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Posts posted by AhaziBorn

  1. Yes, just what we need is another outcry of "Balance the classes" because 7.0 didnt wreck the game enough trying to bring that new vision...seeking balance, has destroyed more MMOs than anything else.


    Ever trying actually playing a class because its fun instead of what is the "best".


    People that parse data are elitists. going for and demanding that extra 0.005% out of people for your OPS, ruins the game which is supposed to be a thing done for fun.


    For some people(not me), the fun is being good. The fun is being the Best DPS, Heals, or Tank. Those are the people who are here for the challenge, and yes, might be a bit elitist. But so what? If that is what they find to be fun, then that is their fun. This game is already currently too much of Play the way Bioware wants you to play, and not enough Play the things you enjoy, they don't need to add classes to that list of broken garbo.

  2. All good things come to an end eventually. They are seemingly trying to cater to a different type of player than they had been previously, so I guess those who remain will see how it all pans out. I'll be done when my sub runs out as well, and move on to other ventures.
  3. Exactly.


    Those misanthropes are only happy when other people are miserable.


    They want "filthy casuals" or people who aren't really good at games to suffer and bow down to their gaming brilliance.


    They don't realize that plenty of people as good or better than them at the game are smart enough to realize a tedious slog that wastes their time unnecessarily in content that should be chill, casual, and fun (especially with maxed out companions).


    Problem is, they are also the same people standing around on fleet, begging people to queue for ranked PVP, because there aren't enough hardcore pvp'ers for them.

  4. I wish they would start applying that philosophy to the toy industry. Toys marketed to children have become increasingly focused on "blind packs" which are really no different than loot boxes. But with IRL loot boxes, not only are children being introduced to gambling, they are also learning to shop lift. Not a day goes by that my store doesn't loose several of those to little sticky fingers. If they don't steal them out right, they damage the packaging to see what is in them, which, for us is exactly the same since the toy has to be tossed out.


    I feel like the main difference between a Loot Box in a video game, and a blind pack of toys or cards or whatever.. is that the blind pack still offers you something tangible, something you can feel and touch. A loot box is just code, 1's and 0's and nothing else, and when that game closes down, it's gone.


    Don't get me wrong, Loot Boxes are god awful and should burn. But I do see a difference. I would say something like Magic the Gathering, or pokemon booster packs are the same. You might get a good card, but you will usually get crap. But you still have the cards.

  5. Everyone knows it is quicker to just click on the crew skill to bring up the mission window. The first suggestion would be, for it to remember the last grade you sent out on. Sometimes, I don't need to far the highest tier materials and would like a quicker interface for that, please.


    The second suggestion, would be for us to be able to sort the missions in the current tier, or all tiers. Would be nice, for example, if I am doing underworld trading, if I could sort all the Underworld Metals to the top, or Underworld fabrics. And always put companion gifts to the bottom, as they are utterly useless now when I can buy rank 5's straight from the vendor.

  6. Sorry, but are you allergic to making credits? Please, please tell me you aren’t also one of these foolish people who under cut for more than 1 credit a time (they are sooooo, dumb). Ie lowest price is 90,000 and you list for 60,000?


    Why would you drive the price down on those dyes? It blows my mind that you would even consider listing them at the prices you quoted because every single one is a high demand, high volume dye.

    You know you can sell half as much and make the same amount of credits? Or still sell the same quantity at the market price and make 30-50% more credits?

    All that time and effort to acquire the mats and then craft them all so you can sell them cheap. You’d be better off just selling the mats on the GTN if you are going to do that.


    If you were in the real world and ran a business like you describe, you would never make any money. .


    Isn't this almost the same exact thing that places like Walmart, And Amazon do? You go to Bestbuy to check out that new TV or Laptop and get a feel for it. Then you go home and buy it on amazon for Less. Undercutting to sell by volume is a perfectly valid strategy, and if it brings them enough credits to feel profitable, then why not. Others will be there to pick up the slack and over charge, anyway.

  7. I will say, playing a sniper currently(I'm still a noob.), I only see the roll to cover silhouette if I have an enemy targeted already. Otherwise, it does not appear for me and hitting f just brings me to a kneel where I am for my cover bar. Now, i haven't done **** in later areas, so maybe there isn't as much cover to roll to.
  8. I just wonder why you started playing in SWTOR. And how do you know this game :)


    I started at the official launch of the game and liked it. Played on and off for 2 years as SWG had just ended and I liked the SW universe. Then I stopped until this year and am confused as heck, now. None of my skills seem to be quite the same.

  9. As a mostly casual player who just recently returned, I am essentially here for the story. Even when I played this game before, I never thought of it as a PVP game. I would occasionally queue for pvp, but that was mostly to get a few levels if I felt underleveled for story content(WAY back when it wasn't necessarily a cake walk.) There are just games that do PvP better; Eve, Albion Online, Elder Scrolls Online, League of Legends, and dozens more, if I were a competetive PvP player.


    I'm not saying Low/Mid level PvP isn't fun or an important part of the game, I just personally think that the people that are playing PvP are the veterans who have been here. There's no incentive for me to step into it at this point, before or at 70, honestly. But I'm a PvE player.

