good but that is the case from 18-49).
  3. LOL no I am not ingame. I hate it though when people say that they are testing stability, that is over with, this IS launch. I am not bothered about anyone getting ahead of me or anythign like that but I am so annoyed because this is an MMO and the guild I am in cannot even play together. No point in early access if your not getting the full gaming experience.


    *Sean Connery accent* That junior is where you are wrong... Launch isn't until the 20th and NOT now so stop complaining and be glad we get EGA 7 days earlier! :p

  4. If this was true, then they would have let in a million people. Instead they didn't even make it past the first week.


    I can think of many other mmo's that launched at around 500-700k even an upwards of a million for a handful.


    I find this statement hard to believe.


    You know that there is more players alone playing SWTOr now then it was on RIFT's launch day...

    And also the 21st - 23rd July when pre-order was first available the actual pre-orders almost went up in a 90 degree and after those days it slowly decended :p

  5. You dont have to be an expert to realize what you can buy with a lot of money.


    I think any consumer, especially americans know what money can buy.


    Just sayin.


    With the low amount of population they let in, they must not have any confidence whatsoever in their hardware.


    Umm... There's is no good way to put this but eh... WEREN'T YOU LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE ABOVE ME? :confused:

  6. seriously, this launch is such a ****up, just look at this thread, shows up fail:ish the launch is.


    bioware, you're adding players way to slow, should be around septermber/october by now...


    Account made in october... I'm guessing that's why you think they should be on october atm cause' you pre-ordered then? :p


    Seriously I've played Baldurs Gate II, KotOR 1, both Dragon Age and both Mass Effect.. And I'm only 15 :D All made by Bioware and all perfect games..

    See here, EGA was supposed to be 5 days before and now when we get 7 days you're complaining? Sorry but I can't understand people that complain when they can eat the cake AND keep it!

    Seriously you will get into the game eventually.. Just relax ;)

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