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Posts posted by garbanian

  1. I'll see what I can find.

    I'll ask a few people I know, but I can't say that they will respond or not.

    I'm not too great with laptop specs, or I'd help more myself.




    Garb (Bettycrocker)

  2. Try any PVE server that is closest to your area.


    EAST and WEST coast (Or EU if you're in Europe)


    Also, you can check your ping by hovering your mouse over the cell bar signal near your minimap in game (after you are in game with a character) to check your PING/latency.



    Garb (Bettycrocker)

  3. As an add on to this topic, I made one character and set up his UI and keys the way I like them. Now when I made another character I had to redo them all over again. Is there a way to export/Import my keysettings and UI set up to save a lot of time? You can do this in other games so am I just not seeing how?


    Thanks for any help :)


    At this time, I do believe there is no way to do that. I haven't had to look around for that though, so there may be.


    I'm about 90% sure there isn't.



    Garb (Bettycrocker)

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