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Posts posted by Arturiens

  1. I had to change one of mine to lostname, because it's was the only thing that would work, I would of preferred crap but it was already taken. And it's not about having one that original it's about having one that doesn't sound like crap.


    Think I'm going to hold off on transferring any more characters since I didn't see any warning about having to rename until I tried to log in my character after transfer. I want to transfer back, because it's not worth losing my names.

  2. By balance, are you implying that first-time PVP queuers clicking the "Solo Queue" button don't deserve to be able to play warzones with max valor rank people who also click the "Solo Queue" button?


    You can't alienate part of the player base simply because they are less experienced at PVP than other people.

    Not suggesting that at all, but they will be alienated because they wont stand a chance.



    If high valor ranks want to increase their odds of playing with similarly experienced PVP'ers, then they should group queue themselves. If they don't do this, then they are playing at their own risk by solo queuing.

    When 3 people can spawn camp the other team, When a team can't get a singel kill against the other they are not playing their exploiting. It's not fun for the other team, and it's going to discourage people from doing pvp. But if that's what you want go ahead sit in the pvp que all day long because no one new is going to be doing pvp.


    all I'm saying is people should fight their own level, if they don't want to they have no right to complain about people leaving.

  3. maybe if they would balanced teams better people wouldn't leave. I'm not going sit there and waste my time in a match I have no chance in winning. what do I get out of it?


    maybe if the higher levels and higher valor ranks didn't groop together, the teams wouldn't be so unbalanced and people wouldn't leave. It's basicly exploiting, and I'm getting sick of being stuck against the same teams over and over while they own a server for the whole day.

  4. less random teams, more balanced teams, I'm getting tired of getting pitted against a bunch of level 50's. it's just a gank fest, no fun when you're the gank.
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