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Posts posted by Sporadicus

  1. Hey folks,


    I thought it would be helpful to make a post covering all of the information I could think of around Solo mode Forged Alliances. There can be some confusion getting into them, especially if something disrupts you part way through. Here is some advice to help get you through!


    Things to note to access solo mode:

    • If you have already completed Forged Alliances in full, you cannot access solo mode in 3.0.
    • You can only complete each Flashpoint in solo mode, only one time, per character.
    • You must have the Mission "Prelude to Shadow of Revan" in order to access solo mode. You get this Mission from a terminal on your ship.
    • As a part of solo mode, you must enter the Flashpoint directly, you cannot use Group Finder.
    • Once in the Flashpoint, you will have [sOLO] in front of that mission to know you are all set. You should click the icon next to the Mission in your Mission Tracker to summon a special droid companion to help you (the key to solo mode!)


    I started into solo mode Forged Alliances, but something happened and now I can't access it.

    Try the following steps:

    • If you are not in a group, the phase door will appear purple if you are in solo mode.
    • If you are not, reset the instance and try going back in. If that doesn't work...
    • Talk to the droid/person outside of the Flashpoint and see if they have a quest to offer.
    • If they do, you should be able to start the Flashpoint in solo mode.
    • If you cannot, try abandoning the quest for just the Flashpoint (not the prelude) and then try talking to that NPC to accept solo mode.
    • If that does not work, abandon the Prelude and the Flashpoint quest. Go back to your ship reaccept the Prelude, go to the Flashpoint and talk to the NPC. He should be able to grant you solo mode.

    Hopefully these tips should get you back on the correct path of being able to run solo mode Forge Alliances!








    I have early acess to revan exspansion, I know I need to get the Mission "Prelude to Shadow of Revan" in order to access solo mode. I Have read that I get this Mission from a terminal on my ship.

    But it does not appear on my ship and I have not completed the forged alliances.

    I stopped playing when I finished the rise of the hut cartel.



    any help would be great,

  2. Personally I would love to see a speed/movement ability for jugg, be it force speed or something new(Force leap/intercede can't really compare to FS and Roll), as marauders have predation, (and other speed increasing abilities linked with ataru form) operatives/snipers have roll, Inquisitors have force speed (I guess BH would need something too)

    ATM tanking wise, It's less of a preference and more of what's best, sinns have some much more ablilites then jugg and PT (and no bioware, don't think of nurfing sinns for pve instead of increasing the other two :D)

    Also maybe making mauraders have a tanking roll (nuff the dps obviously) as a tank being able to use BT and predation would be amazing. or just give those 2 abilities to Jugg (maybe tank tree only)


    I doubt bioware will come across this but one would hope :D


    What do you guys think?

    any ideas?

  3. When it comes to Vader and sidious (book wise) I tend to ignore it as the writers had to make their powers over the top to match luke. it got absurd and is some of the worst aspects about star wars in my opinion.

    The palpatine clones.... made me cringe, I will admit cadus had some nice character changes but was still over the top. The issue is that Vader, Luke and palps are old characters, very old, regardless of the books, their man characters are in the films.

    Unlike revan, bane, exarr kunn, tulak hord and so on.

    this charecters are more powerful then the old as they are new and thus have more depth. also Darth Vader was ruined by Lucas and Hayden Christensen, Vader was arguably the coolest character in film. same with yoda, Did everyone not cringe when the somewhat lovable mental pupet of empire strikes back and return of the jedi first got his lightsaber out? then they turned hi into a 900 year old who does nothing but point out the obvious. (great job).


    Luke, vader, palpatine , yoda were the original so they characters would be surpassed by more deeper characters.

    So yoda, bane, kunn (even more recent plagius whom was cool, much better then palpatine as he was not one dimensional.

    And if anyone says 'lucas said so' then what's the point in having a opinion. if all these cool and deep characters are made to which people in some form or way can relate to are made if people are going to just stick blindly to the destroyed Original cast. sorry for going on but this is a topic that you can easily type forever.

    Also one more thing, their is a fine line between overpowered which makes the character a joke and not, case in question, revan and Luke/main force unleashed guy... umm star killer I think. just check wookipidia, revan fought the emporer and was never going to win one on one. he is more believable then lukes vs the immortal god.. Abeloth I think, anyways, sorry for going on, same for obi-wan, great character as he was believable he wasn't over powered, just a good fighter and strategist.

