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Posts posted by bahan

  1. during the EV run after killing first boss ppl rolled on items, i rolled need on a cyber schematic and won as im cybercrafter and rolled need on biometric crystal alloy wich i lost and like other players rolled greed on other 2 garbage gears and by pure luck was 98 and 97 and told me i have to go, i said where?

    sorry but we dont need ninja, i was stunned by this, what ninja mate ? u needed on everything, i said scroll up and look again and he initiated kick vote, ofc with no luck coz there was still dome brained players, i said il leave but first come to trade and il give u all and il leave, ofc he didnt, sold the 2 craps gears to vendor and sent to noob all 25k obtained from vendor and he turned back, so Bioware is for your good when som1 start a unfair kick and fail , kicker shall be automatically kicked, im quit game got very disgusted by that, cant breath same air with ppl who dont understand difference between need and greed

  2. more than 75% people just standing up to respawn zone and dont dare to go down, they just standing up prevent others to farm them when they see it is an premade, and is not their fault, people like to be independent like i am , no guild, no obligation, not orars and calendars, the rivals not even need to guard the objectives, they coming to our respawn place and farming us, is like they go lvl 50 full rakata players in level 20 flashpoints, easy and fast matches and players farm,i believe a pug vs pug and premade vs premade option of queue should be ok for everything and right for everyone
  3. there are 2-3 guilds that keeps WG busy with premade groups and the rest of us waiting at least 1-2 hours to catch a match and when we manage to enter we enter with green items guys runing like headless flies with no clue what they must do inside versus war hero and BM geared players in premade, we always loose, premade option must be stoped until servers are heavy, got pissed fast.
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