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Posts posted by Saporah

  1. It went from a game where wipes were expected (and were sometimes actually fun) and you had to work together to achieve something, to where if you ever wipe people started crying and pointing fingers. But that was a function of them making the dungeons too easy, so as to attract a younger and younger crowd. And with easy to get purples, even the most average player started believing he was superuberawesomesauce and everyone else a noob.




    I also miss the days when a group would wipe, laugh, try a new strategy, wipe, try again, wipe, new strategy, wipe, then FINALLY get it. What a victory. That's how brotherhoods are formed. :D


    Nowadays if you wipe once for whatever the reason people drop group without so much as a "ty anyway" ... it's pretty pathetic. :rolleyes:

  2. I agree, I feel really claustrophobic on every small ship, space station or small sliver of a planet I visit. I wish there were only a handful of planets that we traveled all over.


    I agree as well. In The Old Republic, I feel isolated, scared, and claustrophobic all the time when all I want to do is have the old comfortable World of Warcraft feeling again after having to deal with the real world all day.


    Lol this post is pretty darned cute. :o


    I also wanted to say that I don't agree there is nothing to do at 50. We have PvP, flashpoints and space missions. I think the problem is that they aren't very much fun. In fact, they are buggy, imbalanced and just generally crappy.

  3. Strangely enough, I don't think comparing old wow to new wow is the best way to gauge the effects of a LFD tool.


    Instead if you look back into older less popular games with smaller servers, you can see what an amazing impact the community aspect has on your gaming experience. I mean really, you can take a ridiculously crap game, but if you trudging through it with the friends you made along the way, it's epic.

  4. I don't like hearing that. I'm at ~7.6K-ish affection & level 36 and he just gave me that quest.


    Corso, so help me I will drive you mad clicking on you to hear you talk again! Or re-roll another smuggler. (Which I already intend to do. I'm hopeless.)


    Lol well you have to be the sugar mamma and shower him with gifts. Underworld trading helps. :D


    i know, right?! i just got that quest too at level 37. >_< those level 45 mobs caught me off guard. i don't know if i can take not having our little talks until level 45. i'm half tempted to hire someone closer to that level to get me through that quest.


    I actually tried to do it with my husband who was 42 or 43 at the time and we still got our a... bottoms handed to us lol. :eek:


    here's what I do. I make my actual TOON the man candy. That way, I always have a good view. xD


    My husband thinks I'm strange. *shrug*


    I've done that before. I don't see it any different as guys who play female toons anyways.


    I've also played male toons in a lot of old school games because I found you got treated better, whether if it was a trade heavy game people wouldn't try to scam you as often (l2 for example) or in a raid heavy game people automatically assume you are a stronger, better player. Kinda pathetic huh? :rolleyes:


    I only play female toons anymore though. :)

  5. I haven't heard much from Corso in a while even though I'm almost 10k affection with him. I'm currently level 40 but still too low for the companion quest "Gunfire in Gorinth Cnayon" that was back on Balmorra I believe. I wonder when he'll stop giving me the silent treatment. :(
  6. Yes I will continue playing. And to those of you who are quiting or plan on quiting stop complaining because it's not like WoW. I hate WoW now and I played it for 5 years. I like the way it seems to be more of a single player game but yet at the same time there are plenty of things like flashpoints/heroics to get you more into the MMO side. Sure it's not perfect but it has been out for what... 2 weeks now? Lol not very long.


    I am not a quitter, in fact I am a happy subscriber of this game (for the most part).


    HOWEVER, I think it's unfair that everyone who leaves is labeled as a wow-tard or some other silly insult. This game has very specific parameters and it's okay for some people to not like it. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them it just means the game was never intended to be marketed to them, or rather, to their kind.


    This applies also to those who enjoy the game. They aren't retarded, deranged fanboys, they just happen to like it. And there is nothing wrong with that.


    I hope I'm making myself clear but these days everyone seems to think that those who disagree with them only do so because they are broken on some level. What happened to the days when mankind recognized that we are vast and different with vastly different wants and needs?

  7. It's interesting... NC Soft were having the same problem when testing GW2 but they already fixed it. It's in their blog. Check it out!


    One of the elements that makes Guild Wars 2 combat feel different from other games is that many skills have their own unique animations, and the skill functionality is often based on the animations themselves. With a robust animation-blending system, we are able to easily transition between skills. In our previous demos, this was shown through chain skills, such as the warrior sword combo in the first skill slot: Sever Artery leads to Gash, which flows into Final Thrust. We realized that this system did not need to be reserved just for chain skills but could apply to the entire game. There were skills such as Savage Leap, which moved the player into range of their target, and big control attacks like Shield Bash, that you wanted to be able to quickly follow with another skill. The problem was that the animations for these skills had follow-through that was preventing players from using another skill until the animations were finished. You could stun or chase someone, but it was hard to capitalize on it.


