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Posts posted by Kolreth

  1. Here's some interesting stats from the Steam Hardware survey.


    43% of all users have a DX10 capable system (i.e. OS is Vista or greater and DX10 card present)

    31% of all users have a DX11 capable system (i.e. OS is Vista or greater and DX11 card present)

    26% of all users have a DX9 capable system (i.e. OS is XP or video card is DX9).


    So adding DX11 support would benefit about a third of the user base and eliminating DX9 support would alienate a quarter of the user base.


    lol, adding directx11 features to a game does not mean that they stop it from working on directx9 cards. it means that people with directx11 cards get better performance on the same features because of the improvements to the methods of rendering such requests. Batman : Arkham City has a whole raft of directx11 features but you can run it on a nvidia 8800.

  2. Hold the show! We have a wanna be programmer on our hands.


    If you are so good at quality assurance and can magically fix all unforeseen problems, why don't you submit your boastful resume to BioWare? If they are in such a bad spot as you seem to think, I'm sure they would love to get their hands on someone like you.


    No, I'm not a programmer, I'm a network engineer who used to run a support desk for a point of sale software company that did some work for a major australian retailer who were sticklers for the test script proceedure, and guess what? Their software rarely ever had problems in a live environment.




    And since they fire a whole bunch of people a while ago, I think at least someone agrees they should do a better job of testing. Unfortunately it looks like they kept the imcompetent ones in charge, the ones who should know how to test software and set procedures, since the same mistakes keep being made over and over again.


    And why would I submit my resume for a job I am way past doing in my career? I *was* a support desk manager, now I am a network engineer. It was a crap job and I trained past it.

  3. Ok, here is the helpful bit, get a test script compiled ASAP, making sure it tests every mechanic in the game, and run though it in it's entirety before releasing a test patch to live. It's standard practice for mission critical software in large organisations like banks, medical fields, other more demanding environments that an MMO, and it works. You must implement this as a priority.
  4. Ok, since threads critisizing TOR and it's management now have to contain specifics to not be closed, here is something specific. Your patches break more than they fix more often than not, and issues claimed fixed over and over again continue to be broken.


    For instance, from Teusday nights patch notes :


    Using the probe launcher in Denova Minefield now reveals probes more consistently.


    From tonights patch notes :


    The Minefield Probe Droids are now able to be revealed during the encounter with Colonel Vorgath.


    You continually demonstrate that you do not properly QA your patches. A properly constructed test script that you run though in it's entirety at any time someone even considers releasing to a live environment is not a development nicety, it is best practice. Let me remind you about the friday night patch a few days after 1.2 was released that patched out whole swaths of added features such as guild banks, requiring an 8 hour shutdown of the game while you worked out how to put them back in. The four months of minor patches promising fixes to the entirely buggy Eternity Vault operation was bad enough, but you're eight months from release now and nothing has changed.



    Couching your statements in pseudo-lawspeak and adopting eloquence after being berating does not make your arguments correct. They are still wrong, but not borderline rude this time around. Here in the merry old land of australia any clause of a contract that contravenes a law pertinent to the transaction, that clause and any referencing clause is considered null and void. For instance, just because you put NO REFUNDS in a contract of sale for a water heater, if said water heater is faulty, or unsuitable for the purpose intended for it, or the salesman has misrepresented the product in any way, you're entitled to a refund, full stop. Consumer Affairs will drag anyone through the wringer if they try and screw people.


    Your bringing up examples that are of cases that are obviously copyright infringements does not prove EULAs are, in their entirety, enforcable. You cannot sign away a right, UN Charter. Say for instance, I put in a EULA I get to stab you in the chest with a knife repeatedly if you annoy me, what do you think is going to happen if I go through with the stabbing?

  6. They should add a diplomat base class, with a buffer/debuffer AC, and a true pet class, could summon droids or place mines that have different tech damage effects, maybe explode when they get to the target with single target damage, aoe damage, bleeds from latching on and cutting with rotating blades (is this any more ridiculous than force rocks?)
  7. My favorite part is the effort put into a overly complicated "appearance customization" system. At end game it costs WAY TOO MUCH to keep stripping mods from my armor and moving to social or orange customization gear. I don't even bother and just wear whatever gear drops. Even if I look like a complete clown or everyone else. I would rather play an alt than have to grind out dailies. Cost of pulling Item Mods is stupid high. Would rather spend those credits on new gear or perks.


    Why not just do the wardrobe tab like so many other games have done? Its a good system.


    What they should have done is what Funcom have done for The Secret World, stat increase items are separate from your appearance gear, you can wear whatever you want and it won't affect your stats. Seriously, I've never cared about appearance gear in an MMO before, i've spent hours in Pangea in London checking different clothing options, and I spent half my in game cash on a red/black corset. And then I spent 10 bucks in the cash shop for a fluffy white coat, knee high boots and fingerless black gloves with a german style cross on them, my red headed chick toon looks awesome running around with a giant axe in one hand and a tribal mask in the other. She's also rocking a black/white tartan skirt and hippie glasses with rose lenses. It's awesome.

  8. Geez dood, calm down. Everyone knows Bioware is all about story telling, not fixing game breaking bugs.


    Why would I be happy that a major component of a service I pay for has not worked properly for 2 1/2 months? I used to run a software support desk, and quite simply, this level of incompetence gets you fired in the real world. Funnily enough....


    I've been thinking about it though as I drink my coffee, I really only have myself to blame. I played Warhammer Online after Bioware has handed the controls by EA, and the same thing that happened there is happening here. Patches that break more things than they fix, and those new bugs are never really removed, only lessened. For instance, my companion STILL doesn't auto-summon when I dismount, zone, take an elevator, or do anything that might bring up the 'loading' screen. Despite this being in many a patch note as fixed.


    Bioware are there own worst enemy, I know they inherited WAR, but they had many a year to fix it in and it never happened, crappy performance in PVP, bad gameplay, disconnects, bad design desicions, crappy textures, terrible gear progression.....


    This one Bioware has half throttled on their own. I subbed for 6 months at release, dunno if I will keep that kind of commitment up.

  9. We have responded to sound issue concerns previously (someone in this thread quoted Amber's earlier response from another thread), but I did want to make sure everyone knew that we are definitely still working to address them!


    Why don't you do what every other software company with decent processes in place would have done by now, and REVERT TO CODE THAT WORKED. I suggest 1.1.5, since while it had issues at least vocals in cutscenes/warzones/encounters played without fail. You broke something in 1.2, it affects nearly everyone in my guild every raid night, and quite simply it shows your incompetence that it's taken this long to remedy. We know that you have the versioning control software to do this, since you patched out a lot of 1.2 the friday night of the week that 1.2 was released to live, and then restored it 8ish hours later.

  10. Yeah this problem has gone on for a ridiculously long time, it's quite simple, they need to revert to the 1.1.5 sound engine, it may have had issues with ambient sounds/speeders/lightsaber sounds cutting out after a while and then kicking back in, but at least vocal sounds worked consistently, which is a LOT MORE important in a game touting amazing voice acting at every step.
  11. 1. Steal the offensive target/defensive target system from Warhammer, you own it so it won't cost anything except dev time.


    2. Pointers at my feet that indicate the direction of the above targets, again from Warhammer.


    3. Ability to add my own customisable map markers.

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