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Posts posted by aginormc

  1. Chillz of Vulcar Highway must have wrote these.



    I never heard of position hacks before. Are these a new hack?


    being able to report to the server any position is how speed hacks or flying hacks or you name it occur. position is just one thing that should never be trusted from a client.

  2. I would like your developers to respond to this.


    How did you write code that trusts positions from your client. Are you kidding me? This lesson wasn't learned way back in EQ? Someone should have to wear the poncho of shame around the office for weeks.


    Please fix this before rated warzones, or I predict mass exodus when all the top rated players are terrible players running speed hacks.

  3. Armour means pretty much nothing for pvp in this game. between the sheer amounts of other types of damage (internal, elemental etc) and expertise, the majority of it is bypassed anyway.


    Light armour sorcs> heavy armour classes right now


    force lightning is mitigated by armor. do you have the same problem with tracer missle spam or is that ok because you cant see the graphic.


    You simpy are suffering from seeing the most obvious graphic in the game. What we really need is a combat log. So next time you are dead you will look at the log and see what actually killed you instead of remembering the flashy lightning effect.

  4. please change the name from PVP to The Nerf Lobby. 90% of the posts are nerf some class (other than my class)


    This is because most ppl think more of themselves than is actually true. I lost a fight to class X, I am uber, therefore they are OP.


    Head to the Nerf lobby and post over and over again.

  5. Here's your defection quest:




    You would get more people willing to defect if they are still 50, and have all the equivalent gear from the other side.

  6. to encourage balance, open up limited quests to defect to the other side. Obviously one way, only available while a pop imbalance still exists. a finished quest turns your toon into its cross faction mirror.


    Let entire guilds do the quest.


    failing that create a third faction of independents. they swing to whichever side is low. pretty sure my guild would love to be the swing vote.

  7. well I guess to clarify I am on mind trick, I played all huttball last night. ~8 games. This was at 50, my lowbie alt got to play the other games.


    Maybe there are some servers that imbalance towards republic side?

  8. Now that we have separated 1-49 from level 50 players, we have long queues. Empire is overpopulated, so at 50 only sees huttball games against the same faction. While I think huttball is a good game on its own, it is very tiresome, when it is the only game you see.


    building teams for all the warzones, from the entire pool of players regardless of faction or server would alleviate this problem. apologies to those who are role playing, I personally don't care much for lore.


    i want short queues and full variety of games.


    This does nothing for the imbalance in open world, but on that subject, make the open world planet a series of instances, that fill from all the severs and maintain a pop balance.

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