  4. LMAO, Bane would crush them both :D

    He would fry vader with lightning or best him with saber combat.

    And same to malgus.

    Bane could also use other force abilities that the other two couldn't.

    Malgus was good.

    Vader is so overrated.

    Vader wasn't bad by any means (bar the movie 1-3 version of him) but he can't compare with bane,

  5. I think it would be a great idea and an addition if we could still talk to our guildes even if we are on the republic as if your guild is on empire, you feel isolated on the republic side, I do think a cross faction guild chat would help solve this, also they can know that you are online so a opps etc can be formed.


    I can't imagine it would take bioware long to implement this either.


    I'm certain i'm not the only one who would want this.

  6. Couldn't you say it like this, were the jedi of old, be it old republic or older, would be stronger in the seance of they could beat the PT jedi as warriors but the PT jedi have them on the knowledge of the force?

    So say sateale would beat yoda in a straight up fight but yoda would be more knowledge (don't mean stronger but he can see into the force etc) in the force.

    Bad example but i can't think of any other masters of the order atm.

    But for sith it's a given, sith of the past beat the sith of new.

    The jedi are more complicated.

  7. The Old jedi would be stronger then the new jedi.

    If you even use the example that obi-wan and anikin got better as the clone wars went on (which they did and by quite a bit) then the jedi who were always surrounded by wars (so old republic) would be far stronger as a whole. howe can jedi whom have not had to fight any real opponents for a 1000 years be stronger then the ones who have. they can't. and meditating for 1000 years would not beat say exar kunn, revan, sion etc. even the sith have admitted this, can you imagine windu or yoda standing up to bane.. (not that I can imagine anyone for long, not to say that no one could )

  8. I think the old republic would beat the PT era for a simple reason.

    Are our solders as strong as the Romans who had to cross desserts daily in sandals, only to set up camp, take it down and go again so it would become natural as for when they went for miles and miles then into battle, it would not tier them as it would become normal. answer no, would be a joke to compare. (obviously you can include other by gone warriors) Considering there was constant war, combat etc the jedi would be far better warriors then they were in the PT, even the sith would of been better back in the old republic for that reason alone. not to say plagius or sidious, yoda or mace were in any way weak, they sure was weren't. but just not as strong as the old warriors as they had no reason to fight for like 1000 years, so they would get weaker (both sith and jedi)

  9. I think that if you allowed the community to design armor then email/upload it to the forms it would be a massive hit, similar to Team fortress 2 hats. make the rewards cartel coins or something. It would help the relationship that bio-ware would have it it's fans. as well as being fun.


    I also believe you should look to other mmos games stores for ideas on what to have, armor dyes, character surgery to change whatever they want. as well as every legacy/character perk should be available to buy with cartel coins.

    You should also make cartel coins (a small amount) be available to be acquired in game,

  10. The emperor is not dead for multiple reasons, it is stated by the last bit of story with kira, and in emails from the hand as a sw. also bioware wouldn't kill off the main bad guy straight away.

    he was the voice, so a portaion of his true power and they kept making him weaker and weaker by the time your jedi gets to him (I mean making the voice weaker by too much power in the ritual and just having being killed by sw).

    in terms of exile being killed off like that, I do also agree it was annoying as I would of liked to see her in action a bit more as she had a whole game on her, as for revans power being par with our characters, I think we are far from him power wise. as he was not at the emporers level but he could stand there in his presence and not be courpted. he could fight him for a little while too (he was never going to beat him 1v1 which is how it should be as good characters are not over powered and it's the main bad guy so he should be stronger then everyone else.)

    He will come back as an opps boss but not for a long time unless they can find another vilian of such power to fill in the gap. as for scourge not knowing about the voice and so on. we can only speculate. as no story has come from bioware. He wasn't there so I just assume that is why. and maybe the version of the emporer that turned jk evil for a time was him as he was a different character model compared to the end of jk.

  11. The whole cannon thng or lucas thing is pointless,

    If they say revan is a great warrior/use both sides of the force or whatever, why can it not just be accepted?

    besides he is by no means a god or over powerful as he loses. he got his *** kicked by the emperor (a good character losses btw unlike oh maybe a certain skywalker) :>

    Point is I think using cannon or lucas words are limiting the fun.

    luke vs revan or tor emperor vs sidious, Bane vs vador should be fun to talk about, but is pointless if you use those responses.

