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Posts posted by Chalta

  1. People blow this out of proportion because of a debuff that results in -30% healing after recently being in combat. They forget to include the part that it's not active permanently.


    It's active for a full minute after engaging in combat. It is also procced by healing players who are in combat. If you're playing properly, there is no reason it would ever fade away.

  2. I don't doubt that healing an unorganized bunch of ******e is beyond challenging in this game... but shouldn't it be? Do you really want it to be different? Think about it.


    I would suggest that the game design of Huttball doesn't promote organization and optimal play. But that's off-topic.


    During a match, I do my own assessment of value to the team, and if someone is very valuable, they get MVP. In all other scenarios, I MVP healing and protection.


    Very rarely does anyone have anything but 0 in the protection column. Usually, Kills and Damage get most medals and overall MVPs. Not only is it frustrating, but there's little appreciation of good healing - even in the games' own PVP reward calculations and mechanics.

  3. ... as my skill grows and grows to its limitless potential, yours wallows down in the bowels of terribleness. Then people like you band together, stard threads and idiot companies listen and respond and then take all the skill out of the game.


    Wow. Humble much?


    Trust me. As a healer who is often MVP of the match, healing is incredibly painful at times, especially in PVP. Much of it is the UI experience, a lot of it is in-game score tracking and rewards, and for me, some of it is class balance, and some of it is warzone design.


    Some warzone game types really punish a healer quite significantly if the team doesn't gel immediately.


    I quit Huttball upon joining unless I'm in a pre-made group. The damage can't be healed through on the carrier, and it's constant respawning every 2 minutes against a decent team. Not to mention being tossed and pulled around like a ragdoll.

  4. After healing on my Sith Inquisitor since level 10 I think these things would make PVP healing much, much better:


    1) Raid frames not bugging out and showing people about to die at 100%.


    2) Raid frames graying out if a target is out of range OR out of line of sight.


    3) If smart camera could be disabled (always fun to healing on the move and be completely unable to see what's behind you).


    4) Target of target unit frame.


    5) More medals for healing.


    There's a few more but they pale in comparison to these (for me).


    This. This! One hundred times this.


    Also the fact that "T" cannot be bound to set/switch focus target. Well it can be bound, but don't expect it to work.

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