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Posts posted by AlainLeon

  1. I've talked to a few people and they say you can't switch your advanced class...I made the mistake of picking the wrong one and I didn't get a warning or anything when I selected it. Is there really no way to switch your advanced class? If not I'm glad I decided to wait before opening my Physical copy of the game.


    READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent.



    EDIT: For those of you saying I should remake my char, I'd rather not spend the time to do it all over again, as short as that time may be. Believe it or not but some of us have IRL obligations and cannot spend hours and hours rerolling.


    Around 12:30 is where you pick your AV for BH and I didn't see one warning that it would be permanent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w




    .... It's an mmo...it's meant to be played for a loooong time. If you can't spare 2-3 hrs, you may want to look into single player games, maybe mass effect, skyrim, etc.

  2. I hate to be that guy, but if you are already concerned with "grinding" Flashpoints, and skipping or losing your patience with the story elements, this honestly might not be the game for you.


    I mean, Bioware has pretty much made flashpoints for people who played KOTOR and Mass Effect like 10 times over, just slightly changing their story choices. Now I am sure they want to appeal to a broad audience, but design wise they actually made a game that is not grind friendly and to be honest I don't think they really want players grinding flashpoints. But the option is there for the "I beat ME for the 10th time today" players.


    My guess is that they only intended for most players to run it 3 or 4 times, and again, if you are already itching to hit the space bar on that second or third run you might need to look to invest in another MMO.


    This sums it up I think. Don't understand why grinding is something people look forward to anyways. I think thats the worst part of mmo's

  3. Anybody that quits over EA/BIO doing exactly what they said they were going to do from the beggining, or actually doing it EARLIER then they said from the beginning, BYE! The game will be better off without you.


    Agreed. Please cancel.

  4. Yes, I play with a guild. We will all now be vastly different levels up until End Game.



    This doesn't make me want the game more, it in fact makes me want it not at all


    Won't you all be the same level once you reach end game, where you will spend the majority of your time playing....end game.... And if you play in a tight knit guild wouldn't it be wise coordinate with each other to pre order around the same time, so you can all start more or less together?

  5. Stejo


    Joined: Jul 2010 Today , 09:09 AM


    Fact: The majority of the preorders have not been given access yet

    Fact: The forum is choke full of complaints about the speed of giving access

    Fact: A good portion of the players who preordered are pissed off

    Fact: No roadplan announced on when are the last ones expected to get in

    Joke: The EGA is progressing smoothly


    A launch fails when the players can't play the game. Doesn't matter if they can't play because there's not enough servers, the servers crashed or they're not opening them up. All that matters is the bottom line.


    Failing because of unforeseen circumstances is one thing. Here we're talking about premeditated failure, that's a whole new level of fail.



    Fact: all anyone was ever promised was "up to 5 days early access".

    Fact: we have not yet reached the 5 day mark.

    Fact: no one who has pre ordered has any "real" right to complain unless it's the 19th and they haven't received an email.


    So with that said : grats on your post , GL getting laid.

  6. I hope you know, this will go down in history books Bioware.


    Its not a good way to start a game, rage more than half your player base. Giving special treatment to others.


    everyone els left with stuiped unwanted names while other players boss it out been the frist to do everything in game.



    I assume you don't have a girlfriend, job, friends, etc, to keep you busy in the mean time. Youre still going to be playing before the people who didn't pre order. Stop crying. Also, if the name you want is not available, try another server?

  7. How does that make you feel? You preordered the game, possibly months in advance of release, and yet by time you get into the game, some people are already in their 40s, even a few 50s.


    To me, that utterly sucks, and makes this the worst mmo launch i've ever experienced, and i've experienced a lot. This completely ruins the competitive side of things for me, and that's the part I enjoy most.


    Stop being a little B**ch. It's not a race. If the game is any good, you will play for a couple of years, so a couple of days worth of leveling won't matter.

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