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Posts posted by Eleishia

  1. Right here. Just was denied for Social Security Disability. :( Looking for a (free) lawyer so I can appeal my case, fun fun. I have depression, severe OCD, anxiety and a horrible case of separation anxiety from my wife. I can't go anywhere without her, or have her go anywhere without me.


    My wife has BiPolar Depression, high anxiety and high social anxiety.


    But! Together we have each other, and that's the best thing ever.

  2. Hello, everyone! My name is Angie and I'm pretty new here - just started playing last week! My wife Jen and I are both Star Wars lovers, however we haven't ever role-played in a Star Wars universe. (Though we have done plenty of forum role-play, and role-play on other MMOs.) I was part of the beta and really didn't like the lag, or the camera movement, etc... Now? Well, now I'm extremely addicted. :D I have three characters right now: Ismerria (Imperial Agent/Sniper), Rukkia (Sith Warrior/Juggernaut) and a Chiss Bounty Hunter who's only level 1.


    I'm hoping that with time I can piece together a good background for Ismerria and Rukkia, and learn more about the SW:TOR universe as I go. So if you see me around, please don't be afraid to say hi or role-play with me, and keep in mind that I'm a newbie. ;) My wife is Cercina - a Bounty Hunter and Ciercia - an Inquisitor, so don't be afraid to say hi to her either!


    A little bit more about me: I'm 23, live in Utah and am a gamer, geek, artist and a blogger. I love fashion, make-up, shopping, everything New Age-y, vampirism and so much more. Jen and I have two cats, Wedge Catilles and Darth Mau, three birds named Jango Peck, Leia Skyflyer and Bastila Chirp and one betta fish, Qui'Gon Finn. Hmmm, do their names seem familiar?


    Okay, enough about me... I'm just so excited to be here! :D


    I have one quick question: is there an RP OOC type channel one can enter in-game to get to know everyone better?

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