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Posts posted by Kirazan

  1. Kinda answered your own question. :(

    It sucks, but what are we gonna do at this point? Short of unsubscribing. I'm pretty sure they are banking on that we won't. So bend over and enjoy. :mad:


    no thanks, I'm tired of the "bend over and smile" attitude of EAware. I unsubbed last night. I've been playing since beta and this is the last straw for me. Customer service sucks for this game. In fact it is almost non existent.


    no matter what ticket you put in, it is either just openly closed or you get the generic reply and never a solution. Oh well, it could have been such a fantastic game. But it has fallen short since the beginning. Things have only gone down hill from there.


    Now they have a "main" storyline that is a solo play. That's so much fun for an MMO! (sarcasm off)

  2. to be fair its not biowares fault people can't find an email thats in a junk folder half the people saying they've been screwed haven't looked hard enough for it all you have to do is type "star wars" into the search and itll pop up no matter what folder its in and the other half of the people complaining actually think they can scam swtor for free cartel coins knowing good and well they didn't meet requirements. Either way its never gonna happen again because people always have to complain about it. There is really nothing else they can do they sent the emails out twice. It's not their fault people don't know how to use their emails.


    seriously?! That must be some really good stuff you're smokin'.

    you cant honestly think you are that much smarter than the majority of the people in this forum.....or perhaps you are so enchanted by Bioware/EA that you cant see all the things that are going on?


    Do you honestly think that people want to "scam" 1050 CC? well, if you do...you are truly delusional my friend.

    Ahhh...to be as enchanted as you are. What exactly is the color of the sky on the planet you live on? Here on Earth, in the real world, the rest of us see a blue sky.

    Let me give you a clue....brown nosing EAware wont get you any points. SO (flips Nakoda a quarter) go call someone who cares to hear your very biased opinion. No one here cares.


    Happy you got your gift, but the rest of us didn't. We aren't mentally challenged or liars. We aren't con artists trying to get something we didn't qualify for. EAware has a long list of FUBAR crap that has happened that the customer wasn't responsible for but they have never taken responsibility for. This is just the latest addition to that list.

  3. And I am very sure that 99.99% of the emails missing to this day are not because Bioware didn't properly send them.


    After working in IT for years, and also doing some customer support, I can pretty much say that most of the stuff customers "didn't receive", "never signed", and even say "wasn't working" is due to failure on the customers end. That means you should check with your Email-provider and ask whether the e-mail was received on their end or not.


    I doubt that - if you qualify - the system would falsely give out a "send successfull" message two times in a row.


    That might sound harsh, patronizing, for some people who are still experiencing the issues, but Bioware already double-checked. I doubt they are giving anyone the finger "willingly", seeing that they have probably new stuff to work on. It's been over a month, and that's enough of a timeframe to rule out an error on their end.


    ya know, I don't usually say much on the forums, but a comment like this just burns my buns!

    You obviously got the offered gift, so of course it is easy for you to see it from the other side. But basically what you AND EAware are saying is that the rest of us are somehow mentally challenged or liars. Can you give me one single LOGICAL reason why this many people would take the time to post all these comments IF they had gotten the mail and deleted it or in any way gotten rid of it? I mean ...REALLY!?


    It's not like it was a grand prize of a million US dollars. It's not the dream home of the century! It's 1050 CC coins for goodness sake! It's not the monetary value of the thing. It's the fact that time and again the same type of FUBAR crap keeps happening. Not ONE single time has EAware stood up and said "we messed up, we are sorry. We cant fix it". NO! Instead it is always the "customer side error" as you put it. Well, this customer has had enough errors of any kind. I have been loyal since beta. But gotten no loyalty in return.


    Trolls like you who got their gift should just sit back and keep on smiling and pray that next time there is a "customer error" you aren't on the receiving end of it, my friend.

  4. no mail for me too, just call and they send me this link, hope it will work :)


    nothing is going to work. Those of us who did not get the email are never going to get the email. It's time to give it up, realize that EAware doesn't care. They think we will keep right on subbing no matter what. Well, I think you are wrong EAware...I know an entire guild that is looking to move on to greener fields where customer service actually knows the meaning of service.


    hold on...before you blast this and say "bye" and "don't let the door hit ya..." This isn't about the petty coins. I could care less about the cartel coins. It's about everything that has piled up since I started playing this in the beta stage. It is obvious that no one cares about any of the customers that have put up 116 pages of pleas to get a GIFT from EAware. That alone should show the powers that be, that people want to hang on to a hope and continue playing...


    But alas....there is no one listening. The blind eye has been turned. They don't know how to get you wonderful folks your coins. They don't even have a clue why you haven't gotten them. BUT, they are willing to put you in the vicious circle of "call customer service...no put in a ticket...no call customer service..." Knowing full well that there is no solution.


