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Posts posted by Shroudsy

  1. Ever thought of comment the topic and not me?


    It is part of the class and part of my gear wich make me feel squishy, not me as player.


    only leveled my shadow to 50 last night so i have no good gear and was using level 40 pvp gear in matches and i held my own against others who are better geared (using balance spec) any down falls you think/know about i have not come across...well may have but dont let me slow me down.


    and back to your 1st point my comment was about the topic you asked a question/put a statement i answered it.

  2. Are you serious ?


    What you say is non-sense. Then you dare to tell the OP to learn how to use a skill at advantage ?

    The fact project is delayed by 1GCD and stack with your next attack doesn't mean it's good, after those 2 GCDs it ends up the same damage.


    There is only one thing that matters:


    Imperial Assassin: Shock = Damage instantly.

    Republic Shadow: Project = Damage after 1.5s.


    Those are suppose to be mirrors. They are obviously not.




    use force breach in that gap you wont even notice it and you will see tons of damage all at once

  3. hi all


    ok so ive been doing my storyline quests and im at lvl41 and currently on belsavis (chapter 3) and ive come across a boss i cant kill cause of its aoe that cant be interupted its a lvl42 gold boss, its name is T7-something or other lol (sorry at work and cant remember the name).


    does anybody have any advice on how to kill it? (assuming you know what im talking about :p) i have tried moving out the way and i will survive but tharan doesnt move fast enough and always dies.


    any help will be helpful.

  4. Given the cost vs. damage output, I personally don't like shadow strike unless the find weakness proc is up. Just my opinion.


    i understand, it annoys me cause i can stand behind them and it will sometimes lag/bug out saying basically i cant do it but its average output for me its 1.7k-2k and crits for 3.5k so massive output

  5. from stealth:


    shadow strike (from top of my head if thats what its called)


    shadow strike

    double strike


    dead. or near enough.


    but it changes alot as i like to try different things depending on who i am against. or what i am fighting.

  6. only between 10-15 did i have major problem against higher levels, but now its not so bad im level 24 and i can take on 50's.


    if you want brackets do 10-25 and then 25-50 should be fine then

  7. Yup, disagreement = trolling. Hard to argue with that logic. If I was actually trolling, I would've said, "Dec2011; DR."


    Here's an example since you clearly don't understand what's happening: You walk into McDonald's. You get in line. You order the same thing the guy in front of you orders. He gets his food first.




    lolol i like that

  8. doesnt really matter when you get in as long as you do at the end of the day, i can understand that your excited to get into the game and play but some people pre ordered the 1st and 2nd day so to be fair they deserve to get in 1st.


    some people might be level 50 when you get in game but i know alot of people who wont be as they dont want to rush it. so just chill and look forward to it :)

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