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Posts posted by Taranthule

  1. Ok i got her affection to around 8000 and still havent had a quest or dialogue on the ship with her since she first came on board. When do options to speak with her open up i would have thought with 8000 affection i would have had some by now. Just curious if this is a bug or if i did something wrong.


    Lol, you get a first dialogue the moment she is on your ship for the first time. By the time you have her on 8000 affection you should've had about 20 conversations easily....Depending on your choices you can even be a couple by now.

    So yeah, my bet is you might have a bug.

    Have you tried talking to her in a cantina instead of on your ship (just an idea that might work).


    Another thing might be your level. Dialogue options are also affected by your progression in your own storyline + your level. If you are still only lvl 20 and have just raised her affection with presents you will have to wait for some dialogues to unlock untill you reach chapter 2/3.

  2. Let me sum this up with a big good old cliché: L 2 P


    You can thank me later brah.


    edit: @ Reggie: damn you beat me to it :'( A guy posting stuff like: 'thnx for (insert random QQ) Bioware' is a troll on his own, thus deserves a good old fashioned troll response.

  3. See now, this is exactly the kind of **** that creates even more elitism in a community. Check Wow for reference. I hope they never allow this kind of bullcrap in the game.


    For example: In Lotro there are no add-ons, tanks have learn how to hold aggro, dps classes need to learn when they are about to pull aggro and how to balance max dps with threat, etc...


    Agro and dps meters are unnecessary and only destroy the fun in an MMO. Are you THAT insecure about yourself that you feel you need something to tell you you are playing the right way in a game? L O L


    edit: thank you to the 2 guys above me for proving my point.

  4. This is kinda true. It might have motivated people to order earlier or at least give notice that this was going to happen. Complaints are warranted about this: they've had years of development on this and there is just no reason why they can't handle an infrastructure like this now. We are "only" talking about maybe a million. That other game has 10x as much.


    That 'other' game had one of the crappiest launches ever, not taking into consideration Age of Conan. They didnt have near as much players at the start as this mmo has, and yet they had massive problems, so your comparison is a very bad one indeed.

  5. Ever since I started playing League of Legends about a year ago I've become only too familiar with the kind of kids (or grown ups with a sub-par maturity) that are raging on these forums atm.

    Its really sad to see this as for me it already ruins part of the gaming experience, even when I dont have access to the game yet.

    I really hope my server will have a more mature community, or atleast I hope that I will not see to many rage QQ'ers on my gaming time.

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