    They don't have the courage to say "I messed up, I'm sorry, but you aren't going to get the CC gift we offered. We don't know how to fix this." Never mind the fact that they can do a VERY little bit of work and just award the gift in game to those they know did not use a code, but were eligible to receive one.


    Good luck to those of you who want to keep hanging on to hope....but my fine line of hope has been severed.

  5. you would think after 105 pages of comments from people who have not received the email there would be some sort of official comment on this. But I have seen nothing in days and days!


    The second wave of emails obviously did not reach everyone who should have gotten them. Will someone who has something official to add PLEASE let us know something or just tell us we are out of luck? Anything at this point would be an improvement over feeling like we are being ignored.


    I have Been a subscriber since the beginning with no lapse in my membership. I think I at least deserved some sort of reply. Even if it is "you're out of luck so stop posting".

  6. In their defense, the second mailing was done via an alternative method.


    The first mailing was sent from an IP address previously used a long while back for multiple spam runs. This was probably done via a mail service that sent them out of Amazon EC2 space.


    The second one was sent from an IP address associated with EA and appears to have been done with their regular mail service.


    But no, I haven't gotten mine either.


    I have never gotten the email. It wasn't in my spam folder (no Swtor mail ever has gone to spam) and it isn't in the trash folder so it was never deleted (hard to delete something I did not get). Mean while, some of my Guild mates have gotten the email TWICE!


    I put in a ticket, which told me to call CS...who told me to put in a ticket because they couldn't help me.

    Can we please stop the vicious circle?! I don't even care about the CC at this point. It's a matter of principle. Why aren't some of us getting it? I just don't get it...

  7. They had to reduce it due to bads dying because their companions aren't OP anymore.



    I do NOT understand comments like this. WHY OH WHY do you give even a thought to how someone else is playing their character solo?!! If they are not exploiting, then leave them be and keep your "elitist" comments to your own space at home. You have a right to your opinion but in my humble opinion you don't have a right to complain loud enough to effect how they spend their subscription money. Play your game YOUR way and let everyone else play the way they enjoy it.


    If they are in my raid group, then I have a right to worry about their playing ability, otherwise, it's none of my business how they play. Also, who gets to decide who the "bads" are? Who gets to decide who the "goods" are? Is there a scale somewhere that the rest of us should be using to gauge everyone by?


    Live and let live I say! As long as someone else isn't breaking the EULA by exploiting and doing something they benefit from "illegally", I say more power to them. So maybe you should just worry more about yourself and not try to police the rest of the game world.


    **hops off soapbox** Happy Gaming

  8. We are a Republic guild that loves to laugh and have fun while accomplishing our goals in game.

    We consider ourselves a casual raiding guild, raiding 4 times each week from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM Eastern time.


    We are currently seeking more members for our HM progression raiding group. We are happy to teach newer players with potential who are willing to learn; however we do have set requirements for HM raids. We require TeamSpeak and StarParse for raids.


    If you like having laid back fun, but raiding isn't your thing, that's fine too. We are a diverse group of people in The Enclave Legacy, to us it's more about the fun.


    To find out more about our raid schedule and other aspects of the guild please contact Kateara, Fezzie, Avensur or Matias in game. You may also visit our website and fill out an application. We will contact you ASAP.


    If fun is what you seek and raiding in a relaxed atmosphere appeals to you....we may just be the guild for you!

    Come check us out! (website link in signature below)

  9. No, I am really not bothered by the fact that chars in game look different. I find it to be one of the better qualities of TOR.



    They been giving us wearable gear for a while now. Just look at the GTN.


    I guess you like having unexplained things sticking up on the shoulders of almost ALL the gear even the stuff from the Cartel Market.


    There are certain steps that must be taken for something to be considered a fact. A bunch of people complaining on the forums is not amongst them. And even, if we consider it a fact, one can easily complain about a fact... the two aren't mutually exclusive.

    I'm pretty certain that the op is stating his dissatisfaction with the armour sets, which means he is complaining.


    I dont know...I call it exercising his right as a consumer to state his opinion on the quality of a product.


    Why would I be anything but complacent? Something that a player can easily "fix" on his/her/its own is a non-issue. Pretty certain not many people would take you seriously, if you said: "this is a serious issue, that you must fix, even though I can do it on my own, I just can't be bothered."

    It was an issue when set bonuses were tied to the armour and not the armouring and players were forced into a certain look, if they did not want to nerf themselves in pve/pvp.


    I dont think ANYone here called it game breaking! We merely are stating a fact that the gear (for the most part) in game is just down right UGLY!


