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Posts posted by Harlott

  1. Some do not like like arenas at all, i am not one of these people but still i must agree with their view that they should not be forced to compete in these pvp scenario if this is not what they prefer. a rehaul of the pvp selection should be done. many people do not prefer certain scenarios of pvp at this jundture. i understand that it is not economically wise for bioware to completely dismantle certain scenarios. but the community as a whole deserves a 'good will' chance at entering a scenario which they prefer when doing a 'random pvp'. perhaps starting a petition to have a pvp queue list as like the pve list already exists. woiuld this be an answer. i dunnoi just came back to play after 2 years absence and dont know if this has already been brought up. it just appears as something of an obvious problem to a returning player that i thought could be brought up.
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