  10. I picked up this game at launch and played for a while, but left before the RotHC even came out. I think it was because my computer wasn't handling it too well anymore, and I never really came back to it. I just got a new laptop that has no issues and came back to see if it still had the magic, and it sorta does. But it does suck to come back and half my quickbar be half bare and have to pay a buttload of money to relearn all my crafting recipes, that was ... fun. I know BW/EA have probably done a lot to streamline and make the game easier and more "casual friendly", but it actually feels more confusing than it did at launch for me, at any rate.


    Personally, I don't know if I will stick around, though. It's okay, but trying to get back into any of my characters feels kinda meh, and rolling new ones feels pretty tedious as well. I have been trying to play classes I didn't get to before I left, and so far only Sith warrior is holding any bit of my attention, but I still want to go back and finish my other class stories that I had started.

  11. Or they can simply purchase the crystals (artificers can also purchase their recipes) from the PvP Items vendor in Fleet using WZ comms. The +41 crystal recipes go for 450 WZ comms each. Oh, the Cartel Shop crystals are available individually for (I think) 900 CCs ... don't have to play the Cartel Pack lotto to get one. Though I'm right with you about them being available for level 10s exclusively through the CS.


    I have a stockpile of those level 10 +41s. I buy them any time I see someone selling them for cheaper than they are worth, because I know I can turn a profit on them. At level 50, a +41 crystal is so-so. But at level 10 or so, it's friggin awesome. Lol.

  12. There really is no way to tell to be honest, because the company chooses to hide the numbers from the populace, which in itself is generally not a good sign. I am not saying it's the end of the game, but a company that remains close-lipped is probably not the best one to be running things. I would estimate, though, as a returning player, they probably have between 350-500K active subscribers now, with the launch of free-to-play. I am sure they have over One Million accounts, though, just not all subscription. And I will be honest, I am betting hardly any of the F2P people are the ones spending cash in the cartel market. People paying for a subscription have the cash, people who need to F2P, probably don't.


    That being said, I was here in beta and at launch, and enjoyed the game for a few months, but it got very stale very fast and I left just before patch 1.2. I just came back this month and find I enjoy it still, but I do not know how long I will stay subbed, as it hasn't changed all that much. I would have been Free-2-Play, but after having been a sub, I found the restrictions too annoying, though someone who hasn't subbed before might not mind it terribly.


    And honestly, I expected them to introduce a cash shop sooner than they did, as that seems to be the normal business model for recent MMO's. I thought Diablo III was going to be an awesome game, but that fell hard and is just now barely picking itself back up again.

  13. Warzone medpacks are what you should be getting.


    See you people that are grieving are not knowing the ropes. That is the frustrating thing above all: having people whine about stuff when it's just because they are ignorant of many things.


    Lol. Been sittin on 300 of em for a while now. :p

  14. No,


    I'm just tired of seeing people wanting everything handed to them. There needs to be SOMETHING for them to work towards. If there was not then what's the point. Plus I found gearing up a great way to hone your skills and learn the class.


    If they gave out the top tiered PVE gear with a week's worth of work would people stay?. No


    I'm pretty sure they had a hard enough time keeping people from the get-go. When you lose over a million subs in the first month, then you probably started out doing something wrong.


    As far as the topic is concerned, it's not that difficult to attain at least WH gear now, but I would like them to remove the restriction that you have to be level 50 to purchase it. I'm sitting on full comms and nothing to waste them on and it would be nice to start stocking up for when I can use it.

  15. Were it not for the lack of Unify Colours on companions right now, I'd direct you to the Tx-16a range: Powered Assault, Tech and Havoc, all at about level 42. There's also the Electrum Onslaught armour set at 50, which is a match for the Phalanx set. Closest match to the outcast would be the Havoc, which is white with yellow highlights (and looks to match the lower-level Raider armour set as well).


    I'm not aware of anything available at a lower level, but somebody else might be.

    Pretty sure I can unify my companion colors the same way I do mine.

  16. Meh. Ship parts were never a big profit to me so I never bothered with them on my cybertech. But, I don't see how people could not expect this from EA, and make no mistake, it is EA's doing. To be honest, this is barely P2W. Win what exactly? Single-player space missions? No space pvp? No space co-op? Let em have it. I make more selling Mats than I do with anything else.
  17. If you have money is the big issue here. I have several toons each with sizable chunks of change in their pockets. If I have a companion I am not using, they are on missions. I collect whatever I can in the wild, as well for scavenging/bio analysis and Archaelogy. But I spend a lot of time doing dailies, space missions, Pvping so I don't need my companion as much as people doing pve or their story or whatever. My sniper has biochem and related skills at 400 since level 23ish. Same with my Bh.
  18. I usually get orange armor on any of my new toons as early as possible. It can be pricey to keep up with, but I have a cybertech crafter as well as an artificer, so I can make armoring, mods and enhancements, which I will usually switch out when I leave a planet, every 5 levels or so, roughly.
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