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Posts posted by Aerythe

  1. Actually, I am trying to make contact with someone in the OTG to see about joining. I am currently on the Bergeren Colony server which is west coast and I am on east coast so miss out on most of the action due to the time difference. I have 5 level 55 toons and and getting pretty discouraged but thought I might try moving one toon over to see how it goes. How does this work? can someone contact me ? my toon is ilightning there doesn't seem to be an old timers guild on bergeren so I'm looking for two things a more mature guild since I'm 68 years old and people who are actually on when I am so we can go kill stuff with no drama...... I hope someone can make contact with me so we can discuss. thanks



    Hi rlapple, I'm so sorry none of us got back to you on this sooner. No, we are not on the Bergeren server, but on The Shadowlands server. If you are still looking to join OTG, you can find out more info here: http://www.oldtimersguild.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?188-OTG-Recruiting-Post


    Again, sorry it took so long for us to reply.

  2. OTG periodically hosts a +10 Datacron run open to the entire server (for free...we never charge). Last month, the event was one of our busiest ever. The last count I heard was that well over 400 players were helped. It was a joint effort between both chapters, but we are grateful to Cynnwynn for putting it together.


    Our next event will be a costume contest with prizes.


    Interested in joining? You can find more info here: http://www.oldtimersguild.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?188-OTG-Recruiting-Post

  3. I understand the caution and the care that BW is using to make the transfers and I do appreciate it. I also get why they don't give us a real schedule as to when and where we might be moving. However, even if we could get a hint., it would go a long way to making things easier. Something along the lines of "The following servers will be origins in the next batch." They don't have to say when the next batch is or even where, but knowing we are next would be helpful. Knowing we are not next would be even more helpful. Or even the next two batches.


    This probably only impacts the large guilds who need to have officers on the new server, with the guild reformed and ready for invites asap. Still, it would free those officers up, so they weren't having to constantly monitor what's going on.


    Thanks for reading this. :)

  4. With all due respect, Bioware, I'm very sorry to see you go this route. To be honest, this strikes me as nothing short of server mergers, except you seem to be making the players do all the work. A real merger would have been so much simpler for all – you and us, the paying players.


    I think our guild will lose a lot of players who just decide they would rather quit, than bother to go through all the hassle to move to a new server, even one that has more people on it. Sort of a "last nail in the coffin" reaction.


    The work involved for each of us to move our characters and rename characters is going to be very daunting for some. The amount of work involved to reform our guild, get members invited and recreate our guild banks is going to take hours of work by all of our officers.


    I am so disappointed in this decision and while I'm desperately wanting a server with real players on it, this option isn't it.


    Please reconsider this. Thanks for reading.

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