    .. I have a feeling someone is going to respond with lucas made the series or whatever, he made the movies,

    sidious is a old character, he has the death star.. that's it.

    tor emperor consumed a planet.

    If people can accept/use the books that make sidious and luke into gods as it had to be written as the universe was expanding and more deep and powerful characters where being created, they had to OTT their powers to keep with what lucs said which has intern only limited the series.

    so if you want to include skywalker books etc then revans powers, banes, kunns, all the books no matter what cannon should be vaild.

    sorry, I have gone off topic and began a long boring rant.

    so yeah, all his their own talents,

  12. I think the film had alot of issues but the main thing is that he ruined the character of Vader..

    I used to love Vader when I was a kid, how could anyone not think he was epic at the age of 7+.

    but then we got Hayden Christensen.... 'from my point of view the jedi are evil'. made me lol so much.

    All his scenes and acting were horrible (which could be the directors fault) his only good scene in the whole 2 films was the end choreography with obi wan (and that was average at best but the best of of the bunch)

    So ye, ruined one of the coolest characters ever.. and no matter how many times Ia see the The 4-6 or read the books, he will always fail as Hayden Christensen and what the films did to him.

    tragic :< RIP Vadar. 'from my point of view the jedi are evil'

  13. I was just wondering if those who don't like the looks of their class gear (Colum/Rakata for jug) buy another class gear (example operative) and put the respective mods into them?


    I've just started playing my jug again and have more or less all my BM gear. and AI have started doing HM Flash points. but I really don't like the jug Columi /Rakata gear. so I was curious (and I was thinking of getting the Columi operative medic chest piece).


    So what does anyone else have?


    show and tell so to speak?

  14. I was glad to know revan was mentioned in this.. but I was hoping it would be a holocron (like in bane)

    and his story ended before this.. like he was killed by the emperor after he was betrayed etc instead of put in jail for 300 years. or maybe he went of to learn new parts of the force (after kotor) then leaving a holocron before going to emperor. as where did he learn fold space or whatever it's called... bioware can say he learned it while being in emperors mind for 300 years. (guy is a scholar and 1300 years old) so what can they do with him now?

    was a terrible mistake to have his as a boss. it was always going to backfire, regardless if you are a fan or not.. I just hope they can salvage something from his story and put a good ending to him. also.... he should be the hardest boss in the game if they had a fight in mind.. obviously wanted him to be seen early on in the game so everyone could have a go and cash in so to speak. ... sigh

  15. just a thought, if you forget revan for a sec, I do wonder why people compare lucas charecters to old republic so much.

    I mean old republic characters for me are more fleshed out as they have the advantage of being written with their back story with them.

    while say obi-wan, luke etc are all trying to be extended using bits from old republic writing and some new ideas, which dosn't look right.

    I do think they should of just been left in the movies as they were all decent in it, and then the age old point, no matter how powerful they are in books... the movies certainly show you otherwise. I know they couldn't do so much due to the time etc, not that I am commenting on that. but just seems pointless. the whole luke being made god or just really powerful in the books... he is just a new jedi master whom beat a weakened vadar. palpatine was weak for some oh powerful sith lord/emperor (dying in the way he did, going by the movies) example, after the movie darth vadar was given malgas journel on how to use anger to survive..... there are more better examples but I am sure you guys know them. it's just bad writing as it feels to forced.

    either way they should leave lucas characters to the 6 moves and that should be that.

    and as for whom he says are the most powerful.. he only meant to him, and all he counts are the movies.


    hell so if I said vitate was more powerful then palpatine, you couldn't use what lucas said... as it has no baring. and yes he made the universe but he only counts the movies, also the unerverse has been improved by so much due to other writers etc. he may of been the spark to it all, but it's moved way above it.


    bah sorry for the ramble, I would delete it but would be like admitting to wasting my time. (sorry for the spelling)

  16. Hardest for me is Marauder/Sentinel.

    Easiest would be Sorcerer and pyrotech. (personal Favourite is Juggernaut, as you can mix and match your attack on the fly)

  17. Hey guys, I have been playing for awhile and never really decided to get into augmention but now as you don't need to craft I thought I may aswell, so can anyone explain to me what it is, I know it's like adding a normal mod.. more or less, I think, but anymore of a better explanation before I do it would be great
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