    Lastly, I think that the set gear achives the goal of indicating that you are a consular, that has done ops quite clearly, something that couldn't be managed with more plain looking gear.


    If I have to wear the gear sets to show that I am a consular that has clearly done the ops necessary to achieve it, then no one will ever know what class I play. Because I still state that the stuff is just plain ugly. We either have a HUGE door knocker in the middle of our chests OR we look like we are a member of a Sand people clan! (which is what the highest tier of gear looks like to me)

    Oh and dont even get me started on the headgear in game! The highest tier of gear for consular looks like the ancient Roman guard has come to visit!


    So, I cant wear with pride the high tier of gear to show that I have accomplished successful operations...it's just to freakin ugly!

  10. There is this thing called the GTN... I hear you can find all sorts of things on it.


    I really fail to see the point of all this complaining, this game in no way forces you to wear the set items.


    so it REALLY doesnt bother you that you "work" hard to achieve items by doing operations only to find out that they are so hideous looking that you have to go spend additional credits (or real life money for cartel coins) and more credits still removing the item modifications and putting them in the clothing you just had to purchase?


    Instead of slapping us in the face with horrible art for our subscription money, why not simply listen to the community that is supporting the game and give us art that is at least wearable?!


    I honestly cant believe that you are so complacent about it. We arent complaining...we are stating facts about existing gear in the game! As a paying subscriber I think I have the right to express my opinion on the product I pay for :)

  11. I have to agree, though I don't know if PvP gear is any better. I get a giggle out of seeing Scourge with the big automotive racing foils on his shoulders ever since I put him in Campaign gear. I have the image of Ep. IV Obiwan with Rakata Sage gear photoshoped onto him burned into my retinas. Oh look, a jedi dressed for a Brazilian parade float! Now with Makeb out we can look forwrd to...more ugly gear. My little boy was looking (Crtl+right) at the new Commando gear for his Trooper during early access week. His comment: "Papa, why is my Trooper wearing bib-overalls now? ... and why does he have Mama's big purse on his chest?" From the mouths of babes! :D


    From the mouth of babes indeed!

    Children are pretty easy going when it comes to appearances of video games, they are usually more interested in the interaction. SO, when it's obvious to a child there is something "wrong with this picture"...well...enough said!


    Maybe they should have a contest and let some of the talented community artists come up with gear that everyone would actually enjoy. Do their art 'designers' actually play the game? My guess would be no, otherwise they wouldnt want this hideous stuff on their own characters. Either that or they are designing with braille! ;)

  12. I have yet to see ANY of the set armor in this game that isn't just plain AWFUL!


    The black hole gear looks like you have a toilet seat cover on the bottom of the chest piece!


    The new consular gear (2.0) looks like I have a big door knocker on the center of the chest!?!


    Bioware/EA needs to fire the art designer for the gear and find someone with an imagination. There are so many possibilities for awesome gear in the Star wars universe! Hire someone who actually has an imagination and knows something about the lore and history of Star Wars!


    We actually CARE about the appearance of our characters! Give us something we will enjoy wearing! we dont like the added expense of ripping out mods or the time lost searching around for a look we can live with!

  13. The Enclave was founded many years ago in Star Wars Galaxies. It began with a group of like minded friends and has grown over the years through many MMOs. We came together again to play Swtor and our family of friends grew. However when we were moved to The Shadowlands, our guild name had to be altered. We are now known as The Enclave Legacy, because we are the legacy of the original group that began 10+ years ago.


    We are a relaxed, laid back group of adventure seekers! We enjoy both PVE and PVP. We are an adult guild that enjoys helping members to get all the fun they can from whatever aspect of the game they enjoy!


    We do weekly operations and have several members that do daily pvp. We do daily hard modes and daily quests for commendations and credits. We are currently progressing thru HM EC.


    If you looking for a Republic guild, love to laugh and have a good time while achieveing your goals in Swtor, we may just be the guild for you!

    Contact Kateara, Holden, Akaisha or Elean'or in game if you have any questions. You can also visit our website at

    The Enclave and submit an application.

  14. I'm overcome with excitement.. :confused:

    Overcome with disappointment would be more like it...

    Here for part of beta and then pre-launch...

    Here through forced server moves, countless bugs (most of which still exist) daily crashes (no solution given for this issue)...i could go on, but why bother...

    When I logged in and saw the fireworks announcement all I could do was sigh and say "REALLY?!"

    Don't get me wrong, I love this game or I wouldn't still be here. But this so called reward felt more like an insult to me. The faithful that have been here since pre-launch and before....surely we are worth more than fireworks that are going to cause crashes and horrific lag.


    Give us speeders, titles, color crystals....but fireworks?!!?!! REALLY!???

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