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Posts posted by cowens

  1. Hey guys im posting here to let you all know of a new website called Ezpvper.com


    At EZPvPer you will find guides for most of the classes in SWTOR for PvP



    They are all HD Videos and cover Gearing , Spec , and PvP rotation. with onscreen Icons.



    I hope you guys check it out and if you're interested in contributing please dont hesitate to fill out the contributor application!


    Thanks for reading and enjoy the new site!

  2. Hey guys im posting here to let you all know of a website called Ezpvper.com


    At EZPvPer you will find guides for most of the classes in SWTOR for PvP



    They are all HD Videos and cover Gearing , Spec , and PvP rotation. with onscreen Icons.



    I hope you guys check it out and if you interested in contributing please dont hesitate to fill out the contributor application!




    Thanks for reading guys and enjoy the new site!

  3. "In PVP, the spec arguably generates better single target pressure than both annihilation and carnage with very little skill input and the added benefit of auto-crit smashes on multiple targets. There is very little risk and huge rewards (carnage burst can be denied with a knockback, annihilation dots can be countered...while rage can't be rooted). It even has a cheaper undying rage."


    I completely agree. When playing rage and attempting a mass DPS output effort in PVP as to create a bigger gap between the opposing team's HPS, its not entirely difficult to execute. It creates pressure against healers and dps and over all I feel the spec has it's defined purpose and identity for it's usefulness in Rated Team Play.


    Carnage definitely has its problems in allowing for it's burst aspect to be executed, but at least the spec is appreciated when it comes to one of our favorite maps: Hutball <3 Good utility and speed bonuses are good enough to where we AT LEAST consider if not demand(most do) that one marauder be carnage for this map. It's usefulness in this map is wanted and appreciated so at least it has that going for it despite it's burst difficulties.


    Annihilation is the one spec I don't hear anyone wanting or calling for. As a hybrid dps/healing spec, it does well 1v1, not because of its dps output, but it's survivability(healing,). Thus if u can survive long enough for your dots to do their work, you'll survive a 1v1 encounter (much more difficult against stealthys ><). But this game isn't revolved around 1v1's. PVP wise, the specs dots are hinderingly slow, and yes keeping the annihilator buff can be difficult at times but the challenge is fun. In fact the spec itself is really fun to play and I'm sure many marauders would agree, it just underperforms and doesn't really seem to have a clear benefit or purpose as to why a PVP team would want a marauder in this spec to help them win the match.


    Marauders revolve around creating 30 stacks of fury and spending them for huge rewards. Rage marauders spend 30 stacks fury and get 3 stacks of shockwave AND 12 Rage; a full bar of resources and and increased smash output which can be used up to 5 opponents. Carnage can spend 30 stacks of fury on a 30% alacrity boost for 6 attacks OR on the preferred predation bonus which increases the entire party’s speed which proves useful and desired for hutball.

    Annihilation spends 30 stacks of fury and increases the crits of your bleeds to 100% for 6 ticks and heals the entire party for 1percent each of those ticks.

    The idea on paper actually doesn’t sound too bad, but if it was doing the party any real good people would notice it more and call for it because of its purpose. Not to mention if you already have a couple of good healers and a tank, the minimal HoT for the entire party isn’t noticeable enough for players to realize it or desire it over the benefit of what the other marauder specs have to offer.

    Initially I thought of increasing the healing of the party during Annihilation’s beserk so it feels like it has a greater purpose. Something maybe to consider so it feels more useful. But with 2 healers and tank, especially in Rated play, it still doesn’t seem as useful as having a rage marauder over an annihilation marauder.

    I kinda like the idea of making annihilation berserk’s benefit into mini Blood thirst sessions. You’re dots could still crit and heal your self as usual but in addition, instead of healing your party for 1percent each tick Berserk now increases the entire party’s damage and healing output by 5 % for 5 seconds (variable). Many skilled teams separate each other from the ability to correlate CC. It would be interesting and pretty fun to correlate focus targeting during 5 second optimal scenarios. It certainly would encourage focus targeting and teamwork to achieve optimal damage against your opponents at the right time.

    Overall, I would like to see the annihilation spec and tree redefined in it’s purpose and usefulness towards team play. Whether it benefit from increased single dps output (altering talent tree or ability mechanisms) , increased healing berserk, or an increase in the party’s output and healing during annihilation’s berserk(mini bloodthirst).


    The spec is fun to play, hope we can make an impact to reinvigorate Annihilation.

  4. Open World PvP is the dumbest idea, EVER.


    World PvP at Tyr's hand or BRM in Vanilla was amazing, but not idiotic huge battles like in DAoC - they are pointless and just a huge cluster**** which nobody actually cares about.



    Yup, which is why Ilum was a bad idea from the beginning. "Lets make one planet that's sole purpose is PvP, and have massive epic battels dude!". You should know the player base is going to do whatever makes getting their lootz easier.

  5. I've been going from MMO to MMO for the past 6 years and the PvP community is typically very tight and a good portion of the player base. In order to attract and keep these players satisfied, there are certain accommodations that should exist:




    With civilization now presiding (for the 50s) on fleet and one planet, we are left with no options for dueling. Duel areas must gravitate around the places with the highest traffic and since that is the fleet, and you cannot duel on fleet, it kind of defeats the purpose.




    Small-scale, strategic PvP, whatever you want to call it. I don't care if there are rewards (but there should be), just figure out a way to make it work and not break the game. It should be limited to 3v3 only.


    Huttball Maps/More Warzones


    We definitely need a few more warzone types such as capture the flag, king of the hill, and flat-out team deathmatch. A few more maps for Huttball with new obstacles and such. Regardless, we need more of these.




    Cross-server PvP to lessen the server imbalances. Us Imperals are really getting tired of playing 25 consecutive rounds of Huttball and then getting 1 round of Civil War. It's stupid. Fix it.


    Lifetime Kills/Lifetime Deaths Counter


    Why do we not have this? Isn't it like an extra loop in your C++ script? Do it.


    Some of us find killing dynamic individuals much more exciting than gathering in a large group to move in the exact same patterns week after week and watching a bosses health slowly drop only to get the loot that you got last week, or something worse than your PvP gear.


    It's like you spent 60 million on voice acting and textures, and 20 bucks on PvP.

  6. You don't use Crippling Slash at all and end up spending too much time chasing after people. Change your ability cycle to Charge > Rupture > Battering Assault and use Crippling Slash before Rupture wears off and you'll see improvement.
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