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Posts posted by Horon

  1. I've been playing my mercenary as arsenal until around 30, I got bored because everybody knows as well as me that the only thing useful is the tracer missile, so let's be blunt about that. I went into bodyguard so I can be useful as a healer in the warzones, however, the healing abilities we have are far too dry compared to the other healing classes. Most of our healing abilities require standing in place to heal and have long cast times. We have no bubbles so its not like we can maintain people alive while we heal them. Our emergency scan heals barely any health and it's cooldown is killer. The only positive to the mercenaries is Kolto shell which actually comes in handy but it's far too dry having to stop every 2 seconds to heal players while getting stunned and not having other options to keep yourself alive besides emergency scan (IF it's NOT on cooldown). -.-
  2. I know this isn't a complaint department but I'm here to complain anyway. I'm pretty sure most people have noticed but Jedi Consulars and their bubbles are driving me to insanity. It takes usually 3 people just to kill 1 consular in this game and some times their not even heal spec. If there is a class that can be called a 'hybrid' it would be the consulars because they can sustain themselves the most while healing other classes and still doing lots of damage. I play a healer bounty hunter and I still can't even keep my team as stable as consulars dude. If consulars should have bubbles that are overpowered then I think bounty hunters should too, I'm tired of my dry healing abilities. Rapid scan and healing scan aren't enough. Throw in a bubble or make it fair and nerf consulars. Who agrees?
  3. Are you sure bounty hunter was the right pick then? If you truly like bounty hunters, you should have no problem with this ship since it resembles what being a bounty hunter is like. You don't need a luxury ship when you're stacking more credits than the other classes.
  4. I just figured I'd bring this up since it's my third day of questing in Alderaan and I can't even get to my quest destination because there are countless mobs you have to kill before you get to it. Does anyone feel like this game has TOO many enemy NPCs, I know I do for a fact. I know it's good to enhance the combat in a game and have players always in combat but I find it easier to level off pvp than doing quest because I have to kill about 100 enemy NPCs before I can actually get to my destination. At times I even end up pulling 2 mobs from how close they are. I think bioware needs to fix this and lower the amount of enemy npcs in an area, I want to see what you guys think though.
  5. Group leveling can go REALLY bad if you don't know the people in real life or have a way to contact them at all times. From my experiences, I have 2 friends who play with me and we started group leveling and it really slowed us down a lot. It's a lot more exciting, YES, but having to wait up for one of us to catch up or for one of us to log on can be a real big pain.
  6. I'm more of a republic player than I am empire, however my friends encouraged me to play in the empire and now I'm having my regrets. I'm looking for a server that is PVE or RP-PVP that has higher Republic population than Sith. What server is around 2 Republic to 1 Empire, all I seem to find are higher populated Sith servers. Appreciated.
  7. This has to be the most absurd thing I've ever seen, reading that I have 27 days left of subscription and knowing that I can't access it because I need to place my credit card details. If anyone's got a frantic parent like me, convincing them that this won't charge them yet is hard. Way to make it harder on everyone.
  8. This better not continue because I want to play on a server with a lot of players so I can experience seeing different players. Not to mention when you're competitive like me, I like a good challenge so I need to have a lot of players in the server. The bigger the server, the more of an 'MMO feeling' you get, y'know? :sul_wink:
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