    Our programmers added technology to our skill data to allow us to specify a point in an animation at which the player could start moving again. This made skills like Savage Leap not only more functional but tremendously fun to use. This technology came in right before gamescom, so we were able to showcase it with a few important skills in that demo. Now that the technology has evolved, not only does it allow players to specify when they can start movement but it also allows us to transition into queued skills so that we can improve responsiveness. We went through every skill in the game and set up these animation breakout timings and the results were fantastic, but we didn’t stop there. I know many people have also noticed the more polished nature of the animations in the G-Star demo. Since we were able to go back and polish it, we also took a look at the impact of the new blending changes and made some timing changes to existing skills in order to give them more-appropriate anticipation, swing time, and follow-through to match the smoother feel that we were achieving with the blending. This really shines with things like big hammer swings, which now have slow buildups, quick attacks, and somewhat lengthy follow-through, depending on the skill. Ultimately, it creates a much more visceral and immediate system, which helps us straddle the line between action game and RPG.

    Read More!

  8. This will be the day after the free 30 days of play time will be over. That means all the WoW fanbois will be leaving and going back to rescue the Panda's. Then we can read these forums without sifting through the 1000's of QQing post.


    What's with all the panda hate? Do SWTOR fans really think we don't have equally as stupid looking creatures in our galaxy?

  9. This thread has my support!


    Love the colour! :)


    Is this hard to do btw? Does it require alot of work?


    It would not require a lot of work because it is just expanding on a feature that already exists in the game. And really hiding a headslot probably only involves setting a flag that changes 1 variable.


    I always wondered why Corso Riggs has 7 customization kits yet you never see his face because he's been wearing a helm from level 23 to 50.


    Yet, some hatless companions like Guss Tuno seem to have no customization kits at all.


    I know. He could have contracted some terrible skin disease that turned him green and purple and we wouldn't even know it. :D

  10. Well, when I'm trying to play a Gunslinger who's a right bastard, quite a bit. He never likes a thing I do---he whines when I shoot the unarmed girl, he complains when I hit on women, he moans when I sell out the Republic. Blah blah blah. You can just sit on the ship and make my gun parts, buddy.



    Lol, poor Corso have to work for such a mean man. :p

  11. I'm a little on the fence with this issue. I think some people have made compelling arguments on both sides of it.


    Generally back in my oldschool gaming days I played healers and I always found ways to level them. And yes, I'm talking about grind games too.


    In these sorts of games people play healers because they like playing healers, not because their guild needs one more for their second string raid lineup. In that way our class defined us and we were special. In games like wow we are not even a dime a dozen - we are everyone!


    However... because people are use to this type of play in new games like swtor, players are expected by their groups to respec over and over at a massive personal cost to themself. What a money sink!


    Because of that, I feel like they might as well just add dual spec because people are playing as if it was in the game anyway, just at a major cost to the respective healers and tanks.


    I think ultimately what I wish is for an attitude change in the general player base but I know that isn't going to happen so I won't hold my breath. :p


    Oops and I wanted to mention... I'm looking forward to GW2's innovative approach to the group system. They have completely done away with the holy trinity of group mechanics and have given enough utility to each individual class that anyone can party anyone for any of the content. I wouldn't mind seeing this become the new standard in the MMO world.

  12. for anyone that is complaining about there being combat logs you are probably doing that because you dont want anyone to see how bad you are. anyone that wants to do endgame stuff is gona want to know how they themselves and their group as a whole are doing.


    I always had excellent DPS (and heals) in WoW and I have to admit, I LIKED people seeing my big numbers.


    However, I still believe dps meters are massive killjoys that ruin games. They are like a cancer that has infected the gaming community... :rolleyes:

  13. Although I'm really enjoying this game for the most part I'm not so blinding by that that I cannot admit this game is serverly flawed on so many levels. Realistically, which game isn't?


    However, I have yet to encounter any "impossible" quests and I tend to skip conent and skip to things slightly higher then me so thats saying a lot...

  14. Same here i am just using this to hold me off until GW2


    Personally as a completely objective viewpoint with no emotions in it at all.. I can tell you that I thought I would hate this game but I didn't. I liked it. A lot even. Not so much I would call it a great game but enough that I enjoy playing it.... for now.


    Since my very first WoW burnout (we're talking BC days) I've been waiting for a new MMO to save me. It's like waiting for Jesus to come back... everything falls short, everythng is such crap.


    I thought TERA might be a breath of fresh air in the gaming world but that smile got wiped off my face as quick as any other. Really GW2 is our last hope. Until Titan I suppose. Bliz really is a bunch of pimps aren't they?

  15. I agree with the OP. Everyone can make all sorts of fancy reasons why they think dual spec is natural and normal but any old school gamer who had to stick to their guns knows the epic value in playing the cards you are dealt, no matter how terrible they are.


    Although of course 92429742 people will reply to this claiming to be d&d pen and paper junkies who bla bla bla, etc, etc. Well maybe now they won't since I called them on it but you never know, the interwebz is full of crazies. :p

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